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  1. Cloned club components they work...

    27/7/12 Friday. As a golfer one of the enjoyable facets of the game is looking at, playing with and thinking about new golf equipment. Especially the clubs available, with such a large selection of different clubhead designs available all espousing technological improvements with their release.Perhaps it is a throwback to my teenage years when I enjoyed getting a tube of glue and putting together the various bits in the model aeroplane kits because today I enjoy making up club sets. Cobbling together ...
    Tags: clone, clubs, golf Add / Edit Tags
  2. Bordertown Open result....

    3/4/12 Tuesday The weekend tournament at Bordertown was one of extremes in golf. The first day is still one that has me bemused at the result. Starting on the backnine my final scores on the nines were 55 and a 51, total gross 106 for a nett 93. Last time I had a 100 plus score was in September 2011 when I was struggling to play with the golfers elbow injury, prior to that was in November2010 when playing off a 19 handicap. This round was one of total inconsistency. Could not drive of the tee with ...
    Tags: bordertown, golf, open Add / Edit Tags
  3. Injuries are no fun...

    8/2/12 Wednesday. A later than usual entry this week. The writing time was taken up in other club duties. One activity that comes with being a golf club member is being a volunteer to get jobs done. This achieves a few things, besides getting work completed it also develops club pride and belonging in members. As well as the fiscal benefit of saving money and improving the viability of the club. A less obvious benefit is the improved knowledge of golf club and course operation among members. Golfers ...
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  4. Success! Once again practise and coaching get the best results...

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    30/1/12 Monday. Four weeks of practise have passed since the beginning of the month and many changes to my game has been further evidence in the effectiveness of professional coaching received. The resultant changes in stance and simplifying the whole process of hitting the ball forward into the hole from tee to green did take some adjustment.When playing rounds it was difficult to be consistent with my stroke play. Accepting that I had increased the distances ...
    Tags: coaching, golf Add / Edit Tags
  5. Robe Village Classic Ambrose and Robe Open 5 hole playoff video...

    29/11/11 Tuesday. The past weekend golfing was a pleasure to see and play in, starting on Friday afternoon with my first decent hit in 2-3 weeks. The 9 hole “chicken run” competition on Friday afternoons is fun and my approach to this is to especially enjoy the round and use it to tune up my game for competition. Having spent so long on the side lines of late it was good to be hitting the ball well and enjoying the company of my playing partners. Akin to a scene from Caddyshack the skies around ...
    Tags: golf, open, robe Add / Edit Tags
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