Confessions - and progressions - of a chopper
on 3rd March 2011 at 06:51 PM (5223 Views)
well, my worst nightmares have come true.
A Chopper.
After playing so well as a youngster, and getting back into it lately, my worst prediction would have been 12 -15 HC. just got a 22!
And my recent effort meant that I played to a 36!
Somewhere, somehow, something has gone wrong. I used to be able to go round without a single lost ball, now im lucky if i only lose half a dozen.
After coming to this conclusion, its now time to do something about it. I have realised that it is not a lack of time or range effort that is killing the game, it is practicing the wrong way. I've fallen into the trap of practicing to work up a sweat, not practice to make my game better.
I've pulled together some info regarding TGM method. after a little bit of thinking and comparison, I realise that I dont have a bad swing, im just doing some small things a little bit wrong and INCONSISTENTLY!
New goal - Cut out the thinking. Pull a club, hit the ball, move on. I dont need to move it, turn it, put it here or there. On the fairway works, and if i miss the fairway, lifes a bitch and lets move on.
I'll start by adressing the ball properly, and with proper placement, and swing methodically and smoothly. After all the ball is already dead!
At the end of the day, its not work, its fun.
and it beats the shit out of work!