Undoubtedly I wouldn't be the only one out there that has experienced the following and i'm sure most golfers could relate. Last 8 comps have been playing reasonable (for my standard - 21 handicap golfer) - enough so that in the last 8 games I had gotten a flag in each game and in between that won the club pairs competition. All was going o.k. until out of nowhere yesterday *bang* *kapow* *whack* *add favourite 70's batman reference here* - whilst playing par I end up with a 9 down. Out of nowhere I had done things i very seldom do including 2 fresh air shots, dribbling the ball off the tea, 50 degree pull, missing 2 foot put. At least 3 holes I didn't play past the tee off (hit too many out of bounds).

Wondering what people think is the reason behind very unexpected bad golf and what they did to pull themselves out of it. In my situation I think lack of recent practice, no fight and determination after starting off badly as well as bad golf company (one of the guys I was playing with was giving me the sh@#s - e.g. was running a tad late and first greeting when i get to course was being yelled at for running late) were my three main reasons. The last one is abit of a excuse as I believe all good golfer should be able to block out what others players say or do.

21 is by no means a outstanding handicap but after playing yesterdays round - playing at 21 again seems like it would be a real effort or achievement.

Last time I played this bad - i went to the course alone the next day and shot 3 under my best score for 9 holes. Weird and annoying game !