Announcements to OZgolf members. Please read here before posting in forum.
Sticky Threads
Hi OZgolf You may have noticed the ads popping up on the forum since earlier this year. Previously, they were only displaying to people who...
Hello existing members and welcome new members The forums are provided for you to discuss golf and various other topics, but only if...
Normal Threads
Hi OZgolfers Unfortunately, the forum is currently running at a loss, where the amount of revenue gained from the Google Ads (Tapatalk ad revenue...
Daves just posted this on Facebook. I guess thats why he has been quiet here Gonna miss his golf club wisdom and all round good blokeness
Since I'm so flat out at work, I thought it would be good to bring another moderator or ten on board to help share the load. Jarro was sick of...
I've changed my personal banking around a bit, which means I've had to change the separate OZgolf bank account also, or else it would start wearing...
The forum will be turned off tomorrow at around 4pm while the site migrates to a new host. I'm hopeful that it will be back up and running, and a...
Hi all, there's been a bit of interest in another round of orders. Please add your name & whether you want a black or white cover, and whether it...
Hey all As you would have noticed if you tried to visit the forum today, we disappeared from the interwebs for a little while. This was due to...
My beard is getting a bit long, and I was planning on giving it a trim back to something a bit more neat and tidy. However over the past month, I...
Today at 2.30pm Leon Treadwell passed away. His wife Leah sent me a message late this afternoon. His family was with him. I've not known what to...
Apparently the forum isn't working. I must have good timing then.
Let's go 'round again. Following on from the last orders here, here, and here, it seems like there might be enough interest to go round again. I'd...
Following on from the last order here, and the one before that here, it seems like there might be enough interest to go round again. I'd like to get...
I need a photo to use for the forum's cover photo on Tapatalk. I was using the Camillo Villegas photo with the OZgolf sign, but Tapatalk wants a...
Blinkies are out, Userbars are in. Keeping with the theme of keeping signatures tidy and reducing seizures, Courty has done some nice work on...
Hi all. Let me just put some posts together over time about the last couple of days. This is my first post on the public forum for three weeks. ...
To put it bluntly, Admin and mods needed a break from the constant trolls. It is hard work to run a non profit forum for members when certain members...
OZgolfers To get some more revenue in for the site, I have added a product called Viglink. Viglink takes note of links clicked on and...
Last night, Robyn installed Tapatalk which improves access to the forum for mobile devices such as iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and Nokia devices. ...
Emails that are generated by the forum do not seem to be working. This would include things like private message and subscribed thread...
Hi all, I have created the summary below from what I was able to interpret from the EOI threads for bucket hats, shirts & putter covers. Please...
Hi Everyone Sorry for the delay in regards to the forum upgrades, I have been sick a lot of late and then had to get past some deadlines, and so...
Not long to wait now ..... a little over 5000 left to go.
Some of you may have received the following email: Our server host is moving the forum to another server at the moment, and I assume that this...
Hello OZgolfers Some of the "niggle" taking place between members and/or groups of members is becoming ridiculous. This sort of posting does...
Taking on board feedback from previous orders, we've tried to pick a shirt that's a little more traditional in design, but still retains a little...
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