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Forum: 2015 VIC Champs

Winner: GK

  1. Vic Champs Photos 2015

    Whack your photos and videos in here!!

    Started by mrbluu‎, 5th February 2015 06:31 AM
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    3rd April 2015, 11:22 PM Go to last post
  2. 2015 VIC Champs - Feb 5-9 official thread

    Well ladies and gents, its the moment you've all been waiting for... Thur & Sun night accomm: As usual we will be staying at the magnificent...

    Started by LeftyHoges‎, 10th September 2014 04:27 PM
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    20th March 2015, 06:38 PM Go to last post
  3. Post Vic Champs

    I went away to Vic Champs in ok form, having had 4 flags in a row to come in from 9.7 to 9.0 I then chopped it royale for 5 days with only one...

    Started by WBennett‎, 2nd March 2015 06:39 PM
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    4th March 2015, 08:09 AM Go to last post
  4. 2015 Vic Champs Predict Everything

    Predict everything Woodlands winner - Lefty Union v Confed - Confederates by plenty Victoria GC Winner - Judge Smails Saturday Fashion...

    Started by WBennett‎, 27th January 2015 06:21 PM
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    18th February 2015, 07:07 PM Go to last post
  5. Champs Charity Auction - Donations Needed

    Ladies, Gents and others. As part of the Saturday night festivities, there will be an auction of stuff. We are looking for donations. All...

    Started by PeteyD‎, 2nd February 2015 01:19 PM
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    18th February 2015, 03:36 PM Go to last post
  6. Extra Warm Up Rounds - Barnbougle 3 & 4 Feb

    Ok Nudgee Daves NK & Myself are going to do a snappy warm up at Barny before the Vic Champs. From Bris it is only a few extra $ to get to Vic...

    Started by Hux‎, 29th September 2014 07:07 PM
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    13th February 2015, 05:09 PM Go to last post
  7. VIC Champs - Don't forget to bring...

    For the Champs newbs, post up some stuff that you should bring for the trip that newcomers wouldn't know about. * Sunscreen - If the sun gets out...

    Started by LeftyHoges‎, 29th January 2015 09:47 AM
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    13th February 2015, 07:34 AM Go to last post
  8. Vic Champs Sunday morning bacon and egg rolls. Who wants one?

    OK, it's on. I'll be getting up early to throw together some dodgy bacon and egg rolls on the BayPlay BBQ to fuel us up for the march around Cape...

    Started by LarryLong‎, 24th January 2015 06:01 PM
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    11th February 2015, 01:04 PM Go to last post
  9. 2015 VIC Champs - All Results

    Thursday Friday Uncivil War Matches Saturday

    Started by Courty‎, 10th February 2015 12:28 PM
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    11th February 2015, 10:23 AM Go to last post
  10. 2015 Uncivil War III - February 6th, Victoria Golf Club

    2015 Uncivil War III Matchups Result Confederates V Union Result

    Started by LeftyHoges‎, 26th September 2014 01:31 PM
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    10th February 2015, 09:04 PM Go to last post
  11. Vic Champs Swap Shop

    Here's a spot to offload that unwanted gear..... Got some stuff I don't need which I'll bring and trade for a schooner or 2... Sligo shirt Large...

    Started by Captain Nemo‎, 16th January 2015 08:41 AM
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    9th February 2015, 07:17 PM Go to last post
  12. How will you play the 15th at Victoria GC?

    http://www.victoriagolf.com.au/cms/course/hole-15/ Listed at 289m and Index 17, this drivable hole is no snack. Trees down the right, many...

    Started by Courty‎, 27th January 2015 09:30 PM
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    9th February 2015, 05:52 PM Go to last post
  13. Vic Champs Odds brought to you by honest Tom.

    D&M Hey folks, Honest Tom here. I have been invited to frame a market for the Mexican Champs and since I am a man of the people how could I...

    Started by Tom Waterhouse‎, 20th January 2015 09:49 AM
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    8th February 2015, 08:31 PM Go to last post
  14. Saturday Night meals

    Hi All, To give Lefty a bit of a helping hand, I will be organising the evening meal for Sat night at Bayplay. Is everyone happy to have pizza...

    Started by Monsta‎, 13th January 2015 10:32 AM
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    5th February 2015, 08:21 PM Go to last post
  15. VIC Champs - Thur 5th and Mon 9th Groups and requests thread

    Hi All, I'll be posting our groupings as soon as I get final numbers sorted (AND GAMEBOOK FRIEND REQUESTS ADDED!!!!) etc, but if you have any...

    Started by LeftyHoges‎, 27th January 2015 03:32 PM
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    4th February 2015, 05:53 AM Go to last post
  16. Shirt Size - orders required here by COB Wednesday

    As per Vic Champs tradition, the Uncivil War is a uniformed event. Uniforms will be required for each player, which will be a high quality...

    Started by WBennett‎, 11th January 2015 09:02 PM
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    3rd February 2015, 02:54 PM Go to last post
  17. Vic Champs Dress

    Hi all As a Vic Champs numpty, what are the dress reg for the 5 days do we have any set days (Loud pants etc) or is the whole 5 days just a...

    Started by Grunt‎, 11th January 2015 05:57 PM
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    3rd February 2015, 07:07 AM Go to last post
  18. VIC Champs 5-9 Feb, travel arrangements thread

    As per last years thread, a place to help people (and me) organise travel arrangements for the upcoming champs. OK, so quick summary, I think I...

    Started by LeftyHoges‎, 9th December 2014 03:29 PM
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    2nd February 2015, 03:24 PM Go to last post
  19. The long awaited Uncivil War III draw

    Ok all, The time is finally here for the draw. Here is how it goes To continue the tradition, the Captains of each team will face off...

    Started by Monsta‎, 27th January 2015 05:01 PM
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    2nd February 2015, 08:52 AM Go to last post
  20. Vic Champs Golf Stuff Beg Borrow Steal for the weekend.

    Hi guys, just thought I would start a thread for this to stop it getting lost in the other threads. I am chasing a 3 or 4 Wheel buggy to use on...

    Started by PeteyD‎, 28th January 2015 10:48 AM
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    2nd February 2015, 08:31 AM Go to last post
  21. Course notes for the 2015 Champs.

    At St Andrews Beach. (Reprint from last time) 1st - The green is behind the bunkers on the left. I know it looks like maybe it goes around to the...

    Started by Bruce‎, 28th January 2015 08:25 PM
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    28th January 2015, 08:25 PM Go to last post
  22. Vic Champs Clothing Sale

    Guys,I have spoken with LeftyHoges and he is happy for me to put this on the Saturday night after SAB.It will be a one night clothing sale for the...

    Started by LoveGolf2012‎, 26th January 2015 12:06 PM
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    28th January 2015, 12:26 PM Go to last post
  23. Giveaway: Vic Champs flights from Brisbane

    If someone from Brisbane is thinking of making the trip down to the Vic Champs, but doesn't have flights yet (:shock:) or was umming and ahhhing...

    Started by AndyP‎, 17th January 2015 09:13 PM
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    17th January 2015, 10:21 PM Go to last post
  24. 2015 Vic Champs - Feb 5-9 book it in!

    Deleted out the original. This is now the Vic organisers thread. Lefty. Any updates you want let me know....

    Started by Hux‎, 30th July 2014 06:58 PM
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    12th September 2014, 01:58 PM Go to last post

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