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  1. #1
    Senior Member Golf Hall of Fame Inductee
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    May 03, 2004
    Looking for the drop zone...

    Default Monthly Mug Profile - May 2013 - marktheblake


    Home club: Helensvale - Gold Coast. Its the first club I have ever chosen to join, all the rest were simply the closest, or the only choice.

    How often do you play: play once a week. practice once a week during pennant season.

    Current handicap: 3.2

    Lowest ever handicap: 3.2

    Dream handicap: was 3.4 until two days ago. Its easier to go lower now, so I’ll revise that to 2.4 now.

    How long have you played golf: 34 years, took less than 3 years to lose 27 shots, then 10 to lose another, then another 21 to lose the next one. The next one is going to be tough.

    How did you catch the golfing bug: I heard my younger brother was going to the junior clinics on saturdays, and was doing well. It was either the thought that he might be better than me at something, or that he would inherit dads clubs (a very good golfer who had just retired) that motivated me to take it up, but just for the winter because it was too cold to go surfing. Didn't take long before I started to play every day, and I never surfed again.

    What's currently in your bag: WITB thread

    What golf ball do you use: Srixon Z Star

    Dream golfing purchase: The perfect golf bag, every one I use or look at just doesn't work. One day I might just have to design my own.

    Favourite golf course played: Riverside GC in Jakarta, I was told Norman was on LSD when he designed it, and I can believe it. I need to get back there and settle a score with the 7th and 15th.

    Dream golf destination, or trip:
    If money were no object, would have to have a crack at the UK, wouldnt we all. My wife is from Jakarta, and the golf courses are awesome around there, and inexpensive compared to here, I could retire there.

    If you could pick three others, dead or alive, to play a round with, who would they be: Trevino, Ballesteros. I just loved watching these guys on the old Pro Celebity Golf with Peter Allis, and then Jean van de Velde. A bloke that can smile after being on the receiving end of the unluckiest bounce in golf is worth sharing some time with.

    If you could pick three ozgolfers to play around with, who would they be: Julie, Flowergirl and Mandy because they are better lookin than the rest! (Perci is 1st reserve)

    Your favourite golf memory: Never thought about it, two Foursomes and three Pennants are up there, team events are great because its the only time someone else cares about the win just as much as you.

    Have you ever had a hole in one? If yes, talk us through it: Narrowly missed my first one on saturday by two shots. I am definitely due.

    Have you ever had a “Solarman moment”? If yes, talk us through it: Had a Solarman in the middle of a DC68. Playing with 3 trainee pros, after a back to back birdies, I drop kicked my tee shot so badly the ball only just fell off the tee. They laughed. I then hit the driver off the deck and easily made my bogey 5. Beat two of them on the hole, and birdied the next, and beat them all easily on the day.

    Favourite current tour player: None, not really interested in Tour golf, but I will go for Ben Crane just to be a contrarian.

    Favourite golfer past or present? Why: Trevino, he his just awesome at shaping and controlling the ball. I learnt a lot by watching him play and understanding his approach to the game.

    Favourite Australian golfer: Greg Norman. Couldn't stand the guy when he first started out but after he got Bob Twayed I found myself barracking for him, maybe it was the collingwood supporter in me.
    Last edited by Courty; 8th May 2013 at 03:59 PM. Reason: Pic of Blakey added ;-)
    Handic(r)ap | 2025 Eclectic (temp) | WITB | GolfMap

    10 glorious tours of the Uncivil War

  2. #2
    Senior Member Touring Pro (PGA)
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    Apr 15, 2011
    movin' to the country gunna eat me alot of peaches.


    Good job, Blakey.... Congrats once again.

    Sometimes when I think of you I touch myself..........

  3. #3
    Senior Member Major Winner
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    Oct 31, 2010


    You come across so nice on the intergoogle.
    bio cell+ big stick - fly z+ 3W - b'bertha 4h - srickson 545/745
    46-50 RTX, 56-60 md2 - tank cruiser 38" count balance
    delilah smiley driver and MAGNETIC putter cover
    sun mountain bag C130S - clicgear & knob

  4. #4
    Senior Member Multiple Major Winner
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    Redlands, on the shores of Moreton Bay


    Why is Bruce pictured?

  5. #5


    Thats a picture of Bruce, not Blake.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Golf Hall of Fame Inductee
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    Apr 28, 2004
    Gold Coast


    Same colour hair, same glasses, same moe, same uncanny good looks,
    that explains why complete strangers were abusing me last time i went to melbourne, and Bruce gets mobbed by hot meter maids when he came to GC.
    Criticism doesn't bother me, as it means I am doing something and people are watching.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Golf Hall of Fame Inductee
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    Apr 28, 2004
    not in 'The Zone'


    Off 3 these days ...... nice.
    Originally Posted by sms316
    Without rules there is anarchy.

  8. #8
    Victorious Confederate Captain Major Winner
    Join Date
    Sep 12, 2007


    Are you blokes taking the piss. That IS a photo of Brucie isn't it?


    Callaway Smoke AI::Cobra Speedzone Tour 3 wood, 5 wood: Mizuno H5's, :Mizuno 50, Mizuno 56 and 60*:Odyssey #7
    AndyC will always be my AndyB(unny)

  9. #9
    Senior Member Touring Pro (PGA)
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    Nov 29, 2008


    nice work blakey, you should always post this way.
    If it aint for sale the right price has just not been offered

  10. #10
    Senior Member Golf Hall of Fame Inductee
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    Apr 28, 2004
    Gold Coast


    Thanks lager, I am looking forward to you being the mug of the month soon.
    Criticism doesn't bother me, as it means I am doing something and people are watching.

  11. #11
    Senior Member Major Winner
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    In a house
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    Quote Originally Posted by wbennett View Post
    Are you blokes taking the piss. That IS a photo of Brucie isn't it?
    Yes and yes.
    Cobra Fly Z+ w/ Fujikura Pro 63x
    Cobra BioCell+ 16.5* w/ Diamana D+ 72s
    Cobra Amp Cell Pro 3-PW w/ Modus 120 S
    Cobra Tour Trusty 52*/56*
    Scotty Cameron GoLo 5 (knuckled)


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