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  1. Life under the new handicap system, and how practice can actually make you worse.

    May June and July were busy months for me in a golfing sense, but not much time was actually spent on the golf course. I started out with my short game in tatters and a challenging (for me) handicap of 21 to play to. It's interesting to look at how the new system shapes up for a newly-handicapped golfer who doesn't play much - it is entirely possible that your first few months will be spent trying to play to a handicap that is determined solely by your best round over that period. That puts your ...
  2. Finally...

    After several instances of seeing Sydney Ozgolf meetups where my lack of handicapping worked against me, I have finally got my butt into gear and signed up somewhere. Filled out the forms today (well, one I have to fill out tomorrow) to join up at Glenmore Heritage Valley.

    Time will tell if I'll regret signing up at Lynwood, but I do like Glenmore a lot. The 2 long par 5s on the front 9, the nice little par 3 to close off the front 9 with a near full water carry, the undulating fairways...I ...
  3. Comp Blog - 19 June, 2010

    Date: 19 June, 2010
    Comp: Stableford
    Conditions: Breezy
    Score: 31pts (77)
    ACR: 72

    First game after about 8 weeks or due to various work, home duties, shit weather and being sick. I didn't know what to expect as I hadn't touched a club in all that time. It was great to be back out in amongst it though.

    The game was fairly solid, and the score was not reflective of the way I pllayed as I missed plenty of short putts < 5 feet.

  4. Third handicap card - thank God for the new handicap system

    Third and final handicap card today, and I put in a shocker. 106 off the stick. The only consolation is that thanks to the new handicap system, this round will just sit in my rolling 20 and mock me whilst having no effect on my handicap.

    I hit rock bottom today in a golfing sense. In the space of three bad rounds I've got to the point where I'm just spraying it everywhere, and not making consistent contact with the ball on full shots, something I usually don't have a problem with. ...
  5. Queensland golf trip, or how to enjoy yourself while sucking at golf

    Late last week I flew into Brisbane for an overnight golf trip with some mates from Uni. We're pretty far flung nowadays (one lives in London) and we are lucky to get the foursome together once a year, so it's a big deal for us and we try to make a big event of it - nice courses, grudge-match atmosphere and constant sledging over 2 rounds. It's the highlight of my golfing year.

    Our first round was at Brookwater, and I was very impressed. What a lovely course. That said, I pity the ...
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