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  1. #1
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    Question Dave Pelz 'Putting Bible' vs Stan Utley 'The Art of Putting'

    Hi everyone,

    In an attempt to try and improve my short game (in particular - putting) I have decided to purchase some instructional books that I can follow along with. I have narrowed it down to two books: Dave Pelz 'Putting Bible' and Stan Utley 'The Art of Putting'.

    Pelz and Utley approach putting in differing manners. Pelz teaches a 'straight back and straight through' technique, where as Utley teaches an 'arc' technique. The question becomes, which one is more effective and best practiced? Obviously, they cannot be used in conjunction with each other.

    From my own experience, I have found that the 'straight back and straight through' approach has been more successful (especially on shorter putts). However, my lack of success with the 'arc' approach could be due to incorrect setup and/or execution, and there is no denying that the 'arc' approach definitely feels more natural than the 'straight back and straight through' approach.

    It is my understanding that Stan Utley 'The Art of Putting' is a new release, so I am assuming no-one has read this as of yet. However, Dave Pelz 'Putting Bible' has been out for quite a while.

    What did everyone think of Dave Pelz 'Putting Bible', and did it improve your putting?

    I look forward to your responses.

  2. #2


    What type of putter do you use. There's the belief that blade style putters suit an arc swing. MOI and face balanced putters (many mallets etc) suit a straight back and through swing. Maybe that will help you answer your question.

    In the past I've tried to be straight back and through, but usually had to work at it. Now I care less. I read the utley stuff in a golf digest yesterday and it seems pretty good. But so does the pelz.

    I say buy both books and thoroughly confuse yourself!!

  3. #3
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    Never really got into reading for putting, I just had a lesson about this time last year. My fault was that I was not holding my head directly over the ball, if I make sure of that my puttimg is great. I putt with an arc type swing with a mallet style Oddessy #7 putter.

    Grunt's Golflink
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Touring Pro (European Tour)
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    Quote Originally Posted by goughy
    What type of putter do you use. There's the belief that blade style putters suit an arc swing. MOI and face balanced putters (many mallets etc) suit a straight back and through swing. Maybe that will help you answer your question.
    You know, I would have throught it would be the opposite. Generally, mallet style putters are quite difficult to keep square (i.e. straight back and straight through).

    Decisions, decisions.

  5. #5
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    Neither. Instead get -

    Dr Bob Rotella - Putting out of your mind

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  6. #6
    Senior Member Touring Pro (European Tour)
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    But does that actually have any instruction or is it just for nut jobs who psyche themselves out?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ducky
    But does that actually have any instruction or is it just for nut jobs who psyche themselves out?
    It explains that you don't need a perfect stroke to get the ball in the hole. Of most great putter's, only Tiger has a typical/text book putting stroke. Most of the good putters in the game have had some strange thing they do, but because they believe it's going in and only focus on the hole, more often than not it does.

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iain
    It explains that you don't need a perfect stroke to get the ball in the hole. Of most great putter's, only Tiger has a typical/text book putting stroke. Most of the good putters in the game have had some strange thing they do, but because they believe it's going in and only focus on the hole, more often than not it does.
    Els and Goosen's strokes look pretty textbook.

  9. #9
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    Just sold my Pelz Putting Bible to Toolish so I'm waiting for a review.
    But seriously Utley is starting to get a reputation as a screwer upper of pro's putting strokes.
    I know he worked with Jay Haas and Chad Campbell and I must admit I'm not sure how these two guys have been going lately but I don't think its good, other than Campbell finishing in the placings at The Masters,but what since?
    Utleys method just seems too variable to me with his emphasis on forearm rotation and arc putting...I mean what if your ball position is out a half inch.
    I would be sticking with what you know unless you can't get the putter face square at impact........then you're in trouble.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by gazgolf1
    I would be sticking with what you know unless you can't get the putter face square at impact........then you're in trouble.
    I agree with this whole heartedly. Knowing that the putter face will be square at impact to your intended starting line is a great confidence booster. You can then concentrate on feel, touch, distance, etc.

  11. #11
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    if im having a shocker with the putter i just put it an inch or so further back in the stance...and really hang over the top of it

    not really a great thing to do...and u feel like a tool...but its helped me out a fair few times...

    putting is really all about being square...how much can a book really do...just got to be positive

  12. #12
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    Dredging I know but I'm starting to come around to Utley's way of thinking in the short game area and i've been putting on an arc for about 1 year with pretty good results.

    I've been re reading Utleys short game book pretty heavily over the last month and a lot of his ideas are starting to make sense in my head.
    The big thing I'm trying to work into my game is the use of bounce as insurance while chipping and pitching.We have all been taught to put the ball way back in the stance with the hands way forward and chop down for our chips....wrong in Utley's opinion.For one thing anytime the leading edge is lower than the bounce at impact there is a big chance that leading edge will dig in.Utley advocates having the shaft almost vertical at impact with the bounce of the wedge striking the ground at impact.
    I've been mucking around with this with alright results,I'll continue to muck.

  13. #13


    Can see where you're coming with this gaz. I've tried moving the ball a bit more forward in my stance on chips, and with less forward press and was surprised with the results. Was getting lots of check (bitched to shaz about that as I wasn't getting roll out) and they weren't flying super high which I expected with the change.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by gazgolf1 View Post
    Utley advocates having the shaft almost vertical at impact with the bounce of the wedge striking the ground at impact.
    i have been doing this for a year or two now. my mate that showed me this can make a 3/4 to full swing with a wedge and only carries about 6 ft,

    its amazing how high it flops without even flipping it
    Criticism doesn't bother me, as it means I am doing something and people are watching.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by goughy View Post
    Can see where you're coming with this gaz. I've tried moving the ball a bit more forward in my stance on chips, and with less forward press and was surprised with the results. Was getting lots of check (bitched to shaz about that as I wasn't getting roll out) and they weren't flying super high which I expected with the change.
    Yeah Dean chipping this way feels like i'm using the club as it was designed for rather than delofting it and squashing the ball out.

  16. #16
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    Have any of you bothered to run this past Jack!

  17. #17
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    I gotta say that I reckon the putter type fitting the type of swing is the thing that has made a difference to me. I have spent ages trying to do straight back straight through without every feeling natural and using large mallets. Gone to whats natural -an arc -and using a heel shafted blade and what a wonderful thing it has become. For the first time ever I actually see putting as a fun and positively challenging part of the game versus a chance to drop a shot.

  18. #18
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    Putting style just depends on your shoulders and what they do with the stroke.

    Pelz likes more bend at the waiste and for the shoulders to move up and down. Utley likes people to have less bend in the waist and for the shoulders to work more around.

    This in turn gives you the straight back and through - and the Arc style putting.

    There are a myriad of other "things" in between - but once you understand how your shoudlers work - you can buy a putter and follow a pattern that will have you thinking about holing the putt instead of standing over the ball thinking about swing mechanics.

    If your shoulders work like you are "shrugging" them - then it is all Pelz, If you putt with you Lat muscles - then it is all Utley.

    Most of the better putters are arc putters... but it really doesn't matter. The actual arc is about 2 degrees for a 10 foot putt.

    All of the above was the results of a few of the seminars from the Srixon coaching summits. The best of which was a bunch of nothern European engineers who spend more than a few years studying putting.

    After 3 hours of "stuff" - they simply said, work out how you putt and just match your movement to your style to the equipment.

    BTW - Nicklaus - straight back and through, Tiger - Arc.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iain View Post
    Neither. Instead get -

    Dr Bob Rotella - Putting out of your mind
    Have to agree with this

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrisal View Post
    Have to agree with this
    Another Rotella devote here.

    Grunt's Golflink
    TM Burner - Cobra F Speed 3W - TM Draw 3H - TM Burner 4i-AW - Vokey 54/58 Wedges - Wilson 8862 Blade

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grunt View Post
    Another Rotella devote here.
    Rotella is fine and I have also read most of his books. Game of mishits is my favourite... but this assumes that the student accepts his stroke is suitable for his game. Like most psychology books and self help - it assumes you have the stroke you are happy with, and include the steps to make that stroke your own.

    Rotella and other psych books are absolutley useless to a person who is searching for a stroke or has no confidence that the mechanics of his current stroke. The student has to know that his mechanics will get the job done.

    That being said authors like Pelz, Utley, Cook, Morris, McFadden and others... their drills they advocate are usually the same in all books and those can't hurt.

  22. #22
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    I have no qualms with my stroke, in fact I feel my putting reflects this. fFair enough some games I lose a little confidence with the speed of the the greens.If I get in the zone early I can putt low.

    Grunt's Golflink
    TM Burner - Cobra F Speed 3W - TM Draw 3H - TM Burner 4i-AW - Vokey 54/58 Wedges - Wilson 8862 Blade

  23. #23
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    Is this still in work, Gaz? Because it looked look you were struggling with it a bit yesterday.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndyP View Post
    Is this still in work, Gaz? Because it looked look you were struggling with it a bit yesterday.
    Still working on it Andy.

    I mucked around with it on the chipping green at Pelican and started to feel it but when you've been chipping the ball from way back in your stance for as long as I have a change like this will take time.Even chipping with a small pivot like Utley teaches feels weird to me...but right, if you know what I mean.
    With the ball slightly forward in your stance and the club more vertical you feel like you can do more with the ball rather than just chop down on it and shoot it out low.
    Like this.

    Last edited by gazgolf1; 9th June 2008 at 08:58 PM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grunt View Post
    If I get in the zone early I can putt low.
    Thats the point mate . . . there is no zone.

    You are either hitting it in the right direction with the right speed or you are not. if you are spending the first few holes trying to find that . . . then you are beat before you begin.

    Where Rotella, Morris and the rest of the lads come in is "How you deal with it". This can be mechanical, emotional or a mixture of both.

    You only need 3 or 4 drills to become a good putter, and every putting book has them, and the funny thing is that ALL of the good drills are not mechanical.

    Ladder drill for distance control
    Putt to a tee for accuracy
    Circle drill for green reading
    Multispeed drill to get a feel for both.

    Once you can do these to a resonable degree - THAT is when Rotella and the rest come in... taking you good putts to the course.

    And if you want to be a really good putter - play with single markers under 14 years old. Just sensational.



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