I wanted to discuss a problem that I believe has reached epidemic proportions now, and that is, restaurants and cafes unexpectedly putting tomatoes in your food.

I first became more conscious of this issue during the Qld OZgolf Champs in Cairns last year. A few of the guys couldn't get to Cairns GC as early as others, so they had the early arrivers order food for them. Lefty, who is not a tomato fan, was one of these, and he became a victim of this random (or is it) tomato problem.

Lefty did the right thing, by checking the menu online, noting the contents of the different options, and settling on a wrap of some sort for his order. There was NO TOMATO listed as a content of this wrap. You can imagine his distress when receiving his order and finding big slices of tomato in his wrap. I don't know how he went on to win the Champs that weekend, but I guess he was lucky that this happened on the Friday.

Unfortunately, this isn't an isolated incident. In fact, it wasn't even a one off for that weekend. It became a bit of a running joke, with slices of tomato or grilled tomatoes turning up in orders. What else can you do but make light of it?

In the following months, I have been a victim several times, but I just let it go. No meal was safe. Breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. Lefty wrote it off as a Queensland thing, but now I'm not so sure. I'm in another state and it has happened again.

Is this some sort of conspiracy between tomato farmers and the hospitality industry? Or do they just throw it on our plate because there is no demand for them, with an over supply? Where will it end? Will other fruits and vegetables start making their way on to our plate uninvited? Brussel sprouts anyone?

Enough is enough. Something needs to be done. It's time to name and shame.

Grand Bar, Glenelg Beach, SA.
Item ordered: hash brown and mushroom stack with sweet chilli cottage cheese. No tomato listed.

Don't let these crimes against food continue.