Although the past few SA ozgolf days have not had amazing turnouts I thought if we have a Matchplay tourney the 2 involved in each individual match can simply oranise a course and a time which suits. We can gradually play out all the matches. The WAnkers inspired me to start this Should be pretty cool I think. Who is keen? Once I get a decent number of participants I'll do a random draw and we can get the first round underway!
The Rules
$10 entry
18 hole matchplay at location and time decided by the 2 parties of each match
Handicapped matchplay using Golflink Cap
Normal rules of golf & local rules as per course
1st Round 2nd Round Semi Finals Final 1. Flavzz v Flavzz 16. Bye vs Winner 9. Jason v Simsy 5&4 8. Simsy vs Winner 12. Bye v Marcel 5. Marcel vs Winner 13. Bye v Funky Cliff 4. Funky Cliff vs 3. Chris v Chris 14. Bye vs Winner 11. Bye v Nadge 6. Nadge vs Winner 7. Tim v Chilled 5&3 10. Chilled vs Winner 15. Bye v Titleist 775 2. Titleist775