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  1. #1
    Senior Member Major Winner
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    Default S.A "No So Good Course Thread"

    We have a thread for the heaps good ones. Here's one for the not so good ones.
    List the ones here that you've played that you thought were a waste of your time and money playing and would be happy to not play again.

    I'll open the account by throwing up Mount Osmond and Stirling (formally know as Mount Lofty)

    I'll start off.

    Mount Osmond:
    Well established golf course built in the Adelaide Hills.
    As per the Mount name you spend half your day climbing up and down step mountain slopes.
    Ball above feet, ball below feet, up and down hill lies are the order of the day. Having balls run a long way off fairway into the kak are common in the summer months.
    In the winter it can get very wet and sloppy and losing balls to plugged lies is a real problem.
    It a hard walk pushing/pulling a buggy through the spongy thick kikuyu up and down slopes. It's no fun needing being too puffed to play you next shot after scaling a mountain.
    Played it very recently and would gladly never play there again.
    Apart from the road leading out of the place the only good thing is the spectacular view over the city on 8th hole tee block.

    Mount Lofty:
    A bit further up the freeway from Mount Osmond deeper into hills where there is more rainfall.
    As per the name it is also built on a mountain. Also a very well established course that is really struggling to survive in today's golfing climate with more and much better options for the same cost.
    Ball above feet, ball below feet, up and down hill lies are the order of the day. Having balls run a long way off fairway into the kak are common in the summer months. This is a bigger problem here than Mount Osmond as there a a lot more side hill holes as opposed to going straight up and down the hills. Six par 3's and a lot of quirky par 4's. An abundance of blind pins on greens also becomes a bore as the day goes on.
    Gets extremely wet in the winter with fairways turning to mud. Greens get saturated and unplayable with casual water at time. Course gets closed for days/weeks during very wet winters.
    Losing balls plugged in winter can be an issue also. In summer there are problems with balls landing on fairways running way off into the kak on the side hill lies. The gradient of the 1st hole results in ropes being stung across the fairway in summer to stop balls running backward down the fairway 20-100m.
    While hillier than Mount Osmond and sloppy and wet under foot playing it very recently I found the walk not as hard as Mount Osmond due to no thick spongy kikuyu.
    So happy it was Pennant and never wasted my $ having to pay for the round.
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  2. #2
    Moderator Touring Pro (European Tour)
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    You don't seem to like hills...

  3. #3
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    Amen to Lofty

  4. #4
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    I lost my ball on the 4th at Echunga last winter. It was my second shot, a 120m lofted 9 iron that I thought had landed half a foot to the left of the green. When I got there, my ball was nowhere to be seen. I went down the back and looked but no ball. After much head scratching, I went back and replayed my shot and then my playing partner called me over to where we both saw my original ball land. He found a tiny bright white speck in the otherwise unmarked close mowed grass, about a half foot from the green. We were wondering what it was so I picked at it and the white speck got bigger. I stuck a tee in and up popped my ball!

    That's the hills courses in winter for ya!

  5. #5
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    Hatch: I agree with your comments on Lofty; It is probably one of my least enjoyable rounds played of all time, the fairway sloping seems to be a huge issue, and having only one par 5 with a 45 degree sloping fairway is no exemption. I know an A grade player hits driver wedge on that hole.

    Mt Osmond is a quirky course and yes unplayable in winter - but despite this I find it ok without being great.

    Thaxed Park, Berri, Highercombe, North Adelaide North and Clare can all be added to the list of not so good tracks

    Last edited by thecollective; 1st June 2015 at 12:10 PM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Touring Pro (Japanese Tour)
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    I'm not a fan of overly hilly courses either but I'm pretty sure I haven't been to Mt Lofty or Osmond! In no particular order I'll list some courses I'm in no hurry to revisit:

    North Haven (My apologies to the Member on here)
    Regency Park
    North Adelaide (North Course)
    Mawson Lakes
    North Lakes

  7. #7
    Senior Member Major Winner
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    Quote Originally Posted by coalesce View Post
    You don't seem to like hills...
    It's not that all.
    Blackwood is hilly and can get sloppy wet in wet winters and I think it's a great course. Mount Pleasant by name is hilly and also by name it is pleasant.
    Tee Tree Gully is up and down the hills a bit. I'm ambivalent about TTG.
    Hit Them Well or Hit Them Often


  8. #8
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    Next Fairway Over, Look Out


    For those that have listed some they don't like. Feel free to give your reasoning's why?
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by talbo View Post
    North Haven (My apologies to the Member on here)
    Appreciated but none needed. LOL!

  10. #10
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    It's amazing that living in the NE we only have TTG and Highercombe within 15 mins drive

    Having been a member and playing the majority of my golf at TTG the course can drive you nuts at times. The saving grace however is the condition, with it always being up to scratch, with only big hot spells towards the end of summer putting a strain on things.

    Having played TTG 100's of times the only things that really got frustrating were -
    Lack of variety - I'm all for hitting it straight but it would be nice to have a few holes that shaped different directions to break it up a bit
    1st Fairway - very hard to keep a ball on it at times as it slopes away to the left
    6th Green - this has been addressed however some hole placements you'd struggle to keep your ball on the green putting down hill
    10th Fairway - again hard to keep a ball on it if you are a little off centre and given the length of the hole it offers little variety

    Overall I still enjoy the place, but I'd look at alternatives if I was after a membership again

    I've never what I'd call an 'enjoyable' round at Highercombe, although it's not a bad place for a social hit in a cart with a friend

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  11. #11
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    THAXTED!!!!! Even though someone is putting a crap load of money into that place they still can't keep a fairway. Second hole uphill has half of the fairway roped off GUR. Third downhill is just hard packed mud fairway. All of the other fairways you seem to hit a decent shot and then get rewarded by sitting in a hole or bare patch. Glad I left many years ago.
    Wasn't that impressed with McCracken last time I played. It looked like the green staff had gone on hiatus for about a month with overgrown fairways and tees. Maybe I just picked the wrong time to go ( early Jan.)

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by HatchmanSS76 View Post
    For those that have listed some they don't like. Feel free to give your reasoning's why?
    the majority of my list comes down to boring layouts and uninspiring holes; Clare is a snore fest, Berri seems to wonder through the parklands without achieving much, highercombe as per other posters and North Adelaide a beginners chop fest of boring flat greens and kikuyu infestations.


  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by thecollective View Post
    the majority of my list comes down to boring layouts and uninspiring holes; Clare is a snore fest, Berri seems to wonder through the parklands without achieving much, highercombe as per other posters and North Adelaide a beginners chop fest of boring flat greens and kikuyu infestations.

    And to add to this, there are usually plenty of bogan dickheads on these courses who have no idea that they need to identify their ball before having a shot. Rather they usually find a ball in the general direction that they think it's in and hit it regardless of who owns it!

    I'd add Adelaide Shores as a course I have no interest in because of this reason also!! Boring layouts, poor quality fairways and greens and even tee boxes are sometimes pretty shit also!!

  14. #14
    Senior Member Major Winner
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    I'll add Oakbank to my sh!t course list.

    Last time I played it was 3 years ago.
    9 holes straight up an back. Only decent hole on the course is the par 5 that has a creek running across the fairway at about the 3/4 distance mark that bends around following the left hand side to the green.
    What made this course sh!t was the tiny size greens at super slick pace. Was so easy to chip one from one side to the other with no space to work with. On the 4th green I had a straight 6 footer up with what only seemed like a mild slope. Putt came up short, sat on the front lip, stopped and than started rolling backwards finishing 2 foot away. Seriously WTF for a public access course that needs green fees players to help make ends meet.

    Would be a good course for a quick easy game and for beginners if it wasn't for ridiculous super slick greens.
    The workmate I had the game with hated every minute of the course after chipping from one side of the green to the other on multiple holes.
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  15. #15
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    I'm not in a position to criticise but I find Marion Park notably absent from this thread.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hard_Pan View Post
    I'm not in a position to criticise but I find Marion Park notably absent from this thread.
    Argh the old cement hill.
    Only played it twice in the one year back at least 20yrs ago.
    Didn't think much of it back then with its collection of boring and very quirky holes.
    It would be unfair of me to say it is sh!t today due to how long ago I played it. Having said that I'm not seeking a round to review it.
    Last edited by Hatchman; 4th June 2015 at 12:38 PM.
    Hit Them Well or Hit Them Often


  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hard_Pan View Post
    I'm not in a position to criticise but I find Marion Park notably absent from this thread.
    Never played it but know guys who like the course. I've also never played at Thaxted but can't remember anyone ever saying anything good about it.

  18. #18
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    Well, I played a 'pennant' match there earlier this year and look, it's got nice views and I like the layout of most of the holes but the whole thing is built on the side of a hill which is it's main problem. Take for example the last 150m of the 1st which I found a long and steep trudge up to the green. I rate it worse than the first at Stirling/Mt Lofty - and because it's a 9 hole course, you've got to do it twice!

    The fourth and fifth (which you have to cross a road to get to), feel tacked on and seem to only be there to give you another reason to go back up the hill again. Added to this the 5th green has a very severe slope (front to back), where I think anyone would struggle to hold the ball. I can only vouch for what it's like in the dry but none of the balls I saw land on the green that day held. They all rolled off the back of the green by at least 5-10 feet.

    All the greens were pretty tough but to me it was not in a fair way. There seemed to two things you ball would do after a putt; keep rollling way past where you would reasonably expect it to stop (e.g. the 5th), or randomly stop abruptly as if it had hit a patch of velcro, way short of where you would expect.

    My last criticism is about the slope of the fairway on the 8th/17th. My first drive found the middle of the fairway and my second was on the right verge however, both balls bounced and then rolled completely off the left side of the fairway and down, down into shit at the bottom of the hill, about 100m (or more), from where they originally landed. I saw that they've installed a bit of a ridge to the left of a section of this fairway but it proved an insufficient barrier for me on these occasions.

    As I said above, I'm not really in a position to criticise, NH is pretty ordinary but at least it's not such a struggle to play and unfair like I felt this course was in certain ways.
    Last edited by Hard_Pan; 3rd June 2015 at 05:11 PM.

  19. #19


    Surprised with the Mt Osmond review. I've only started playing 6 months ago, but I think that's my favourite course so far, ahead of West Lakes and Gawler. I still have many courses to cross of the list though.

    Without a doubt, my least favourite round was at North Lakes. Maybe because it was 39 degrees and I played horribly - but also the complete lack of fairways.

  20. #20
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    Newt: North Lakes is a public access chop fest with some wacky holes, although the greens there on occasion have been pretty true, the 9th also can be a fun hole when the wind is up

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by thecollective View Post
    the majority of my list comes down to boring layouts and uninspiring holes; Clare is a snore fest, Berri seems to wonder through the parklands without achieving much, highercombe as per other posters and North Adelaide a beginners chop fest of boring flat greens and kikuyu infestations.

    I played 9 holes at Clare maybe 12 years ago - and that run of holes going up the hill and the cool drop shot par 3 have stayed in my memory for a fair while. I like drop shot 3's!


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  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by wbennett View Post
    I like drop shot 3's!
    wb: you then need to play Gawler and Tanunda - both have excellent 'drop shot' 3's that surpass Clare


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    Quote Originally Posted by thecollective View Post
    wb: you then need to play Gawler and Tanunda - both have excellent 'drop shot' 3's that surpass Clare

    Amen to that. Tanunda has the better ones imo.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wenz View Post
    Amen to that. Tanunda has the better ones imo.
    I agree

  25. #25
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    Played Echunga on Sunday. Hadn't rained there for a few days so I was hopeful it might be OK but no. The mud has returned in its usual places - the last 20m approaching the 1st; last 50m on the 8th; the right half of the fairway at around the 150m mark on the 9th(extremely boggy); the last 40 odd metres leading up to the 10th; same distance on the 11th was downright unplayable and the same again on the 12th was also quite boggy.

    Buggy, shoes, pants, towel all caked in mud at the end of my round. Not fun!

    It's a shame cause I don't think it's that bad a course (particularly the first 9), when it's dry. I would definitely not recommend playing there for the next 3 or 4 months, depending on how wet a winter we get.


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