Well, well, well. Another great champs weekend has come and gone but still the same things keep happening.
Fit talks
Ashes falls over
Ashes moon walks like it's 1983
Canuck makes games on the fly that only he can win
Yoss is still a very attractive homo
Simmsy is still a home town hero
Shadesy is still the love child of Ned
Well done to all the lads for making the effort, especially Lefty, thanks champ you are the greatest! Adlo thank you for your return and also TourFit, you cop a fair bit mate but it is good to have you back around the place, thanks very much.
So lets go through the scores -
Lets start back on Friday where we introduced a great new style of ambrose event for us, not great for the low cappers, but **** them! they're already good at golf what do we care.
Teams of 3 -
Simmsy - 39
Shadesy - 36
Adlo - 36
Team - 80
JC - 30
Fit - 37
Ashes - 43
Team - 83
Lefty - 33
IDGG - 40
GK - 41
Team - 84 - Winner Winner
Sat 1st round of champs was played at Meadow Springs -
1. Shadesy - 36
2. Lefty - 33
3. JC - 30
4. IDGG - 30
5. GK - 29
6. Ashes - 28
7. Tourfit - 25
8. Adlo - 25
9. Yoss - 23
Last - Simmsy - 19- I submitted an official WD from the event but wasn't allowed.
Sun 2nd round of champs was played at Shadesy's home track of Mandurah CC -
1. Shadesy - 41
2. IDGG - 39
3. Adlo - 38
4. Tourfit - 35
5. Simmsy - 33
6. GK - 32
7. Lefty - 32
8. Yoss - 31
9. Ashes - 29
Last - JC - 27
So, even Ashes could work out the winner here with his math genius, Shadesy romped it in for his 2nd Victory at this event. Well done mate!!
Final Standings -
1. Shadesy - 77
2. IDGG - 69
3. Lefty - 65
4. Adlo - 63
5. GK - 61
6. TourFit - 60
7. Ashes - 57
8. JC - 57
9. Yoss - 54
NAGA - Simmsy - 52
GROSS Scoreboard for top 3 -
1. Lefty - 154
2. Shadesy - 156 (Humble 10 capper, my left nut)
3. JC - 162
Monday was played at Lake Karrinyup, i can't remember the scores except for Yoss who had 42 points.
Thanks again to all the lads, truly was an awesome weekend, with pretty good weather apart from a cold Friday.
MANY, MANY thanks must be given to COURTY for his spreadsheeting genius! makes the weekend so much easier having your skills on call mate! thank you very much from all of us.
As most are aware, the GSM trophy has found a new permanent home somewhere, so thanks to the great man MONSTA, he is currently working on a new trophy for us to hold dear to our WAnker ways. This will be presented to Shadesy, by Shadeslina in coming weeks once it arrives.
thanks again, and any photos of Ashes can be posted down below.
Edit - some items may not be sfw.
But if that's something you need to worry about maybe you shouldn't be on the ****ing forum during work time anyway!