Your place to crap on about anything and everything!
Sticky Threads
The Birthday Thread that overcomes all! Enjoy!
Here's the game day thread: Qld: 2023 Leon Treadwell Memorial Golf Day, Fri May 19, 10a ( But we want to get some money for the Toowoomba...
Normal Threads
I said I was going to start a new thread for the running stuff and here it is. It sounds like senecio and shavey are into it. And Iain and myself...
With an 8 month election campain just about to start (oh dear) ... we may as well put all the hate into one thread...
Hey ya'll, My daughter is starting a new job in a couple of weeks which is situated on the st Lucia UQ campus. She only has Tuesdays in the office...
I thought a new thread might be in order. It/They really don't piss you off, but they do make you say wtf!?? The downside with the thread I see is...
What do you think are the top 3 in Australia. You don’t have to have played them.
Following on from Mike's thread: here I love to watch: Everybody Loves Raymond :lol: (I married into an Italian family... the similarities...
Anyone got the good oil on all the YouTube Golfers. Have been watching Peter Finch and he seems to be one of the only guys who are decent golfers. ...
Anyone have any experiences with the current crop of these things? My dad is looking at this one:...
you're taking at least 12 tablets a day, if not more.
A real "what has my life become" kind of thread. The hose being strewn all over the yard gets my goat no end. Are these hoselink ones worth...
Kiss playing on the Grand Final Footy Show. They look old and pathetic it's laughable.
What are some things that piss you guys off? It doesn't have to be golf related. Just anything really. Paris Hilton pisses me off. Why the ****...
G'day gents. We need your help. It appears the coveted Summer Blazer and Summer Cup are missing! In 2012 TheWanderingMinstral won it and was...
Hi guys, I am looking for info on termite protection for our place. Are chemical barriers the way to go, or are there better options out there? I...
I noticed a couple of posts in another thread getting down on Christmas carols involving snow in Australia, and I'm totally okay with that. Let...
Many movies have been remade. With modern cinematography there are great opportunities to reboot/retell & entertain. But so many have not been...
Pestrol Type stuff. Anyone tried?
My inability to spell the word defineityldefinititlydefinitely.
I'd like to hear peoples thoughts on whether you should buy a new car every few years to avoid depreciation, etc OR just keep driving the older car...
On another forum that I frequent, they have a thread reporting sightings of other forum members that they spot out and about (excluding organised...
Hey guys, so my wife is a massive chris stapelton fan but we missed out on tickets for his shows in Australia. I'm will to pay slightly over the top...
I think we have the upcoming movies and best movies thread but nothing for what you are actually watching week to week. They might be ancient like...
It seems that on this forum (and others) that Australians from the northern states, especially NSW and QLD, seem to have some issues with the people...
Seems there are plenty of threads about things we dislike, how about nominating 4 or more things we like? Bet it won't have the legs of the...
Prompted by some of the comments on the Gabba v Lang Park thread, I've often wondered what beer you blokes drink up there. Does a real...
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