As a part of Popper81's State vs. State Challenge, each Monthly Mug winner will get a Q&A thread so we can learn more about them.
March 2013 Monthly Mug: Monsta65
Username: monsta65
Home club: Gungahlin Lakes GC. Canberra ACT.
How often do you play? Never miss playing Saturday, Sunday and every second Wednesday (weather permitting and not too hungover).
Current handicap: 14
Lowest ever handicap: 11
Dream handicap: high single figures is where I am aiming.
How long have you played golf? Played a few years in Orange before moving to Canberra, had a break for 12 years while I raised my son, have been back playing for a bit over 2 1/2 years now.
How did you catch the golfing bug? I started as a caddy for my grandfather and used to grab a club and chip waiting at the tee. Actually started out as a lefty as my gramps was a lefty, but soon woke up to myself and started standing on the correct side of the ball.
What's currently in your bag? I have Ping Anser driver, ping i20 irons and a Scotty Newport select 2.6.
What golf ball do you use? Prov1.
Dream golf purchase: As my driver, irons and putter are all recent purchases the only thing I can think of is a Golf Skate Caddy (as shown in Bens thread).
Favourite golf course played? St Andrews beach at the Vic Champs was a great course, but it is hard to go past any of the courses at Mission Hills Resort in China, probably the Faldo course.
Dream golf destination or trip? Besides going to Mission Hills again, I think playing at Augusta.
If you could pick three others, dead or alive, to play a round with, who would they be? Jack Nicklaus, Michael Jordan and the greatest golfer EVER Kim Jong-Il.
If you could pick three OZgolfers to play a round with, who would they be? Dotty, Lagerlover and Yoss (funniest guys on the site).
Favourite golf memory? Playing in a 4ball with my grandfather aged 13 at Canowindra golf club and winning with 51points.
Have you ever had a hole in one? If yes talk us through it. Unfortunately haven't had one yet, closest is on the 11th at Duntryleague in Orange, ball landed inside the hole, hit top of plastic cup and kicked out (its a bugger to repair pitch mark inside the hole).
Most embarrasing golf moment? Punching a 7 iron out of the Pine trees at Wentworth GC in Orange, hit tree square in centre, hit forehead square in centre.
Favourite current Tour player: "the Big Easy" Ernie Els.
Favourite golfer past or present? Why? "The Golden Bear" Jack Nicklaus. IMO he is and always will be the best golfer ever to play the game.
Favourite Australian Golfer: Adam Scott.