Welcome to the ozgolf.net forums.
Announcements to OZgolf members.
Please read here before posting in forum.
The place for you to provide feedback about the site, or give us some ideas for improvement. Guests are welcome to post here.
Your place to tell us all about the golf equipment your partner will never know about.
The ozgolf.net classifieds. Buy and sell your equipment here. Note: Members must have been registered for 40 days and have 40 posts to be able to start a thread in the Pro Shop. Refer to Pro Shop Guidelines.
Talk about what's happening on the tour, the players, their equipment and the tourneys.
Give a review of a course, provide some pics, maybe a course guide if you're keen.
Need some help or instruction on a part of your game. Ask here. It's not like you are going to get any worse....
Your place to crap on about all other things golf!
The forum's big golf events. The leadup and the aftermath. The winners and the losers. It's all here.
Organise ozgolf golf days and arrange golf games with your ozgolf mates!
Your place to crap on about anything and everything!
A place to post pics and video of your swing
The most members online over 24 hours was 371, 7th June 2013 at 03:45 PM.
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Welcome to our newest member, jon188
Latest Blog Entry, Presidents Cup - Royal Melb Dec 2019 by petethepilot