Hello golfers.

Just found this forum and thought i join in. 52 year old and i have broken my neck twice. I have titanium plates and screws in my neck. Apart from that suffered a severe lower back injury which was worse than 10 broken necks lol. The thing is i found golf around 21 years of age and loved it. I got pretty good pretty fast just practicing on a goat track 9 hole, My first handicap on championship course was was 12 and 2 years later 4.5. Then i had all my injury problems and never thought i could play again.

Started playing again at 40 (pretty badly) but fell in love once again. Eventually, i realized i could still do it. I have had my handicap down to 3.1 recently and feel like i can do much better. I have shot 31 for 9 holes, i have been 5 under with 3 to play but my best is -4. Not consistent but have the ability to play crazy good.. Lessons don't work for my.. Hopefully i can learn something from people here.