Entry forms for this is up

Major sponsor is someone who was my "state boss" while I was with AMP. Should be a good weekend. Evening Meal Saturday and BBQ Sunday are included in entry fees, so similar to the Feb event, makes for a GREAT Saturday night.
I might be keen on the Friday 4BBB to get a feel for the course. So to start discussion/ideas here is what I am thinking on.
Friday 4BBB - This is a 50/50 for me at the moment, but work told me to "start using holidays"...so might be a goer. Looks like the entry fee includes a meal on the Friday night.
Sat - Morning round. This place is thick black sand and it covers you. So morning round, have a few beers, walk back to B&B just around corner. Shower up, have a few drinks, head back for tea and drinks.
Sun - Morning round. Hit up the BBQ pack for lunch, then decide if I need to drive back or not

So that would be $130 for the 2 comps, 2 meals and a bbq pack for Sunday....could be worse ways to spend a weekend. I have the accommodation booked at the Karri Rose B&B for the weekend and will organise later (already got Simmsy and JC down as first dibs )
Those are my thoughts but I will decide a bit closer to the event and see what everyone else is thinking