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  1. #1
    Ozgolf Mod Major Winner
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    Aug 06, 2009
    Penrith, NSW
    Blog Entries

    Default Sydney's King - March 2013: Choppa1



    Home club: Long Reef GC, Northern Beaches, Sydney NSW.

    Sydney Event Won: Stonecutters Ridge, March 2013.

    How often do you play? Generally twice a week, with Saturday & Wednesday the preferred comps - never in the rain.

    Current handicap: 2.0

    Lowest ever handicap: 1.6

    Lowest Round: 68 (3 under) at Long Reef twice (most recent was 24/3/13).

    Dream handicap: Scratch.

    How long have you played golf? First picked up a club when I was 21/22 and am 45 now, so you do the maths.

    How did you catch the golfing bug? I started playing because my fathe rremarried, and one of my new stepbrothers played golf so I thought it would be a good way to get to know him better. He was also a bit of a FIGJAM, so it became very competitive right from the get go - after 12 months my handicap was 11 and his 13.

    What's currently in your bag? RBZ Driver, 3 wood & 5 wood, SrixonZ-TX irons (3 - PW), Cleveland 588 RTG Wedges (52 & 5
    , and a TM Ghost Spider centre shaft putter.

    What golf ball do you use?
    TM Penta TP5.

    Dream golf purchase: Nothing really - very happy with the club set-up and it all seems to be working. A lesson to learn how to hit a fade!

    Favourite golf course played? Wow, there's lots - St Andrews Beach, a heap of Indonesian courses around Jakarta (lived there for 2 years), and my home track is great too.

    Dream golf destination or trip? A trip to Scotland, New Zealand or back to Indonesia again.

    If you could pick three others, dead or alive, to play a round with, who would they be? Louis Oosthuizen, Na Yeon Choi and Lee Westwood.

    If you could pick three OZgolfers to play a round with, who would they be? Don't really know that many, but had a great round recently with Ermington Lad & his mate and had a fun round with Matty last year, so that would be a good group.

    Favourite golf memory? Winning the Golf House
    Indonesia tournament afterturning up to the tee straight from the nightclub.

    Have you ever had a hole in one? If yes talk us through it. Yes, on the2nd hole at Long Reef. It was a well struck 9 iron that had eyes for the hole and bounced once, got onto the deck and rolled in. The club sent the letter of congratulations to the other Mike Smith member at the club, so from that point on my name at Long Reef on timesheets etc. has been Muhammad Smith - don't get mixed up with him anymore, and gave the members lots to whisper about!

    Most embarrassing golf moment? Bag & buggy rolling into a dam on a windy day at LRGC while I was looking for my ball.

    Favourite current Tour player: Louis Oosthuizen, Lee Westwood and I'm in awe at the short games the LPGA Tour girls have.

    Favourite golfer past or present? Why? Freddie Couples - such a smooth easy swing and attitude.

    Favourite Australian Golfer: Jason Day.

    Whats your favourite club? Why? I'm killing my driver recently, so it's the current favourite - go to club is the 7iron (like Tin Cup said, "I never miss with the 7 iron").

    What is the strongest and weakest part of your game? Definitely driving and 3/5 wood is my strongest, and weakest would have to be chipping/pitching but a lesson a month or two ago seems to have improved that area a lot. Now need to learn to shape a fade - lesson already booked.

    The constant mental challenge - to keep focus for 4-5 hours and deal with weather conditions, what the course dishes up, my own demons and the occasional dickhead in the playing group!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Multiple Major Winner
    Join Date
    Dec 08, 2011
    Reaching for my Laser cos I'm a few paces off the green... :)


    Nice write up mate.

  3. #3
    Member Touring Pro (Von Nida Tour)
    Join Date
    May 20, 2012


    These are great

  4. #4
    Senior Member Major Winner
    Join Date
    Sep 03, 2012
    Still on the green


    Nice tan. I thought they were my feet for a second


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