As per usual - we're looking for the best Stableford score for the month, and the worst.
Prize is an OzGolf shout - the NAGA has to buy the Monthly Mug winner a beverage/pie/kitchener bun/pork roll/premium ball/coffee/green jacket or some other agreed prize if they meet at an OzGolf event within a year.
Just a bit of fun really.
Clubhouse Leaders for August
Monthly Mug:
Collis 43pts
Captain Nemo 41pts
Aussielongdriver 40pts
markTHEblake 40pts
Dcanto 39pts
Dotty 39pts
Daves 39pts
Peppas 39pts
benno_r 39pts
highballin 39pts
Live4golf 38pts
Coopers Country 38pts
Monthly Bob:
Tomsy 16pts
Wools 17pts
Monsta 19pts
Coopers Country 20pts
Peppas 20pts
Slothman 21pts
highballin 21pts
Coopers Country 21pts