In lieu of JC missing out on one of Outcasts Stitchback Putter Grips, ive decided to start a "Pay it Forward" thread!
Not sure if this will work, but lets give it a go.
Ill start the ball rolling with a Gripmaster Stitchback Putter Grip
JC has first option
Ill post to him at no cost, i dont want anything in return.
If JC decides he wants to keep it, id like him to inturn put something up in the Pro Shop to give away free.
If JC decides he deosnt want it, he then forwards it on to the next guy who 'DIBS" it and that person starts a free giveway thread?
Lets keep some integrity going, and leave all the bullshit out.
Ive even included a pick to keep Timmy happy!
Peace Titty.