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Thread: Run OZgolf Run

  1. #26
    Senior Member Touring Pro (PGA)
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndyP View Post
    How did you go? 37m45s? I think the adrenalin of the race will get you home easy. Hopefully lack of sleep from late night poker didn't drain your energy.
    38m40s. Not too unhappy with that, my goal was under 40m. I wasn't particularly worried about not being able to run it all, I just wanted to put in a decent time...

    Whether the late night or hill runs I did with my trainer yesterday put a damper on my time, I can't be too sure..

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  2. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndyP View Post
    Excellent. I'm not sure what the Brisbane Half was like, but the Doomben Half will be very flat, so maybe you can improve on your time there?
    The Brisbane Half was pretty flat, the hilliest part was through the Botanic Gardens and back over the Goodwill bridge.

    Quote Originally Posted by AndyP View Post
    If you can finish a half, what makes you think that you can't do 30k? Or is it that you don't think you could finish without plodding and therefore a time you would be happy with?
    I'm not too proud to plod along just as long as I can say that I finished. Its not the distance that concerns me too much (although I've never run over 25km). Its the terrain, I haven't done any running on loose/uneven gravel before. 30km on that surface would be torture on the calves.

    Quote Originally Posted by AndyP View Post
    If that is the case, I sort of feel the same way about doing a half. I think I'd prefer to measure myself against the 10k for a bit longer, before thinking about half marathon. At the same time, I'd love to feel the satisfaction of completing a half.
    Definitely have a go at the half, if not now, some time soon in the future. The sense of accomplishment is incredible, I can only imagine what it would be like to complete a full. You should aim for the half at the Gold Coast after completing the 10km at Doomben.

    Quote Originally Posted by AndyP View Post
    That was interesting reading. I'm not really training to run comps, but the comps are just an avenue for more running, so I can lose more weight (or maintain it later on)

    Good luck with your goals.
    I can't say that I am training to run comps either. Yes I want to challenge myself and see if I can improve, but its more the social aspect of race day. Training for running is such and individual pursuit, but getting together on race day with like minded people is where the fun is.


    PS.... I missed my long run this morning. Too busy stuffing my face full of Eggs Benedict at a B&B in Eumundi. I could make it up, but its beer o'clock.

  3. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iain View Post
    38m40s. Not too unhappy with that, my goal was under 40m. I wasn't particularly worried about not being able to run it all, I just wanted to put in a decent time...
    Well done. I knew you'd easily beat the 40min mark.

    Quote Originally Posted by senecio View Post
    Definitely have a go at the half, if not now, some time soon in the future. The sense of accomplishment is incredible, I can only imagine what it would be like to complete a full. You should aim for the half at the Gold Coast after completing the 10km at Doomben.
    I will have spent almost three weeks away from home by the time the GC event comes around, so I've pretty much written off doing that from both a fitness and brownie point perspective.
    I've pencilled in the Noosa Half in August though.

    PS.... I missed my long run this morning. Too busy stuffing my face full of Eggs Benedict at a B&B in Eumundi. I could make it up, but its beer o'clock.
    haha. I was the opposite. Because of illness during the week, and training blocking my lunch runs in the upcoming week, I absolutely had to have one today. It wasn't the most comfortable run after a week off and having to go back to the old shoes, but it's better than nothing.

  4. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndyP View Post
    It wasn't the most comfortable run after a week off and having to go back to the old shoes, but it's better than nothing.
    I'm putting off breaking in a new pair of shoes. They've been sitting in the cupboard for 3 weeks now. Perhaps this week I'll break them in.

    And before anyone asks, no they are not tour shoes. I'm a tight arse when it come to running shoes. I prefer to buy cheaper shoes and turn them over more often.

    This is my first pair of Mizunos, I'm curious to find out how they go.

    So, what was wrong with the new shoes??

  5. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by senecio View Post
    I'm putting off breaking in a new pair of shoes. They've been sitting in the cupboard for 3 weeks now. Perhaps this week I'll break them in.

    And before anyone asks, no they are not tour shoes. I'm a tight arse when it come to running shoes. I prefer to buy cheaper shoes and turn them over more often.

    This is my first pair of Mizunos, I'm curious to find out how they go.

    So, what was wrong with the new shoes??
    I just got a pair of Mizunos, very nice. Feel noticeably lighter than my old asics. Unfortunately I have to go tour, as I pronate a lot with my flat feet, so don't have much of a choice....

    Yeah P, I noticed you said that? Whats wrong with the new shoes??

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  6. #31
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    There's nothing wrong with the new shoes. They are great, but they are sitting in a drawer at work, as I expected to use them last week and then forgot to bring them home.

  7. #32
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    Anyone else interested in running this one as a "warm-up" for the Doomben Day?

    I reckon it will be cool to finish in a stadium.

  8. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndyP View Post
    Anyone else interested in running this one as a "warm-up" for the Doomben Day?

    I reckon it will be cool to finish in a stadium.
    I don't think I'll be in any fit state to run on the 25th Andy. My mate turns 30 on the 24th and he has a big night planned.

  9. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndyP View Post
    Anyone else interested in running this one as a "warm-up" for the Doomben Day?

    I reckon it will be cool to finish in a stadium.
    I think I'll be having a big night on the Sat, so don't think I'd be in much shape to be doing it, plus I'm not sure how good it would be to be doing a hard 10kms the week before Doomben?

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  10. #35
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    Phew.... Went for a run this arvo, my longest run to date, 16.7km. I managed to run all of it, so very happy with that, although I'm sure I'll be feeling it in the calves tomorrow!!

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  11. #36


    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bloody hell!!!

  12. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iain View Post
    I think I'll be having a big night on the Sat, so don't think I'd be in much shape to be doing it, plus I'm not sure how good it would be to be doing a hard 10kms the week before Doomben?
    Your first reason was good enough.

    Do you really think that we wouldn't fully recover from a 10k in a week? I would've thought that it wouldn't be that hard.
    If noone is joining me, maybe I'll just go for a casual 16.8k run instead.

  13. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iain View Post
    Phew.... Went for a run this arvo, my longest run to date, 16.7km. I managed to run all of it, so very happy with that, although I'm sure I'll be feeling it in the calves tomorrow!!
    That's a great effort Iain. It's pretty satisfying to finish a good long run like that for the first time. Keep it up.

    I took the Mizunos out on Tuesday morning for my interval work. I figured I would only be covering about 6km all up so there would be less chance of an injury. I'm not totally convinced just yet. These offer a lot more control over foot motion than my previous shoes that I don't think I need. Maybe its time I visited a podiatrist.

    Maybe its just because they are new. I'll give them a few more short runs before I take them out on a long run. I strapped on my old shoes for my long run yesterday I think they still have a bit of life left in them yet.

  14. #39
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    If you ran that yesterday, Iain, is it safe to assume that you are doing the half marathon at Doomben?

  15. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndyP View Post
    If you ran that yesterday, Iain, is it safe to assume that you are doing the half marathon at Doomben?
    Yeah, it is safe to assume that. I'll do Doomben, Gold Coast and then probably Noosa.

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  16. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by senecio View Post
    That's a great effort Iain. It's pretty satisfying to finish a good long run like that for the first time. Keep it up.
    Thanks Ryan, it was very satisfying. A few times I thought about walking, but I managed to run the whole way, even though some of it may of been very slow!!

    I took the Mizunos out on Tuesday morning for my interval work. I figured I would only be covering about 6km all up so there would be less chance of an injury. I'm not totally convinced just yet. These offer a lot more control over foot motion than my previous shoes that I don't think I need. Maybe its time I visited a podiatrist.

    Maybe its just because they are new. I'll give them a few more short runs before I take them out on a long run. I strapped on my old shoes for my long run yesterday I think they still have a bit of life left in them yet.
    I wouldn't think you could have an issue with too much inside support? Unless you supinate anyway??
    Last edited by Iain; 15th May 2008 at 09:45 PM.

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  17. #42
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    What sort of time did you do it in, Iain, even though it was a slower pace?

  18. #43
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    I finished it in 1:36, which equates to about 10.5km/hr, or just under 6min/km. It was reasonably hilly, so it's hard to say how I would pan out over a proper course, seeing as it would be a lot flatter....

    Plus I drove around it tonight, and it measured 8.5km for one loop, so mapmyrun.com was pretty close, may of been a little longer, but I doubt by much.

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  19. #44


    Finished week one of the couch to 5k from the cool runnings website that andy pointed me too. Was pretty easy, which I guess is the point of easing you into something.

    My knees held up pretty well, but I think that's more to do with technique. The physio I saw a year ago pointed out a few things I do wrong when walking and I could see how they would increase the stress on my knees.

    Only worrying thing is that my knees are pretty bad when getting up from a crouched position, which I haven't had before. But I have to literally push myself up with my hands as well to get up. Thinking of getting some xrays done of them. I've always had problems with them yet have never done this.

    Anyway, on to week 2

  20. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by goughy View Post
    Finished week one of the couch to 5k from the cool runnings website that andy pointed me too. Was pretty easy, which I guess is the point of easing you into something.
    I just checked out the Cool Running couch to 5km plan. It seems very similar to a plan I got my wife onto (but a 10km plan). Stick with it Goughy, it is a very well thought out plan. Starting off with short intervals like that is the best way to get into it without risk of injury. After just 6 weeks she's already up to 30 minute non-stop runs (~5Km) and more importantly really enjoying it.

  21. #46
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    So, just two weeks to go to Doomben. How is your training going Iain, P? I take it we are the only fools running in this.

    I had my last long hit out this morning. 19.5Km in that howling wind was pretty tough.


    I was happy to finish it in 1:37 even though I wasn't trying to set a time. I just wanted to cover the distance and put the Km's into the legs. What surprised me was how low I was able to keep my heart rate (ave.151, max. 163bpm). I know I wasn't running at race pace, but it wasn't too far off it and I expected the heart to be working harder.

    I don't plan on doing anything over 8km for the next 2 weeks. I'll still keep the intensity up on the shorter runs, but the longer runs will be pure recovery. Next Sunday I have a 5 hour bush walk planned instead of my long run.

  22. #47
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    Back into the swing of things after two weeks off due to a bout of pneumonia...

    Just finished 11km albeit stop/start a lot of the way in 1:20... was freezing cold and a tad windy... have always had issues regulating my heart rate and today was no exception... avg 158 (85&#37 max 184 (99%)... was intentionally stopping everytime it got into the 170's then starting again when it hit mid 130's... towards the end, this would give me about 2 - 2:30 minutes running time then about 1 minute recovery...

    Will be interested to see how the body pulls up tomorrow...
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  23. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by senecio View Post
    So, just two weeks to go to Doomben. How is your training going Iain, P? I take it we are the only fools running in this.

    I had my last long hit out this morning. 19.5Km in that howling wind was pretty tough.


    I was happy to finish it in 1:37 even though I wasn't trying to set a time. I just wanted to cover the distance and put the Km's into the legs. What surprised me was how low I was able to keep my heart rate (ave.151, max. 163bpm). I know I wasn't running at race pace, but it wasn't too far off it and I expected the heart to be working harder.

    I don't plan on doing anything over 8km for the next 2 weeks. I'll still keep the intensity up on the shorter runs, but the longer runs will be pure recovery. Next Sunday I have a 5 hour bush walk planned instead of my long run.
    How long before the race should we have a last long run? I was going to try and have a long run tomorrow and probably Friday or should I just make it tomorrow. Then just do some shorter fast runs, in the week leading up. I haven't really gotten into the sprints or hill climbs, all a bit confusing atm....

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  24. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by senecio View Post
    So, just two weeks to go to Doomben. How is your training going Iain, P? I take it we are the only fools running in this.
    I'm only going to do the 10k run at Doomben. I think I could finish the half marathon, but I'll save it for later this year at Noosa.

    Not that I'm in training anyway. I'm just running when I can. After being locked up in a training room for a week, I was keen for my run on Sat morn. I went a bit too hard and did my 12.2k in 62.5 minutes.

    I'll have a few runs in my lunch hours this week, and do the 10k fun run I spoke about next Sunday.

  25. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iain View Post
    How long before the race should we have a last long run? I was going to try and have a long run tomorrow and probably Friday or should I just make it tomorrow. Then just do some shorter fast runs, in the week leading up. I haven't really gotten into the sprints or hill climbs, all a bit confusing atm....
    I wouldn't recommend doing anything over 15km in the next 2 weeks, but if you fell like you need a long run make it early/mid this week. If you haven't gotten into the sprints or hill runs yet, don't start now. Just have the one last long run and make the rest a mixture of short runs at race pace or middle distance at recovery pace.

    Don't be too concerned if you haven't run the full 21.1Km in your training. Even the elite guys rarely cover the full distance until race day. Your adrenaline and determination to finish will get you over the last couple of km's.

    Best tip is to stay hydrated in the week up to the event. Hydration doesn't just start on race day. Drinking from a plastic cup while running is more difficult than it looks. Slow down to a walk if you have to to get in all in. A face full of sticky sweet sports drink is not a nice feeling. And alternate between the sports drink and water at each drink station.

    More importantly relax, enjoy it and take in the atmosphere.


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