Well it has been spoken of in hushed tones over the past few months so i think it's time we see a show of hands for the inaugural west aussie ozgolf champs.
I was thinking of a date along the lines of November 7&8 (due to my own selfish needs and requirements) down at Mandurah-18, Binningup-9 Saturday & Bunbury-18 Golf Course on the Sunday.
Things like entry fee for prize money as well needs discussion.
Let's hope this gets off the ground a little easier than the Matchplay did. There both great formats and both need everyone's support to be succesful, so c'mon y'all can I get a BOORAH!
Hands Up
1. adlo (We) confirmed
2. Johnny Canuck (We) confirmed
3. idgolfguy (We) confirmed
4. simmsy (We) confirmed
5. Tourfit (We) confirmed
6. Yossarian (we) confirmed!
7. Zeusgolf - Rebjon (we) confirmed
8. Gavin - My brother (90% firmed for Mandurah - has to bring his daughter though, but shes good girl no hassels there, ok.)
PM me if you want your name on the list for the w'end trip.
Ok, it looks like we've got a bit of an outing happening here which should be great.
Now lets start sorting out the turkey - This is worked out for the weekenders, daygo's could perhaps just put in for NP's on the day they turn up.
Are we happy to play Stableford?
Par sux and Yossarian can't count past 7 so strokes out!
Are we all happy to put some cash in the hat and divvy up 1st & 2nd
we could have 1 x Np on each 9 which tallies 5 allup.
There will be 7 in the entire w'end so we will all be putting in $40 each for prizes?
The breakdown of money will be (edited 3rd Nov) -
7 punters x $40 = $280
1st place Nett S'ford Points - $100 & a bottle of RED compliments of TourFit
2nd - $50 & Golfing Gift Voucher (Thanks to ADLO) & 6 pack of Yoss exotic beer (Emu Export probly)
3rd - Bottle of Red & 6 pack of Corona
Total - $150
5 x NP's @ $15 each pin
= $75
That comes to $225 with $55 left over for a carton or something for Adlo's family for putting up with us for the night.
Any day trippers (MW or my brother) can put in $10 to be put towards the NP on the course that they play.
So make sure you all bring your money to pay me my winnings! Try and make sure you have some fivers in your kitty so we're not stuffing around too much when it comes to divvy up on Sunday.
MW has kindly donated a console (game or PC game) which will go to lowest putts total over the 45 holes.
If you wipe a hole it counts as 2.5putts!
TourFit "PISS POOR PUTTER AWARD" has donated a custom fitted putter to MOST PUTTS (NO TANKING TOLERATED)
ADLO has put up 1 dozen Callaway iX pills for the FIRST EAGLE of the comp.
JC has donated 1 dozen Callaway Diablo pills for the first to make 2TWO's in the one round or hit Yoss in the berries! In fact I will put up another $50 if someone hits Yoss in the berries with a fully fledged shank!
SIMMSY is putting in 100 clams for anybody who jags an ACE (only 1 prize on offer) declarations are important!
TourFit (again) has put up a bottle of JW RED label TO BE FOREVER KNOWN AS THE "YOSSARIAN HANDICAP" FOR LAST PLACE WITH S'ford Points.
ZEUSGOLF ENCOURAGMENT CUP - Best 9 holes s'ford score at any course. - PRIZE ALLOCATION PENDING
JC's wonderful mother in law was nice enough to "donate" and ugly-assed "Maxibon" polo shirt that says "Maxibon, for biters, not lickers".
It's black, with lovely red and white striping from the neck, all the way down to the bottom.
Whoever has bit it the most and is in last place after Mandurah, MUST wear it at Binningup.
Whoever is in last place after Mandurah and Binningup combined, MUST wear it on Sunday.
It must be worn on top, no putting it under another shirt or vest.
NTP @ B'up will be the 9th RHS pin placement
Back markers will be used on all holes at B'up.
Choose your own pin on the 5th @ B'up.
Mandurah CC: 3 and 17
Binningup: 9 (right flag)
Bunbury GC: 1 and 10