Today at 2.30pm Leon Treadwell passed away. His wife Leah sent me a message late this afternoon. His family was with him.

I've not known what to say. So it may come across a bit disjointed. Leon was one of my best friends. We talked often over the last 4 odd years and while we haven't seen enough of eachother over that last 18months, we talked often. He was a caring person who always was more concerned about my problems rather than those facing him and his family. He also had strong beliefs and stood behind them. He was a great support when Robyn and I were going through some horrible times, never intruding, but always helping in whatever way he could.

He started ozgolf with me and was instrumental in organising one of the first of our open invite games in Toowoomba years ago when we were a part of ISG. Look what has become from that.

A little over 18 months ago Leon was struck down with appendicitis. It turned out to be cancerous and was removed along with about 1/3 of his bowel. He has been fighting this with chemotherapy for most of the time since then. But Monday week ago he was admitted into hospital after a particularily bad weekend.

On Friday morning he was transferred to the Toowoomba Hospice. It was a much better place for him. Quieter, more private. His family could spend more quality time there with him and his daughters could even stay there over night.

But today his fight ended with his family holding his hands. I was able to speak to his mother earlier this evening. Leah herself has been unwell and it is good that she has a strong family and friend network.

Leon is survived by his lovely wife Leah and 2 daughters, Brooke and Emily.

I have been trying to think for hours what to say but really couldn't get a straight thought in my mind. My beautiful wife Robyn just voiced pretty much what is running through my head.
'The only thing that makes sense is that there is no sense in it'.

Goodbye my friend. You touched many of us and you will be missed.