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Thread: Virge's Swing.

  1. #151
    Senior Member Touring Pro (Japanese Tour)
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    Quote Originally Posted by razaar View Post
    No worries mate. Acouple of weeks ago I was hitting balls on the practice range and our new pro was giving a lesson to a very good golfer from another club. This guy could really get it out there but he didn't have any control. He had a big hip turn on the back swing and a hip turn that didn't look right in the throughswing. To me it looked like his right moved back to the left at the start of the downswing. Anyway the pro produces a stance board which has the rear foot position fixed and the front foot position on rails that slides back to the rear foot section. Because it is off the ground it has a separate board covered in artificial grass at the same height for a ball.

    The pupil gets on the board and starts swinging. I was a very interested spectator because I could see the benefits of this device in teaching the rotational weight transference technique. The pupil quickly adapted to using his abductors to keep the feet sections from sliding but lost the rotation. The pro seemed happy with this and never once explained to him the real purpose of the stance board. That might be in the next lesson. I believe this device sells for $360. Next time I see him I will get the details if you are interested.
    Was it this?


  2. #152
    Senior Member Touring Pro (PGA)
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    Quote Originally Posted by virge666 View Post
    Razaar, I appreciate your efforts, I really do. But you seem to be missing the point. I don't need it defined, i don't need it explained technically, physically, mentally or bio-physically.

    I want it in a manner that I can take to a 15 marker and explain it to him/her.

    I want to take it to a person who has no understanding of trunk rotation, upper body torque, sliding or anything technical at all.

    This is for a person who plays golf with social group on Friday, watches Tiger and Adam Scott on TV and reckons he knows a bit about golf because he turns his shoulders to 90 degrees and has a straight left arm.

    I don't want regurgitated facts out of a book nor a breakdown of percentages of what each foot does. Just a simple method . . . to teach a mid marker or a clinic or a corporate day about weight shift.

    I did like what you said about weight being two forces, and your drill is good for someone who is technically minded - but I cannot give that drill to a bunch of cadets, nor a group of women in a clinic.
    Virge, at the risk of being accused of blowing smoke up your arse, I just wanted to weigh in and say the way you teach the game - at least the way you have to me - is so clear and simple that it's impossible not to learn and impossible not to know what you mean with your directions.

    My brief dalliances with people who fancy themselves at teaching the game of golf have often involved so much jargon, theory and locked-in thinking that it feels like my advancement is dependent on me solving a puzzle first.

    Your explanation to me about weight shift taking care of itself if you don't think about it, but concentrate on a full shoulder turn going back and strong hip turn going through, was the single clearest but most beneficial thing I have been told about swinging a golf club.

    Granted, I still manage to f**k it up with decent enough regularity, but that's only one person's fault... moi!

  3. #153
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    Virge, how about putting up some swings with your driver ?

    From my (limited) experience with the GE stuff ... hitting irons isn't the problem, it's the woods.

    What's the secret there ??
    Originally Posted by sms316
    Without rules there is anarchy.

  4. #154
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    Another drill

    Linear Weight Transfer Drill for beginners:

    Focus: To become accustomed to appropriate weight transfer.

    • Assume a golf stance with club in address position.
    • Shift appox.80 % of your weight to the rear foot.
    • Rotate (clubhead to hip high), loading on the back leg, keeping the upperbody in the backswing position as you rotate your hips to initiate the motion.
    • Hold and feel the position.
    • Transfer weight slowly from the rear to front foot, ending with approx 80 % weight on the front foot. Leave the club in its backswing position.

      • Feel the weight transfer.
      • Make sure you are hinging at the hips and not bending at the back.
      • Do not slide the hips out from under the shoulders
    Consciousness and awareness - awareness is being aware of what is happening and being aware of what is happening within ourselves while we are conscious. Where did I leave my glasses?

  5. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by kwantfm View Post
    Yes T, that's it.
    Consciousness and awareness - awareness is being aware of what is happening and being aware of what is happening within ourselves while we are conscious. Where did I leave my glasses?

  6. #156
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    What do you lose by abandoning language that all golfers can understand? Not a personal attack, but I feel many of us are alienated from what I'm sure is very good instruction by the use of language that is more jargony than it needs to be.

    What is its purpose?

  7. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scottt View Post

    What do you lose by abandoning language that all golfers can understand? Not a personal attack, but I feel many of us are alienated from what I'm sure is very good instruction by the use of language that is more jargony than it needs to be.

    What is its purpose?
    Well said. This is going over heads that know more about swinging a club than me.
    Forum needs more banter.

  8. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scottt View Post

    What do you lose by abandoning language that all golfers can understand? Not a personal attack, but I feel many of us are alienated from what I'm sure is very good instruction by the use of language that is more jargony than it needs to be.

    What is its purpose?
    I guess it is just my style of putting words on the screen; I was told I had a dyslexic disorder at school so I guess I am a little different to others who post. As for my posts on the golf swing - they are exactly as I understand it - maybe a little complex, but then again understanding the golf swing as it relates to ones self is pretty complex. I am quite happy to cease posting my thoughts & views if they are harmfull to anybody's game. It was done with the intention of trying to advance members knowledge of the golfswing. I realise that there are many friendships & respect that have been built up over a long period of time on this forum and I honour that.
    Consciousness and awareness - awareness is being aware of what is happening and being aware of what is happening within ourselves while we are conscious. Where did I leave my glasses?

  9. #159
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    I think I've given you the wrong idea. I don't want you to stop, it just amazes me that such complex ideas and terms are necessary, but they are used by so many that clearly they are the best way forward for some people.

    I feel like for many people, significant improvement is hindered by an inability to understand most instruction. And it's not your dislexia, your style is typical of what I'd term scientific instruction.

    What is linear weight transfer? How do you load your leg? How do the hips hinge? I just feel there has to be easier terms that would make that drill more accessible.

  10. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scottt View Post
    I think I've given you the wrong idea. I don't want you to stop, it just amazes me that such complex ideas and terms are necessary, but they are used by so many that clearly they are the best way forward for some people.

    I feel like for many people, significant improvement is hindered by an inability to understand most instruction. And it's not your dislexia, your style is typical of what I'd term scientific instruction.

    What is linear weight transfer? How do you load your leg? How do the hips hinge? I just feel there has to be easier terms that would make that drill more accessible.
    I guess that is a mark of a good teacher, being able to communicate what they are trying to say/teach to a wide variety of people.

    One man likes to be told things in technical terms another likes to be shown how to do something and then replicate it.

  11. #161
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    Very true SH.

    I like the old maxim: tell me and I will hear; show me and I will see; but let me, and then I will know.

  12. #162


    That is one thing that really bothers me about judging of teachers. People automatically assume that you need to be the best in your field to be a great teacher. This is simply not true.

    Just like a good English teacher does not need to be the world's greatest author, a golf teacher does not really need to be a scratch-or-better golfer. So many people are judged as a teacher on their individual skill, when their real ability is how well they can communicate and teach others.

    Sure, there is a basic level of proficiency required. But beyond that level, their standing in world rankings generally will have little to do with their ability to teach. (And once again, I am not simply talking about golf here.)

  13. #163
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    True, Henno. Any teacher's knowledge is only as good as their ability to communicate it.

  14. #164
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    I definitely get a lot out of everything that Razaar posts. But then I tend towards the technical in all aspects of life.

    Razaar... your thoughts are appreciated. Please keep 'em coming!

  15. #165
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    Why do you want to teach someone weight transfer? Why not teach them everything else and let the transfer take care of itself??

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  16. #166
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    I'm sorry Scottt for misunderstanding. Many golfers who play try to imitate the swings of good players. Others take lessons and are directed to perform in a certain way with minimal explanation and come away very confused. Many good players have no idea how their swing works and most don't want to know. Others are never happy and are always searching for that missing element or insight that will transform their game. This list could go on forever. The difficulty explaining the golfswing in writing (for me ) is explaining technique and feelings of something that takes less than 2 seconds to perform. As for the "scientific" approach...it is useful to know when it comes to watching the tour players swing a club, so one can see how it is applied.
    Consciousness and awareness - awareness is being aware of what is happening and being aware of what is happening within ourselves while we are conscious. Where did I leave my glasses?

  17. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iain View Post

    Why do you want to teach someone weight transfer? Why not teach them everything else and let the transfer take care of itself??
    I thought that was what he was implying ?

    Correct turn + correct angles = proper weight transfer
    Originally Posted by sms316
    Without rules there is anarchy.

  18. #168
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    Oh, is he??

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  19. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by henno View Post
    That is one thing that really bothers me about judging of teachers. People automatically assume that you need to be the best in your field to be a great teacher. This is simply not true.

    Just like a good English teacher does not need to be the world's greatest author, a golf teacher does not really need to be a scratch-or-better golfer. So many people are judged as a teacher on their individual skill, when their real ability is how well they can communicate and teach others.
    Reminds me of a saying..
    Those that cant do teach.... and those that cant teach,
    teach teachers.

    sorry Scottt, Henno should that have had quote marks ?

  20. #170
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    I always tell my PE teacher mates: those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Those who can't teach, teach phys ed

  21. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scottt View Post
    I always tell my PE teacher mates: those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Those who can't teach, teach phys ed
    That was my one at school.

    I like that golf offers so much to so many people, from architecture to equipment to design to mechanics to bio mechanics to green keeping. It is a bloody sensational game.

    But I have the same problem with technicals in golf that I do in the computer industry. There are thousands and I mean THOUSANDS who can do technical stuff. There are thousands that can explain what they are doing in a technical way, but there are very few people who can communicate a technical issue without using jargon.

    Anyone can regurgitate stuff they read in a book, whether they understand it or not. But if I want to explain it to a 10 year old, they are just lost for words and THAT is the problem.

    Personally, i don't like to use jargon or technical terms, most people here are midmarkers or non technical people. But if I do - flame me.

    Weight Shift

    Weight shift is just too hard to explain. There are 2 forces at work, your upper body rotating and lower half holding that rotation. Add to this that most people think that the weigth shift means MOVE your body weight onto your right foot and it just confuses the shit out people. So we just ignore it and teach people how to turn . . . and weight shift takes care of itself.

    If a student want to press the issue. I just ask them to watch TV and all the slow mo shots we see and to see for themselves what the players right hip is doing - is it sliding ?

    If they want to feel the weight shift, that is also easy to do.

    -Stand in a golfing posture with a straight back, elbows hanging straight down and forearms level to the ground. Think Johnny Wilkinson.
    -Whilst keeping your posture and your hips level, push you left arm forward and pull you right elbow back. You can move your right hip back as well - up to you - you will still feel the effect.

    You will feel the right leg load and even though you have not slided you will feel as if some of your weight has moved to the right side.

    You will see me do this on my last video just before I hit the front on shot. Not exact, but you get the idea.

    lastly - weigth shift vid I did ages ago . . .


    Attached Images
    Last edited by virge666; 11th March 2009 at 09:12 PM.

  22. #172
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    To answer the other questions...

    The mats at most facilities are rubbish - can't beat grass, but ti needs to be good grass and the grass at Narrabeen is shite. That being said - I don't mind that new spongy stuff, but it does grab the club a lot. prefer the spiky stuff in the vid.

    yes - Screw the weight shift . . . Setup, Turn and the educate the hands. In other words grab the rubber end of the club, setup properly, learn to release the club.

    Thank for the early critique - the hip action is a bit wobbly.

    Razaar, I love your definitions and if you had the right student - they would be tops, but I was looking for something I can take to a clinic.

    Jarro, driver swings up on Thursday night.

  23. #173


    Aldo so when are we going to QLD ????


  24. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by rebjon View Post
    Aldo so when are we going to QLD ????

    Probably quicker going to a Singapore RSS school ????

  25. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by rebjon View Post
    Aldo so when are we going to QLD ????
    Dunno. Messed around with a few things today on course and will chat to you about it Saturday.

    GE type swing feels very stable especially with the irons. Not so sure about the rest.
    Naturally grippy


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