So Halloween was last night (in America!) yet I wanted to know how many of us got door knocked by little people yelling "TRICK OR TREAT!!"

Last night, apart from scaring the bejesus out of me and the dogs, three little people dressed up banged (didn't knock - banged) on the screen door and yelled at me 'Trick or Treat' After running around in the kitchen trying to work out a way to stall or not go back to the door, I found one packet of microwave popcorn (that may have been past it's expiry date) one Chup A Chup (that was in the fridge from the Ekka) and some party horns. I then threw all these into one of the little boys' bag, quickly shut the door and ran back into the kitchen before they could look into their bag and realise how pathetic what I gave them was...

Did anyone else get caught as unprepared as I did??

Then I hear on the radio that children actually ask for money if you don't have any sweets!!! Can't see that going to Charity!!