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  1. #1
    Senior Member Touring Pro (Japanese Tour)
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    Default Next years champs

    May be next year if we get enough players the 1st round can be a shot gun start that way we all finish the 1st round at the same time and finish lunch at the same time it is not a big headache waiting for groups to come in to do the seeding shuffle.
    That is my 2cents worth
    Home Club Coral Cove GC
    Taylormade man all the way

  2. #2
    Senior Member Touring Pro (PGA)
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    Bradenton Beach FL ......I wish.


    Sounds like a good idea to me Dave.
    Its not like we have to walk to far away tees since we have carts....works for me.

  3. #3
    Legend of OZgolf Touring Pro (European Tour)
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    Great idea Dave...problem is we never have the course to ourselves...maybe if we hold it in Toowoomba next year as suggested by G69 that could be arranged Goughy would have no excuses not too play this time!!
    RIP 1974-2006

  4. #4
    Senior Member Golf Hall of Fame Inductee
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    sounds like  a plan, all we need to do now is get a course to ourselves  

    maybe Shavey can come thru with a great deal for us somewhere else on the gold coast  
    Originally Posted by sms316
    Without rules there is anarchy.

  5. #5
    Site Owner Golf Hall of Fame Inductee
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    Or we could skip the whole seeded draw idea.

  6. #6


    The difficulty with a shotgun will always trying to get a course to ourselves. If we could guarantee a full course that might give us some leaverage, but even with 60 people that's still short of 4 people per hole. But it's an idea we could look into.

    Not that I've been to one yet and experienced it, but maybe loosing the seeded draw and andy suggested. It might be possible to keep the most likely combatants in the later groups in the first round.

    Rather than trying to cram 36 holes into one day, what about spliting it into a saturday arvo/sunday morning 36. From what I've read the social aspect the weekend is almost more a highlight than the golf, and that would give plenty of time for that. As well as easing the travell times. And you could easily keep the seeded draw then for both rounds if you wished.

    Just some thoughts from the guy who waited a whole year to go to the champs only to pull out with a few weeks to go Like I know what I'm talking about

  7. #7
    Senior Member Touring Pro (European Tour)
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    2 hrs west of somewhere!!!


    The only problem with the Sat/Sun,is that it takes a few out of the picture that can only make it fior the one day.

    If we had used this this year Gaz would not have been our Champ.


    "Your Mamma wouldn't fit in the can Bro"

  8. #8


    Had another thought which goes with shavey's idea of contacting a resort or something. Firstly, if this was arranged could there be the possiblilty of paying for your share earlier in the year. This time of the year is always one of the most financially tight for me, and getting rid of the cost of it earlier would be an advantage. It would also more likely lock me in for it.

    Secondly, if we went for this option my family would probably like to come. There'd be plenty for them to do while we're on the courses and for the saturday dinner we could arrange some bulk babysitting (if other partners/kids come) through the resort and clickchic could come out to the dinner too, which she'd love to do. Would be great if other family's came down too. Would make for one hell of a great weekend. I think this could work well with the saturday arvo 18/sunday morning 18 idea.

    And this one is just for personal selfishness . Would there be any interest in moving the champs forward in the year. Dosen't have to be much. But this is one heck of a busy time of the year for me and it's pretty hard to find a spare day or 2 at the moment. I did say it was selfish.

  9. #9
    Site Owner Golf Hall of Fame Inductee
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    Quote Originally Posted by terryand
    The only problem with the Sat/Sun,is that it takes a few out of the picture that can only make it fior the one day.

    If we had used this this year Gaz would not have been our Champ.
    Next year, anyone who doesn't get on the turps the night before, is handicapped an extra 5 strokes per round.

    I think one thing we want to avoid next year with our timing is copping renovated greens for our Champs. All of us played in the same conditions, so there were no advantages, but it was still annoying.

    I would still vote for the 36 holes in a day for next year. Can't expect everyone to stay overnight, due to family/business commitments.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by AndyP
    Quote Originally Posted by terryand
    The only problem with the Sat/Sun,is that it takes a few out of the picture that can only make it fior the one day.

    If we had used this this year Gaz would not have been our Champ.

    I would still vote for the 36 holes in a day for next year.  Can't expect everyone to stay overnight, due to family/business commitments.
    Good point. I was just brainstorming (or brain farting, don't know)

  11. #11
    Senior Member Golf Hall of Fame Inductee
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    Gold Coast


    Coolangatta Tweed had a shotgun start comp for their members on the day of the champs, and they do so quite often, pretty sure they did last year as well.

    If there is one thing that a golf club loves is two shotguns in one day - no gaps to allow for.
    Criticism doesn't bother me, as it means I am doing something and people are watching.


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