Your place to crap on about all other things golf!
1. Tea Tree Gully
How do you guys keep your Rythym/Tempo when stuck behind a slow group? I totally lost it yesterday, we were held on almost every shot from the 7th...
Thoughts? tried on a pair today. Seem very comfortable.
On my ongoing crusade of utter nonsense that is YouTube Golf Ron Chopper.. New QI Driver fitting. 169 ball Speed @ 10 degrees = 280m Carry or...
Can anyone give me a review on it. Been invited to go and play there when I fly up in a few weeks. I know nothing other than looking at photos...
We have a number of Board and Committee members on the forum. As most know, I've recently joined ours, and am always looking for things we can...
Hey Golfers, I’d really appreciate any valuable advice here. For fun (beers & chips), each time when we play a round, we would take a bet (not...
Win a NTP? Post it here. Like me, yesterday, Brisbane Golf Club 11th, 184m, cross wind, 21 deg Hybrid to 0.67m. Made the putt. Yeah.
As some of you may know, I hate golf. It's a stupid game, played by dumb ****ing idiots. So what do you do when you hate the game and it does...
Our course has been going through a bit of a refresh. Wins include: New Super Pins and tees put more varied spots. Clearing of vegetation....
A scenario for you guys - Stroke comp Player hits tee shot into thick scrub about 20m from tee. Player goes forward to search for the ball,...
Been a witness to a hosel rocket by an OZgolfer? Had a Sherman yourself? Share your tales of the funniest shot in golf here.
Does anyone know? Their membership woman is extremely slow in responding. Guessing its about 15k and 7 k a year but would like confirmation
I really don't understand why people that play comp use poker chips as ball markers. They are almost bigger than leaving their actual ball on the...
Just a post to see what ideas are out there… My club, like many others, recently announced an increase to the annual subscription, over and above...
Last weekend I had the pleasure of playing at 13th beach. Anyway I was on the 16th green and saw a guy several holes previously throw a ball out...
I was listening to a podcast from canada and they were talking about ball flight in the mountains. Got me wondering where the highest course is in...
I'm flying with my clubs and buggy and I've just been made aware that Qantas won't allow batteries in excess of 160Wh on planes, neither checked on...
I have had this opinion for years.. Just add spin to the ball. I cant see a downside.. can anyone else ? No more 200m 7 irons, the driver will...
Hoping to use the Ozgolf “suppository of wisdom” for planning an interstate golf trip. A search for Mornington threads had lots of 2011-2014 dated...
Lately I’ve been losing the golf ball in flight. In the air fine. Drops into the trees and fairway and can’t see it. Anyone suggest sun glass...
Today I played with 2 mates and they put a 4th with us. The 3 of us played comp. He didn’t want to. Then for the entire 18 holes he kept...
I reckon I wear one about 1 round in 10. Not that anyone can ever see my belt. :cry: Do they spread the ghey?
Just wanted to discuss formation of a said tractor society for ozgolf, in light of certain people giving up free lunch for flags. Just saying, thanks...
There's an old fitness dude who's been doing running and triathlon podcasts for a few years now. Looks like he's also started doing a speedgolf...
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