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Thread: Run OZgolf Run

  1. #76
    Site Owner Golf Hall of Fame Inductee
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    Quote Originally Posted by senecio View Post
    Great runs guys. Surely that would equate to a sub 45mins net time Andy? How long after the gun went did you cross the start line?
    It probably is less than 45min but I couldn't say for sure with the Ipod being no help. I'll wait and see what the official time is from the timing chip before making any sub-45 nett claims.

    You don't run in the rain at all? I have voluntarily before, but it probably is a bit heavy at the moment.

  2. #77
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    I'm not commenting on my exact time ever again until the official times come out. 46m04s in the end.

    How did you pull up, Iain?

  3. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndyP View Post
    I'm not commenting on my exact time ever again until the official times come out. 46m04s in the end.

    How did you pull up, Iain?
    Really Andy?? Thats a bit of a bugger?? Too bad they don't show the nett time as well? I pulled up ok, quads are still a bit sore, but went to the gym this morning, so hopefully that will of gotten some blood flow through them!!

    My official time is 1:57.10, sorta happy with that but not, just have to look at adjusting my eating before the run for the next one. My nett time would've been just under 1:57 I'm guessing....

    Goal for the Gold Coast - Under 1:50.00.

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  4. #79
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    Yeah, it's disappointing.....again. Those clocks weren't showing some of the numbers too well from behind the finish line, so it seems a part of the six was missing to make it look like a five maybe.
    Obviously I can't rely on my ipod or eyes for my time.

    Regardless, I'm happy with my finishing place too.
    Of the 484 that finished, I was 105th. 20th of 36 for Men 30-34, and 87th of 243 for all men. That doesn't include the non-finishers and non-starters.


    7 minutes is a fair chunk to wipe off a PB. Maybe just try and keep senecio within sight for the majority of the race.
    Good luck.

  5. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndyP View Post
    Yeah, it's disappointing.....again. Those clocks weren't showing some of the numbers too well from behind the finish line, so it seems a part of the six was missing to make it look like a five maybe.
    Obviously I can't rely on my ipod or eyes for my time.

    Regardless, I'm happy with my finishing place too.
    Of the 484 that finished, I was 105th. 20th of 36 for Men 30-34, and 87th of 243 for all men. That doesn't include the non-finishers and non-starters.
    I was 450th of 634 overall, 317th of 384 of the Males, and 24th of 27 for Men 25-29.

    I can get a cheap digital watche from work? Do you want one?

    7 minutes is a fair chunk to wipe off a PB. Maybe just try and keep senecio within sight for the majority of the race.
    Good luck.
    Yeah, it is, but halfway through I was looking good for 1:50, so I don't think it'll be unreasonable, especially with another 4 or so weeks training. Plus, as long as I sort out my breakfast, (ie not so much and earlier!!) and hydration, I think it's definitely doable.

    As it wasn't really my legs or breathing that gave way, it was stomach cramps, I think because I don't normally run in the morning I really wasn't sure what to eat, and as a result probably had too much (or food that was too heavy) to close to the race.

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  6. #81
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    Which brings me to my question?

    Senecio and Boonie, what's your routines the morning of a long run/race? Do you eat anything at all?? How long??

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  7. #82
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    I eat straight away when I get up. When I ran the marathon I ate at 6am, and it started at 8am from memory. I wouldn't eat anything within an hour of the race if it's a long distance (unless you have done it before). 2 hours gives you time to empty something out before the race if required!

    I have toast and jam or muffin and jam, no butter. Jam is good for some late carbs, but doesn't fill you up too much.

    From my experience - stay away from cereal or tea/coffee. Milk is terrible before a run IMO (just sits in your guts and feels awful) and tea/coffee not only dehydrates you but is a bit of a laxative also! Fruit doesn't work for me either, but not sure why.

    Another really good pre-race eating tip I have used for long training runs or shorter races is to eat honey. Just straight out of the jar on a spoon. I've done this just before a run if I feel hungry and it's always been good.

    Practice your eating before your training runs, it's the best way of knowing what works for you and what doesn't.

    I have a mate who swears by the instant gels for energy during runs. I tried it in a training run and 10 minutes after taking it I was doubled over in agony from stomach cramps and had to walk home - never again. But some people love them.

    It's important to enter quite a few races/events leading up to a big run, just to get used to routines, eating, getting to the venue, bag drops, toilets, warm ups etc. Trail and error. If you've trained specifically for an event, you don't want any surprises at the last minute.

    .........and guys, for christ's sake get a stop watch I lived and died by my heart rate monitor when I was training. I think they are sensational to train with and very useful in races too.

    Nothing too fancy, basic heart rate and stopwatch with split timer which is handy. If you don't want to spend the $$ on a monitor at least get a cheap and nasty stop watch. It's important for monitoring your own speed during runs.
    Last edited by Boonie; 3rd June 2008 at 02:27 PM.
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  8. #83
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    Cheers Boonie,

    I plan on doing a long run early next week, so will try and see what I react to well and not so well. I think I was just cramping up for one of two reasons, 1 - my breakfast which was 2 pieces of toast with a little bit of spag bol on it was too heavy, 2 - or I didn't argee with the Endura sports drinks they had out there, as they were very sweet.

    Either way I am going to get one of those 4 bottle belts so I can sip water more regularly and have my own sports drink if I want it.

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  9. #84
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    Photo's are up!!!

    Go to http://www.supersportimages.com/, click on the link for QLD Half and you can search for myself or Andy. My bib number was 504. Or Andy was 2505.

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  10. #85
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    All good advice Boonie.

    I like to stick with something simple for breakfast before a race. I train first thing in the morning before eating anything so I don't want to alter that too much for the race.

    Toast with jam or peanut butter is my staple for race day. Its important to eat it as soon early as possible so it can be digested. One of my mates swears by carbo gels just before and during the race, but I can't stomach them. I tried them in April at Southbank and it was so thick I spat most of it back out as I couldn't even get it down. If I eat at 5:30am and the race isn't until 8am I might have something simple like a banana or muesli bar 10 mins before the start.

    Quote Originally Posted by AndyP
    You don't run in the rain at all? I have voluntarily before, but it probably is a bit heavy at the moment.
    No, I run because I enjoy it. Running in the rain is not my idea of fun.

  11. #86
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    Here's one of me from the Mother's Day classic at the start of May.

    Unit Running

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  12. #87
    Member Touring Pro (Aust PGA)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iain View Post
    Photo's are up!!!

    Go to http://www.supersportimages.com/, click on the link for QLD Half and you can search for myself or Andy. My bib number was 504. Or Andy was 2505.
    Full of style as always Iain!!

    I think we need to get some Ozgolf race singlets made up.

  13. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by senecio View Post
    Full of style as always Iain!!

    I think we need to get some Ozgolf race singlets made up.

    Yeah, probably not a bad idea!! We'd stand out, thats for sure!!

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  14. #89
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    Did you search through all of the photos to find those? Or were they automatically against you?

    I don't look too bad for someone who was busting there gut to sprint across the finish line. I can tell my face is red though.

  15. #90
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    They were all automatically assigned to me except the one around the racetrack where my number is covered up, but I marked that one as me.

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  16. #91
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    I added a couple more for mine, but it seems the photographer loves you.
    I like the photo I added from searching for the person who finished in front of me. I'm in full stride just coming around the corner.

  17. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by golfer69 View Post
    Senecio....how come you love running so much but were such a lazy arsed bastard when I played soccer with you ?
    You bludged in that backline all day !
    What can I say. Some of us have the talent to make it look effortless.

  18. #93
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    My third consecutive weekend of having a 10km race resulted in a gut-busting time of around 45m20s or under. That's about 100s better than the last time I did this course. I reckon I could crack the 3/4hr mark if I didn't have a few drinks the evening before and had more than 5hrs of sleep.

    Although I didn't have a stopwatch to pace myself, I recognised several runners that I had overtaken in the second half of the last race (47min pace). This time I made sure they were behind me in the first 5k and pushed on.

  19. #94
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    Nice work Andy. It's hard though isn't, especially considering we're only doing this for fitness rather than trying to produce good times!!

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  20. #95
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    Yeah, and I want to keep it that way. I analyse enough things without adding running to it. It's always nice to improve though.

  21. #96
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    Oh yeah, for sure. I certainly want to improve my half time.

    But I'll never be one of those die hard runners that looks gaunt and incredibly skinny and runs 100km's + a week.....

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  22. #97


    When I finish the c25k I might train to join you guys in some of this stuff. And it definitely will only be for fitness for me, not times as such. I'm already noticing the difference already, especially at indoor cricket.

    Gonna try and get to that store at milton in the next fortnight AP. Just not sure when, as I've got limited time the next two sundays in brissie and they're only open till 2.

  23. #98


    Bugger's me how you did 9k pushing a pram AP. Just did my first wk4 c25k run pushing kyan and after doing a 40minute walk with jaz. I never realised how much difference a slight up hill makes! Bugger me.

  24. #99
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    Hill's are great for improving the running Goughy!!

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  25. #100


    They are on my usual route but I didn't really think they were hills till pushing the pram up them too! Was my first time out with the orthaheel orthotics. Don't really know how they went with the pram caper. Will see again in a day or 2.


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