18 months later...
on 16th July 2014 at 09:40 AM (17139 Views)
After looking at the previous post from back in November 2012 it inspired me to look at what had eventuated golf wise since then.
Was playing off 14.1 then and now at 9.8, have dropped 8kg in weight, again. The next season 2013 was a dog of a year for me, injury was a never ending problem. By November 2013 my handicap had blown out to 16.7, it was soul sapping at the time. A change in rehabilitation/injury therapy led to a doctors appointment and discovery there was a new injury that was the problem. Since then the golfing has been improving even with a shoulder problem being maintained at the same time.
This weekend is the Lucindale CAVPOWER open tournament on Sunday and looking forward to the round and the socialising which is a large part of country golfing. Also the best Chicken Schnitzel or burger lunch included with a spread of home baked country style afternoon tea that would destroy weight watchers in one sitting. As well as a beer or seven to prevent dehydration.
After the 'Lost' tear of 2013 2014 has been good so far a top 5 finishin teh three day Southern Ports Tournament in A grade handicap section, winning Golf and a Silver in the Masters Games Golf have been highlights. To finally break the ten handicap number last week has been the major boost achievement.