View Full Version : Riverside Oaks 24/2 - jono v zipptopp, amanda v brad
22nd February 2007, 07:19 AM
Riverside Oaks
Sat 24 Feb, 2007
Will update with results for AndyP :)
Amanda beat Brad 1 up
zipptop beat Jono 2 & 1 (I think)
Stableford points
1. Amanda 35 pts (on cb)
2. Brad 35 pts
3. Jono 31 pts
4. zipptop 29 pts
22nd February 2007, 03:09 PM
You go girl:mrgreen:
24th February 2007, 07:25 PM
Thanks to zipptop for organising an interesting and fun day at Riverside Oaks.
It's certainly an interesting place - you pay $92 for green fee + cart. However, I think I've been spoilt by Troon managed golf courses. Issues I have with Riverside Oaks that will stop me going back:
For $92 there is no bag drop off or porter to assist with golf bags
No free range balls ($5.50 and the practice range is a fair distance from 1st tee)
The course doesn't have enough carts - we arrived 40 minutes prior to our tee time and it took them that long to get carts off the course
Poor management - too many people booked in off too many tees. They let people go off 1st & 10th in the morning - but then just slotted those who played off the 10th in with everyone else lining up at the first
Slow play - mainly due to the above point. It took 2 hours to play the first 3 holes. It was a 5 hr 45 min game
Insufficient food supplies - the cart girl never seemed to have any decent food such as sandwiches. No hot food either
No water available on the course (obviously to force you to buy drinks)
Greens were super slow and bumpy as anythingHowever - after saying all this - we had lots of fun. Saw some amazing drives, zipptop had a chip in, I managed to make up a fair distance by hitting the ball towards the cart path, zipptop almost hit a kangaroo.
RO is not somewhere I'd go again, but I'm glad I've been once.
Jono hit an amazing shot out of a buried ball in a bunker
Hope everyone got home safely - severe thunderstorms on the way home - I think we were only going 80 on the M7 because any faster and you couldn't see where you were going.
24th February 2007, 07:31 PM
Certainly does not sound like good value at all Amanda :???:
At least you guys had fun anyway :smt002
That is one nasty lie that Jono had there :shock:
24th February 2007, 07:36 PM
And some more pics:
24th February 2007, 07:38 PM
You little bewdy Amanda.:mrgreen: Bad luck Brad:smt002
Doesn't sound good value at all. :shock:
24th February 2007, 07:40 PM
What was supposed to be a big NSW Ozgolf day turned out to be a pretty quiet affair. It was good fun, nevertheless. It was hot, sticky and very SLOW at the start. I think it took us 1 hour to play the first two holes ... :(
Thankfully, it got a bit better after 4 holes. The slow play gave us a chance to have a bit of a chat in between holes, and also try a golf drill or two ... :lol:
The match between Amanda and Brad was a tight affair, all square after 17. Both Brad and Amanda were off the green for 3 (I think?) and Amanda faced a much tougher chip. She hit it OK in terms of length, but leaked it out to the right some 12 feet. Brad knocked it pretty close and if he had sunk the putt, he probably would have won. Something clicked in the back of his mind (perhaps the possibility that he wouldn't get dinner tonight if he sunk it ;) ) and he missed it. Amanda curled the right to left putt in for the win! Well done. 8)
The match between Geoff and I was scrappy, to say the least. I hit some good drives but not consistent enough. Putting and chipping left a lot to be desired as well. Geoff used his 13 shots well. He seemed to make bogie or par on holes where he got a shot, and have the doubles and triples where he didn't get a shot. Could be just my imagination though ... :lol: Although I got the better stableford score, Geoff did what was needed to beat me 2 and 1. Well done.
I think Amanda took some pics, but we where rushing towards the end because of the impending storm. Luckily, it only rained hard after we finished. I think it ended up being a 5 and a half hour round ...
24th February 2007, 07:46 PM
Whilst waiting on the 12th tee, I was showing brad, amanda and zipptop the drill I've been doing lately. Yep, you got it. The (some say aimless) club throw (aka the miro drill) ... Great drill. 8)
Great for a laugh, anyway ... :lol:
24th February 2007, 07:54 PM
I've got to say amanda, great extension in your followthrough. Well done today amanda and geoff.
24th February 2007, 07:57 PM
Whilst waiting on the 12th tee, I was showing brad, amanda and zipptop the drill I've been doing lately. Yep, you got it. The (some say aimless) club throw (aka the miro drill) ... Great drill. 8)
Great for a laugh, anyway ... :lol:
I heard about this drill many years ago. I believe it can be quite hard to not through the club over your shoulder.
24th February 2007, 07:57 PM
Thanks for the updates, I will update the matchplay result sheet/draw ASAP. To those that have not played their 1st round matches yet (including myself) can we please play them by the end of March.
25th February 2007, 08:22 AM
Thanks for posting those videos Jono - still making us crack up laughing :D
25th February 2007, 08:24 AM
I heard about this drill many years ago. I believe it can be quite hard to not through the club over your shoulder.
Almost everyone does that. Overaccelerate from the top of the backswing and then subconsciously having to hold on through impact. When I first did the drill, the club went high and towards 8 o'clock (if 12 o'clock was the target). :shock: :lol:
The throw drill does nothing for the clubface angle. If you look at still frames of amateurs doing the throw drill, typically the clubface is way open through impact. What it does effectively, however, is to smooth out the start of the downswing and build up the speed to the point where you release the club. It also takes your mind off the ball and shifts it towards the target (ie. more instinctive).
Brad did this drill quite well whereas Amanda and Zipptop tended to manipulate the club and hold on too long.
I'd heard about this drill many years ago too, but never really did it. A guy who had attented a golf workshop showed it to me recently. The workshop was called "Extraordinary Golf" and there is a book by the same name. I've purchased a copy and it's an interesting read. Sort of like Zen approach to golf, where you focus on your awareness of your swing instead of working on what is wrong in your swing. The club throwing drill is to show that your instinctive swing actually looks much better and prolike than your normal swing. Anyway, when I get some time, I'll post up a review of the book in another thread. 8)
Fishman Dan
25th February 2007, 08:33 AM
5.5 hours - you've got to be kidding. What was the hold-up?
25th February 2007, 09:24 AM
Congrats Amanda and Geoff 8) sounds like a fun day was had.
Jono, that club-throwing drill looks crazy :shock: .. but i still wanna try it ;)
Also, i think i've seen a pic of Jono in a bunker like that somewhere before :-s
25th February 2007, 11:58 AM
Jono, that club-throwing drill looks crazy :shock: .. but i still wanna try it ;)
You know you wanna. ;)
I think I've picked up about 10-20 meters since doing the drill. Hit a couple of drives around 270-280 meters yesterday.
Here's still frame of Brad doing this drill. Pretty good late release position, don't you think? 8)
In the book "Extraordinary Golf", the author shows pictures of average hackers getting into this much touted late release position when doing the throw drill. If you do what is instinctive and just try to throw the club down the target line (preferably low to the ground), you'll probably achieve the same position. Compare this to the traditional method of teaching where they try to get you into this position mechanically.
25th February 2007, 04:00 PM
5.5 hours - you've got to be kidding. What was the hold-up?
I think they overbooked. Some social groups had more people than originally anticipated (e.g. the social group in front of us had 2 groups of 5!)
Plus - they let early players at around 9am tee off the 10th - then when 11am to 12pm rolled around - they simply just slotted them in with everyone else starting rounds off the first :shock:
25th February 2007, 04:28 PM
I think Jono summed up our game fairly well, scrappy is being polite. Nothing spectacular although I thought our halving of the 10th with birdies was probably the highlight of the game, although the club throwing was rather good fun as well. The poor service and slow play was disappointing on a course you pay over $90 a game for, I like the course but the service is not good value.
What you couldn't hear from Jono's bunker shot photo was the loud grunt he made when belting the ball as hard as he could to get it out of the bunker.
Thanks for the game Jono, Amanda and Brad
25th February 2007, 07:16 PM
I saw Amanda's name in the paper today as winner of the Ladies event. I don't know how many ladies play in the Saturday comp at RO, but a win is a win.
To my mind, upsets in both games. Well done to Amanda and Zipp. Just remember that Nick O'Hern couldn't keep it going after he beat Tiger.
26th February 2007, 06:02 AM
thanks jim! I'm glad to get past the first round this year - look forward to playing TS or Fishy :)
there were 7 ladies in the event ;)
26th February 2007, 09:09 AM
Amanda, there's a reason for a trip back to RO now.
26th February 2007, 04:36 PM
Amanda, there's a reason for a trip back to RO now.
Maybe not! I called them to find out about the prize and on their records I'm not listed as the winner. The pro will investigate tomorrow!
26th February 2007, 11:41 PM
Maybe not! I called them to find out about the prize and on their records I'm not listed as the winner. The pro will investigate tomorrow!
You obviously missed seeing the white line painted on the pro shop wall - "You must be this tall to win the comp"
P.S. How do I access smilies here?
27th February 2007, 02:02 AM
27th February 2007, 04:42 AM
27th February 2007, 06:09 AM
P.S. How do I access smilies here?
You can't access the smilies from the quick reply box (unless you know the code for them). You have to click the 'go advanced' button to access them.
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