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Thread: Jaster!

  1. #1

    Default Jaster!

    Today at 2.30pm Leon Treadwell passed away. His wife Leah sent me a message late this afternoon. His family was with him.

    I've not known what to say. So it may come across a bit disjointed. Leon was one of my best friends. We talked often over the last 4 odd years and while we haven't seen enough of eachother over that last 18months, we talked often. He was a caring person who always was more concerned about my problems rather than those facing him and his family. He also had strong beliefs and stood behind them. He was a great support when Robyn and I were going through some horrible times, never intruding, but always helping in whatever way he could.

    He started ozgolf with me and was instrumental in organising one of the first of our open invite games in Toowoomba years ago when we were a part of ISG. Look what has become from that.

    A little over 18 months ago Leon was struck down with appendicitis. It turned out to be cancerous and was removed along with about 1/3 of his bowel. He has been fighting this with chemotherapy for most of the time since then. But Monday week ago he was admitted into hospital after a particularily bad weekend.

    On Friday morning he was transferred to the Toowoomba Hospice. It was a much better place for him. Quieter, more private. His family could spend more quality time there with him and his daughters could even stay there over night.

    But today his fight ended with his family holding his hands. I was able to speak to his mother earlier this evening. Leah herself has been unwell and it is good that she has a strong family and friend network.

    Leon is survived by his lovely wife Leah and 2 daughters, Brooke and Emily.

    I have been trying to think for hours what to say but really couldn't get a straight thought in my mind. My beautiful wife Robyn just voiced pretty much what is running through my head.
    'The only thing that makes sense is that there is no sense in it'.

    Goodbye my friend. You touched many of us and you will be missed.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Touring Pro (PGA)
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    I am deeply sorry to hear the news. I met Leon at the 2005 Ozgolf Champs. This was after his operation and while he was on his chemo. You couldn't tell. He was smiling and joking all weekend and we had great fun as pool partners on Saturday night (even though we lost more than we won ... )

    I've shared many PM's with Leon ... first when he was going through his initial chemo and also recently when I was going through some hard times myself. Despite his own problems, he gave me his phone number and told me to call him any time. I guess that's the sort of bloke he was ...

    You'll be missed by many, Leon. Rest in peace ...

  3. #3


    I don't poke my head in here much but I sit here trying to be strong for Dean, but this is just so awful, that such a wonderful father and friend should receive such a fate, let alone what his family must be going through and what awaits them as they grieve.

    As I think about Leon, what pops into my head is how wonderful he and his wife were together. You could see very clearly what a great love they held for one another and what great companions they were...such a strong friendship, something very rare in today's day and age. It was very refreshing to see him so comfortable mucking about with his adorable girls, joking around with them and having fun. They are such beautiful and vivacious girls and my heart aches for what they have ahead of them. The pain of loosing their father will have an impact on them for the rest of their lives.

    You will be very sadly missed by many Leon. Thank you for being a part of our lives we are all the better for it.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Touring Pro (European Tour)
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    When Leon had stopped coming to the OzGolf forums I had suspected that he may have taken a turn for the worst, but did not want to be intrusive by inquiring. Although I have never met Leon in person, I used to enjoy having chats with him on MSN. I can only confirm what has been said above, he was a great listener and always more concerned with other peoples problems than his own. He will be missed.

    My thoughts are with his family at this tough time.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Touring Pro (PGA)
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    Wow even though I knew things were'nt good with Leon this still comes as a huge shock.
    I last saw Jaster at the 05 Champs and I'm thankful to have spent some time chatting to him that day.
    I think I'll always remember him striping iron shots at the Oxley driving with that smooth,powerful swing of his.
    My wife's and my thoughts are with his family at this sad time.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Touring Pro (PGA)
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    Its extremely sad when a young man who has so much before him passes way early. I only met Leon once when we played at Pac Harbour in August. You would never have guessed he was going through difficult times, he was upbeat, had a bit of helpful advice for everyone and always had a joke ready to lighten the situation.

    My thoughts go out to his family and friends.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Touring Pro (Nationwide Tour)
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    I'm shocked to hear of the news that the first guy I met on the net has passed away.

    As friends we drift apart but the memories of a great friend will never die.
    The first time we met was down the gold coast, at a driving range. I see this lefty bombing drives down the middle (with a little fade ) I Remember approaching him and saying you must be Jaster, well that was the start of a short (as its turn out) but a great friendship that will last forever for me.
    The Toowoomba trips and the return trips were always a highlight. From the early morning changing around of groups, to the powerful way he got through the ball, the putting magic, the helpful hints, the competitive nature and the broken buggy, there was always something happening.

    Dean Please pass on my condolences to Leon’s Wife and Kids, give them a big hug, for they have lost a great HUSBAND and DAD

    RIP Jaster

  8. #8
    Senior Member Ozgolf Supporter
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    I new Leon had been fighting this terrible disease for some time now, but it still
    comes as a big shock when you find out he has lost his battle
    Leon was always a person who gave more than he took, always full of encouragement and a kind word.
    People like Leon don't come along very often these days, now our world will be a sader place without him

    My wife's and my thoughts are with his family on this sad day.
    We will all miss you mate, rest in peace.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Touring Pro (PGA)
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    I can't believe it! Just not too long ago we are playing in the same group off the black tee in Pacific Harbour and he still smiling, looks pretty healthy, still hit the ball a mile. Now this....

    I am out of word neither but I am one of the few lucky one here to be able to play with him in the recent time. He's a definitily a wonderful person with great characteristic. He was a gentle person but also have a strong

    I will never forget your Leon. RIP.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Golf Hall of Fame Inductee
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    Goodbye my friend, you were way to young to leave us.

    Jaster was one of the first people from ISG/Ozgolf that i met, he was always happy and keen to hear how you were and especially how your golf was going. He was just a really great guy.

    I'll miss you buddy.

    R.I.P. Jaster
    Originally Posted by sms316
    Without rules there is anarchy.

  11. #11
    Senior Member Touring Pro (PGA)
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    I only knew him as well as you can via a forum, but we still shared some laughs when I was getting some stuff shipped up to him.

    That beer he owes me is going to have to wait a while.

    Condolences to his family as he was clearly quite the man.
    The secret of golf it to turn three shots in two. - Bobby Jones

    A tale of golfing mediocrity

  12. #12
    Senior Member Order of Merit winner
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    Default Jaster

    I chatted with Jaster occassionally online, however I never met him. The comments posted are a fair indication of the calibre of the man. My thoughts and wishes go out to his wife and daughters.

    I am always saddened to hear when a life is taken to soon.

    RIP Jaster

    Srixon 565 - 10.5 deg stiff Miyazaki
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  13. #13
    Senior Member Touring Pro (PGA)
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    Leon was always a great friend, a number of times I made the trip up the big hill to have a hit with him or get some help with my swing, he was always willing to help in anyway he could and we always had a great time, he also shot his PB round of 65 a little over a year ago when I was with him.

    For him to be taken so early in his life doesn't make sense, but with the way he was fighting the cancer was an inspiration to us all.

    RIP Leon Treadwell.....

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  14. #14
    Senior Member Touring Pro (PGA)
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    On the Back Deck


    Good bye and good luck jaster,may you find peace.

    Dean is it possible ozgolf could do something for his wife... even if its flowers or a donation to cancer research. I'M IN.

    Dean I hope your ok in the future too.
    Last edited by peter_rs; 11th December 2006 at 09:32 AM.

    Nudgee Plate /McLeod Cup

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  15. #15
    Senior Member Golf Hall of Fame Inductee
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    It is just so wrong that a man can have his life stolen from him at such a young age. Like a few others here, I never met Jaster, but had the pleasure of chatting with him via PM/ MSN etc. on quite a few occasions over the years. I can echo the sentiments already expressed in here about his personality. I never would have known just from talking to him how bad his health actually was. The way he talked with me made him sound in better health than I was. My thoughts go to Jaster's family in this difficult time and in the future.

    Rest In Peace.
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  16. #16
    Senior Member Touring Pro (Japanese Tour)
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    I was lucky enough to meet Jester in the 05 champ. He is a great guy. It is sad to see someone pass away at such a young age.


  17. #17
    Senior Member Multiple Major Winner
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    I'm so glad I got to know Leon. I can't believe he's gone. At his (& my) age, with a wife and kids, its the furtherest thing from your mind.

    I've always been impressed with his natural ability and work ethic at the game. He really showed us all what we can acheive if we work at it. I enjoyed the (few) games I got to play with him and I think it's appropriate that in my last round with him at Lakelands he stitched me up by a shot. Wouldn't have it any other way.

    I miss you mate.

    golflink WITB
    TSR3 9deg | TSR3 15deg | TSR2 3H | T100 4-GW | Vokey 56 & 60 | Newport 2.5

  18. #18
    Senior Member Major Winner
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    I never got to meet Leon but there are 2 things that I found synonymous with his name - OzGolf and Ping golf clubs.

    Back on ISG during my last job when i got into golf, I can still remember wondering "What the heck is a Jaster Mereel?!".

    He was always keen about coming events including the Blue Marker at Ocean Shores and I regret the fact that he wasn't able to make it - I truly feel like I've missed out by not meeting him in person.

    Vale Leon.
    Lucy Harris smart smart smart, Martin Harris dumb.

  19. #19


    My thoughts and prayers go out to Leon's family. I had the pleasure to share an afternoon with them at a BBQ with the Goughy's in Toowoomba.

    I only recently found out Leon was instrumental in setting up ozgolf. This website has provided my Husband Dion with many great friends and times. So thanks Leon! RIP.


  20. #20
    Senior Member Major Winner
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    Wow, I had a few chats with Jaster leading up to the Pro-am as we were paired together and he wanted to see if I wanted to go halves in a cart with him. Unfortunately he was too sick to play that day,which is a pity as it would have been nice to meet him and have a hit.

    My condolences to his family.
    Last edited by dc68; 11th December 2006 at 06:31 PM.

  21. #21
    Senior Member Grand Slam Winner
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    Well I really don't know what to say. I also never got to meet Leon but when I was crook earlier this year he was a great bloke to have a chat with. I had a week there where I was not sure what was going to happen, he gave me the pick up I needed & helped me through alot even though he was in way worse a situation himself.
    It was a great regret that his health did not allow him to come to the champs this year. Would have loved to just shake his hand and give him a hug for the help he gave me when I needed it.

    RIP Jaster

    Grunt's Golflink
    TM Burner - Cobra F Speed 3W - TM Draw 3H - TM Burner 4i-AW - Vokey 54/58 Wedges - Wilson 8862 Blade

  22. #22
    Senior Member Touring Pro (European Tour)
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    I have the thoughts but not the words right now, so I thought I would do my tribute in photos.


    "Your Mamma wouldn't fit in the can Bro"

  23. #23
    Senior Member Golf Hall of Fame Inductee
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    nice work Tez
    Originally Posted by sms316
    Without rules there is anarchy.

  24. #24
    Senior Member Touring Pro (PGA)
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    Some great photo's there Tez....

    RIP - Duncan Bennett & Leon Treadwell


  25. #25
    Senior Member Touring Pro (European Tour)
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    San Diego, USA


    Leon, It was a pleasure to have met you. Thank you for all the great memories. I'm speechless.

    RIP Jaster - Leon - Mate - Buddy.
    Last edited by Trung; 11th December 2006 at 06:39 PM.


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