View Full Version : retaining walls..who pays ?

4th March 2007, 11:30 PM
I had always thought that the onus to pay was on the landowner whose property / land needed to be retained lest it fall / erode away.....have some work needed by 2 neighbouring properties to fix walls [one to save their land the other to build a fence closer to the surveyed border] - looked on the council website and a legal one but both say the law is unclear in this matter.....does anyone have any info ??


5th March 2007, 12:04 AM
I suggest you call someone at the Council to get a more detailed/ definitive answer. Local Laws vary, so what may apply here, probably won't apply where you are.

5th March 2007, 12:05 AM
I would say you only have to contribute to the cost if they are putting a fence on top of it.


5th March 2007, 08:14 AM
Reason it is unclear is that, retaining walls between properties are so varied. depends on whether it was constructed by the developer of the area (as alot are today) or constructed by the owners. depends who's side of the land it is on, or if it is on the boundary. If there is a fence above etc. The reason the council information is unclear is because there is no simple retaining wall. Call council explain it to them, they'll ask you plenty of questions and you'll get your answer.