
I didn't have the Gyro, but I had the previous model that I loved, the MGI Navigator G800.

Unfortunately the motor controller and top box electronics got fried due to an electrical short.

I purchased the MGI Zip Navigator 25th Anniversary Edition and this is superior in every way over the G800.
  1. If stationary and you press the either turn button, it pivots on a dime, one wheel moves forward, the other moves in reverse
  2. When Zip Nav 25th is moving forward, if you press either turn arrow, the buggy slows slightly so you get a much better controlled turn, the G800 tended to continue with same speed and not as controllable
  3. The Zip Nav 25th has a thicker rear axle so less chance of axle breakage
  4. The Zip Nav 25thcomes with extra accessories over the other Zip models
  5. The Zip models with remote have a much better range where it will still turn or be controlled, whereas the G800 failed to turn at a distance
Hope this helps some.


Quote Originally Posted by Daves View Post
MGI Zip Navigator vs MGI Navigator Quad Gyro?