View Full Version : WDYSTM - February 2021

3rd February 2021, 11:32 AM
I haven't had a round in February. I just wanted to mess with Jims OCD and start the month :razz:

3rd February 2021, 11:54 AM
I haven't had a round in February. I just wanted to mess with Jims OCD and start the month :razz:

You had better rename it by adding the year to the title, otherwise he may start another!!:lol:

3rd February 2021, 12:30 PM
You had better rename it by adding the year to the title, otherwise he may start another!!:lol:

Great call - done :lol:

3rd February 2021, 02:51 PM
First comp game for 3 months due to injury

32 off 1

3rd February 2021, 05:38 PM
I don't want to be the threadstarter. But I do like to whinge when people post in the wrong month.

There will also be some whingeing from me in this report, even though I had 38 points.

I hit the ball really well, and blew a couple of scoring opportunities by leaving putts from just off the green well short. But I hit a lot of really good shots with the long clubs. 3 wood distance from the green? No problem. I hit GIR with 3 wood 4 times.

Here's the whinge. In amongst all the good play were two shanks, both from 30 metres out, when I was looking for up and down and more glory.

3rd February 2021, 09:11 PM
3/02/2020 Gungahlin Lakes GC - Stroke - Nett 71

Stats: 100% Fairways, 56% Greens - 34 Putts
Score PPDPPBPPP PBPPPDPBP 39:40:: 79 (+3:+4:+7) Slope 127 Scratch 71

Good solid round today on a course that I have never played before, so pretty happy with that!
Some poor putting cost today, with two 3 putts and some poor execution on a few birdie opportunities, although one did a 360 of the hole and would not drop.
The blokes I played with gave some good advice on the lines to hit and I managed to stick most of them.

4th February 2021, 08:26 AM
I don't want to be the threadstarter. But I do like to whinge when people post in the wrong month.

There will also be some whingeing from me in this report, even though I had 38 points.

I hit the ball really well, and blew a couple of scoring opportunities by leaving putts from just off the green well short. But I hit a lot of really good shots with the long clubs. 3 wood distance from the green? No problem. I hit GIR with 3 wood 4 times.

Here's the whinge. In amongst all the good play were two shanks, both from 30 metres out, when I was looking for up and down and more glory.

Sounds like the Golf Gods put you in you place when giving in to the Sin of Greed.

4th February 2021, 01:18 PM
A better round this morning.


Driver was good - only miss that really cost me was on the 1st, and a less bad 2nd shot probably could've salvaged par. And maybe 15, where I wasn't able to go for the green in 2. Irons & wedges were really good.

Disappointed to only get 1 birdie between holes 7 and 13 - GIR on each, all within 15-20 feet, and only made 1 of them. The miss on 7 was horrible, paying too much attention to where my son was (he was being still & well behaved, I didn't need to worry) and not enough focus on the 3 foot putt. Oh well.

4th February 2021, 03:54 PM
A better round this morning.BbPBBPPbP-PPPPPPBPB 74/37ptsDriver was good - only miss that really cost me was on the 1st, and a less bad 2nd shot probably could've salvaged par. And maybe 15, where I wasn't able to go for the green in 2. Irons & wedges were really good.Disappointed to only get 1 birdie between holes 7 and 13 - GIR on each, all within 15-20 feet, and only made 1 of them. The miss on 7 was horrible, paying too much attention to where my son was (he was being still & well behaved, I didn't need to worry) and not enough focus on the 3 foot putt. Oh well. Very solid mate!

6th February 2021, 03:52 PM
MM at North Haven in strong wind with showers on and off throughout the day.
Golfs a funny game.
No blemishes on th card and was 1 under after 7. Finished the 9 with 2 bogies.
Boarded the bogey train and got off at the 13th with Par then stepped off the platform at Par 3 14th with a double after 2 chunked fat shots and a miss from 4 foot to save bogey.
Then went birdie par in a token effort to save the wreck only to throw it away finishing with a double and a bogey.
1 over on the front and 7 over on the back. I can still smell the handbrake burning now :)

6th February 2021, 04:13 PM
MM at North Haven in strong wind with showers on and off throughout the day.Golfs a funny game.No blemishes on th card and was 1 under after 7. Finished the 9 with 2 bogies.Boarded the bogey train and got off at the Par 3 14th with a double after 2 chunked fat shots and a miss from 4 foot to save bogey.Then went birdie par in a token effort to save the wreck only to throw it away finishing with a double and a bogey.1 over on the front and 7 over on the back. I can still smell the handbrake burning now :) Seems to be some signs of good golf in there Hatch.

6th February 2021, 05:54 PM
First round of match play knockout,got the job done 3&1.I had to give 2 shots,was able to halve the first shot hole with a tidy par,but couldn't do the same with a par on the second shot hole.Played steady golf,then made a move with 6 to go.
Next week I am giving up 15 shots,any tips

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6th February 2021, 06:31 PM
First round of match play knockout,got the job done 3&1.I had to give 2 shots,was able to halve the first shot hole with a tidy par,but couldn't do the same with a par on the second shot hole.Played steady golf,then made a move with 6 to go.
Next week I am giving up 15 shots,any tips

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Ask those basketball kids. Their coach seems to know what he’s doing.

6th February 2021, 06:34 PM
88/72 in medal today. Putted like Stevie Wonder ...

6th February 2021, 06:35 PM
34 off 1 in my second game back, birdie putts keep burning the edge.

6th February 2021, 07:15 PM
Seems to be some signs of good golf in there Hatch.

Was like I’d wound the clock back 12yrs for nine at least.
Apart from stuffing 14 with the fat shots all the dropped shots were short game. Really bad chip shots, good putts that weren’t good enough burning the edge and one bad pulled putt. All the chips were from not a long way off the green.
2x bladed
2x chunked
Every drive was in play

6th February 2021, 08:11 PM
Heaps. Narrowly avoided raising the bat.

7th February 2021, 10:26 AM
07/02/2021, Jindalee GC, 9h Social.

Stats: 1/6 fairways, 3/9 greens, 16 putts.
Score (https://www.gamegolf.com/player/AndyP/round/3016973): BPPXBXPPP; 39 (+6); Played to 6.3.

Arrived at the club, then drove back home to get my golf shoes. An ordinary start, that continued with the golf game. Bad driving, shocking hybrids and several putts burning the edge made it tough work The highlight of the round was having a five iron back after a year of having it as an annoying gap in the bag, then flushing the first one onto the green. A few pars to finish on the easy holes stopped a complete blowout.

Next round: I was playing Gailes on Tuesday, but my partner pulled the pin, so I'll probably wait until next Saturday at Lowood now.

7th February 2021, 12:13 PM
2man Ambrose

Nett Scores
64 Saturday
63 Sunday

7th February 2021, 12:40 PM
35 points today off 14 at Thaxted.(20/15)

Bogeyed the first and then played a great 5 hole stretch of consecutive pars which left me at +1 through 6 holes. I thought I had the ball on a string at this point. Then as it often does my game off the tee left me. Seems none of the practice yesterday found its way into my game. Hit some bad hooks and left myself no second shots. I still managed to make good pars and bogies with solid iron play and putting. A couple double bogies in the last 3 holes is also getting way too familiar. I didn't miss anything within 5 feet all day on the greens. If I could have kept it on the fairway I'm pretty sure I would have been on the verge of breaking 80. Anyway, some good steps in the right direction.

7th February 2021, 02:05 PM
35 points today off 14 at Thaxted.(20/15)

Bogeyed the first and then played a great 5 hole stretch of consecutive pars which left me at +1 through 6 holes. I thought I had the ball on a string at this point. Then as it often does my game off the tee left me. Seems none of the practice yesterday found its way into my game. Hit some bad hooks and left myself no second shots. I still managed to make good pars and bogies with solid iron play and putting. A couple double bogies in the last 3 holes is also getting way too familiar. I didn't miss anything within 5 feet all day on the greens. If I could have kept it on the fairway I'm pretty sure I would have been on the verge of breaking 80. Anyway, some good steps in the right direction.

Sux to let a potential really good one get away. Driving well then suddenly hitting rank shots becomes frustrating. Bit guilty of this myself over the years. I’ve always put it down to the Mr Hyde back in the back of brain somewhere that likes to come out midway through a round. You cruising along hitting good drives with a nice controlled tempo. At some point Mr Hyde goes “it’s my turn now, I can get it out there another 20m” then without even realising it’s happening your transition tempo increases and the bad wayward shots start to show up.
It takes calm concentration to maintain that smooth controlled tempo and not get quicker with over confidence Or think you can get more length because your fully warmed up.

7th February 2021, 02:56 PM
Sux to let a potential really good one get away. Driving well then suddenly hitting rank shots becomes frustrating. Bit guilty of this myself over the years. I’ve always put it down to the Mr Hyde back in the back of brain somewhere that likes to come out midway through a round. You cruising along hitting good drives with a nice controlled tempo. At some point Mr Hyde goes “it’s my turn now, I can get it out there another 20m” then without even realising it’s happening your transition tempo increases and the bad wayward shots start to show up. It takes calm concentration to maintain that smooth controlled tempo and not get quicker with over confidence Or think you can get more length because your fully warmed up. You've nailed it. It's hard to maintain the tempo and stop overthinking it.

Matt 3 Jab
7th February 2021, 07:36 PM
80 off the plates in the medal

Triple was the only bad hole, otherwise I'll take 80.

7th February 2021, 09:52 PM
Medal day. Shot 77 off 6 so happy with that. About a 2 club wind so conditions were tough, played to 2.6.

10/14 FW
7 GIR (2-3 off by under a foot so not too bad)
28 Putts

First hole drove it centre fairway, 135 in. Wind into and off the right. Hit a 6 iron and smother hooked it, about 40 metres left, possibly into the river! Hit a provisional, same but a little better, about 30 left.

Never found the first one, didn't get the second up and down so started with a triple. Bogeyed the second, was ready to walk off!

Parred the next 9, bogeyed 12, birdied 13, parred 14,15,16, bogeyed 17 and lipped out for birdie on 18.

Best score in a fair while and other than the first I was really happy with my game overall. Just need to work out why I always start so shit!

7th February 2021, 10:00 PM
Played Royal Pines yesterday off the blues, just a social game with 6 teams of two playing best Stableford each hole. I ended up with 88 from 17 holes but had fun. Changed my ball on the back 9 after hitting a drive into the water, going from the soft ones I've been using to a TP5x I found. I quite enjoyed how I hit it especially with my irons.

Today was at Surfers Paradise in the social club. I kept the same ball and had 3 of the pix type I'd won last year so played it again. Won the day with 47 points playing off 24 (84 off the stick) so I'll lose 5 off the handicap which brings it more in line with my GA one. 7/13 fairways which included driving a par 4 green (sadly 3 putted it 😂), 5/18 greens and 33 putts. I enjoyed the extra spin I got from my irons and on chips, I felt like I had more control with those shots, and was getting consistent direction with the driver which gave me a lot of confidence on the tee as well.
Had two birdies, one a result of an approach shot hitting the pin and dropping about a metre from the hole.

Really enjoyed it today, a few crappy shots here and there but mostly hit it well. Looking forward to next round.

9th February 2021, 06:53 PM
Stableford today
For all those that think fairways matter,I hit 4 today.
33 points
2 birdies
1 wipe

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11th February 2021, 04:57 PM
Really scratchy this morning.


The score flatters - driver was very average, iron striking was poor for the most part, and missed a few putts (although the greens have been scarified & sanded so they were pretty bad). I suppose I should be happy to have scrambled & scored reasonably well all things considered.

11th February 2021, 06:38 PM
Really scratchy this morning.PBBPPPPPP-BBPPPPXPP 77/34ptsThe score flatters - driver was very average, iron striking was poor for the most part, and missed a few putts (although the greens have been scarified & sanded so they were pretty bad). I suppose I should be happy to have scrambled & scored reasonably well all things considered. Nice run of pars on the front.

13th February 2021, 02:09 PM
It's been a while since a good comp round

Medal today, 41/38-79/69

Including a drive into the lake on 4, a shank on 12, and a missed 3 footer on 5.

Golf is easy when you hit fairways and greens.

13th February 2021, 07:35 PM
35 points at Half Moon Bay today playing the 'dry' nine twice. Should have been a better score but ran out of steam over the last 3 holes.

13th February 2021, 08:36 PM
13/02/2020 Yowani Country Club - Stroke - Nett 71

Stats: 79% Fairways, 39% Greens - 32 Putts
Score BPBBDPPPB PPBBBPPPP 42:39:: 81 (+6:+3:+9) Slope 133 Scratch 73

Reasonably driving round today, only one spray costing a double but managed to recover okay from the others. Putting was pretty ordinary and struggled with the pace on the greens. Some good up and downs saved the day a bit.

13th February 2021, 08:38 PM
35 points at Half Moon Bay today playing the 'dry' nine twice. Should have been a better score but ran out of steam over the last 3 holes.

What holes are the dry nine?

13th February 2021, 08:43 PM
13/02/2020 Yowani Country Club - Stroke - Nett 71Stats: 79% Fairways, 39% Greens - 32 PuttsScore BPBBDPPPB PPBBBPPPP 42:39:: 81 (+6:+3:+9) Slope 133 Scratch 73Reasonably driving round today, only one spray costing a double but managed to recover okay from the others. Putting was pretty ordinary and struggled with the pace on the greens. Some good up and downs saved the day a bit. Nice shooting.I am due to play there next week with Pennant.Need to win tomorrow to hold my spot!

14th February 2021, 03:02 PM
What holes are the dry nine? 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17 & 18. Rinse & repeat. 🙂

14th February 2021, 04:25 PM
Absolute garbage round from me today. Only decent club was the driver hitting 8/14 fairways, but not much use when you butcher everything else. Couldn't even putt to save my life today. 102 gross, 5/18 greens, 41 putts, 25 points.

Just one of those days I suppose, oh well onto next week. I'm still enjoying those TP5x balls though.

14th February 2021, 06:32 PM
ACT DGA Pennant, GLGC 1 V GLGC2.
First time ever I was given a shot, and it was two.

Had a cracking front 9 to turn 3 up, got to the 15th holding the lead, went full retard for two holes, then parred 17 for the win.

The team gets up 4-2, and we now go 10 matches undefeated. Come on!

14th February 2021, 08:20 PM
Nice shooting.I am due to play there next week with Pennant.Need to win tomorrow to hold my spot!

Thanks. Hope the greens improve for you, the stuck good but the roll was bumpy. Still recovering from coring.

15th February 2021, 09:20 AM
Played in the VW Scramble yesterday. 5.5 hour round and I played horrible from Driver to PW. Chipping and putting was ok and saved us a few shots. We ended up -4 off the stick for a net 60. Winner was at net 56.

15th February 2021, 10:01 AM
Played in the VW Scramble yesterday. 5.5 hour round and I played horrible from Driver to PW. Chipping and putting was ok and saved us a few shots. We ended up -4 off the stick for a net 60. Winner was at net 56.

I played in this too. Almost 6 hour round for us.
We had a day we'd like to forget, I was the only one playing decent. 2 individual birdies on 8 & 15

15th February 2021, 10:19 AM
5.5-6 hour round? I'm glad I didn't play (although I do love ambroses)...

I played pennants yesterday morning, and while I didn't play amazingly well, it was good enough for a 3&2 win. Putting was good with the new Sigma 2 Anser, and driver was solid. Irons let me own, which is a bit unusual for me.

15th February 2021, 10:51 AM
I played in this too. Almost 6 hour round for us.We had a day we'd like to forget, I was the only one playing decent. 2 individual birdies on 8 & 15 Nice one Wenz. I felt like I'd played 18 holes and we hadn't even finished 9 holes. So much waiting around. The highlight of our day was that we had a guy in our group who I hadn't played with before. Ex hockey player off 20. The guy was crushing it off the tee. He drove it greenside or over the green on 4 of the par 4s (4, 12,13 & 16) and also put us within 160m for the second shot on 3 of the par 5s (6, 10 and 14). It was great to watch. We should have been 8 or 9 under on those holes alone.

15th February 2021, 10:58 AM
13/02/2021, Lowood GC, Stroke/Stableford/Flag.

Stats: 3/14 fairways, 7/18 greens, 35 putts.
Score: BBBBPBPPP XBBXPPXPP; 41:44:85 (+5:+8:+13); Stab 17:12:29pts; Flag 217m from tee in left trees on 17th. Played to 16.4.

That was a bit of a deflating round, where I couldn't get any part of my game going. I'm sick of missing with the driver to both sides, but then my approaches were off and kept short siding myself, so my short game never had a chance; not that I was draining putts anyway. Maybe I'm just overthinking things out on the course at the moment.

Next round: Wolston Park on Sunday.

15th February 2021, 05:04 PM
I had a rain stopped play round last Wednesday, and I was looking at the same outcome today, after a bad start and rain starting to fall. But instead of getting worse on the holes near the clubhouse, where the temptation is to pull the pin, it cleared up and I played a good back 9.

32 points doesn't sound like much, but I actually played well considering a wet course, no run on the fairways and a strong breeze. Only the early missed putts cost me a good round.

16th February 2021, 08:59 PM
15/02/2020 Wagga City - Stroke - Nett 73

Stats: 93% Fairways, 17% Greens - 29 Putts
Score PBPBBPPPP BDBPBPBPP 39:42:: 81 (+3:+6:+9) Slope 119 Scratch 72

Had it in play off the tee for the best part, hit some sold hybrids that saved me on the Par 5's and the long 4's. Missed a few gettable putts, struggled to read the greens but managed not to three putt! Chipping and pitching saved the day on more than one occasion.

17th February 2021, 01:05 PM
Played in the VW Scramble yesterday. 5.5 hour round and I played horrible from Driver to PW. Chipping and putting was ok and saved us a few shots. We ended up -4 off the stick for a net 60. Winner was at net 56.

I played in this too. Almost 6 hour round for us.
We had a day we'd like to forget, I was the only one playing decent. 2 individual birdies on 8 & 15

This amount of time for any round yet alone a Cheat Ball game is totally unacceptable.
Was it the Pro Tour out there taking eternity to read every put from 20 angles and have team meetings over Tee shots???

17th February 2021, 01:12 PM
This amount of time for any round yet alone a Cheat Ball game is totally unacceptable.Was it the Pro Tour out there taking eternity to read every put from 20 angles and have team meetings over Tee shots??? There was definitely some of that. There were a couple guys that had an abnormally long preshot routine. 3-4 practice swings, regrip, re-align, check the wind... then shank it into the woods. Also combine that with no urgency between shots led to a really long day.

17th February 2021, 03:29 PM
I played pennants yesterday morning, and while I didn't play amazingly well, it was good enough for a 3&2 win. Putting was good with the new Sigma 2 Anser, and driver was solid. Irons let me own, which is a bit unusual for me.

Did we get the BYU v HP match up or is that possibility still coming up?

17th February 2021, 03:33 PM
There was definitely some of that. There were a couple guys that had an abnormally long preshot routine. 3-4 practice swings, regrip, re-align, check the wind... then shank it into the woods. Also combine that with no urgency between shots led to a really long day.

All of the above but also having groups of 8 doesn't help.
I'd rather have groups of 8 than have someone shoot -20 off the stick haha.

17th February 2021, 06:29 PM
Did we get the BYU v HP match up or is that possibility still coming up? No, unfortunately I played a different person on his team. HP also had a win though, won it on the last hole.

18th February 2021, 02:09 PM
Really slow start this morning, was out of contention early after opening with 5 straight bogies.

BBBBBpbBB-PPPBPbPPB 78/33 points

Tee to green was poor - I only hit 3 GIRs. Chipping and putting was good though - only 27 putts.

18th February 2021, 02:46 PM
Really slow start this morning, was out of contention early after opening with 5 straight bogies.

BBBBBpbBB-PPPBPbPPB 78/33 points

Tee to green was poor - I only hit 3 GIRs. Chipping and putting was good though - only 27 putts.

Short game saved a bad blow out ................................... interesting

18th February 2021, 04:17 PM
6 months ago I would not have said short game was a strength of mine, but it's come a long way lately. In a bit of a slump otherwise at the moment - need to get that fixed before champs. I feel like I'm not far away from some very good golf. Might need to take my 5i out of the bag though, I just can't hit it at the moment and it's in my head.

18th February 2021, 05:06 PM
6 months ago I would not have said short game was a strength of mine, but it's come a long way lately. In a bit of a slump otherwise at the moment - need to get that fixed before champs. I feel like I'm not far away from some very good golf. Might need to take my 5i out of the bag though, I just can't hit it at the moment and it's in my head.

BYU, the forgiving cavity 4 iron then more bladed 6 iron gap is a good way to go. You can always grip down a bit on the 4 if you need a 5iron distance, or step on the 6 (ball back etc. - you know this stuff) in a no head-wind condition

at TTG I use my 5 iron blade for a Par 3 but off the tee and for layup shots on Par 5's and/or recovery from trees. If there is a bit of wind I will grip down on the 4 (forgiving hollow back) and play more of a knockdown; its a great shot in the wind but does run out a bit

18th February 2021, 05:55 PM
29. Lots of putts

19th February 2021, 03:39 PM
18/20 38 off 2

Had a hit with benno_r at Maryborough this morning. We played in a 4 in carts and got around in 2 hrs 25. We were low level flying.

19th February 2021, 07:18 PM
18/20 38 off 2Had a hit with benno_r at Maryborough this morning. We played in a 4 in carts and got around in 2 hrs 25. We were low level flying.Nice shooting.

20th February 2021, 05:12 PM
18/02/2021, Oakey GC, Solo.

Stats: 5/13 fairways, 4/18 greens, 27 putts.
Score: PXBPPBbPB PXPPBBXPP; 39:43:32 (+4:+7:+11). Played to 13.2.

I'm still struggling with drives and approaches, although 40kph winds didn't help, but scrambled around okay except for a couple of holes where a shank from good position destroyed the hole. The low chip and putter were going alright though.

Next round: Wolston Park on Sunday.

20th February 2021, 05:53 PM
18/02/2020 Forbes - Stroke - Nett 74

Stats: 64% Fairways, 28% Greens - 29 Putts
Score BPBDBPPDB BBPPPPBPP 44:39:: 83 (+8:+3:+11) Slope 123 Scratch 73

A game of two halves in the driving department, hit one fairway on the front nine, after continually pulling everything left, than on the back nine couldn't miss a fairway...its a funny game!
Solid putting on the back nine returned a good nine to recover from the front nine mess a little.

20th February 2021, 06:25 PM
Round 2 of match play knockout.Thanks for the week off covid.
Started with a loss on one of only 3 holes I didn't have to give a shot on,but got it back 2 holes later.Giving 15 shots against someone can be tough,especially when they are in a purple patch.Kept plugging away,but hard to win holes.Was 1 down after 9 and feeling good,but then 2 down after 10.Can drain you a bit when par isn't good enough to half.Was staying in touch with 2 to go,1 down,then made an excellent chip on 17 to hold par for a win,then par on 18 was good enough for a win,and the match 1 up.Their was some awesome shots played today,and I had to shoot a 5 over 76 to get the W.
Next week I am giving up 20 shots[emoji54]

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20th February 2021, 10:20 PM
Nice win, 20 shots will be a challenge.

21st February 2021, 02:13 PM
21/02/2021, Wolston Park GC, Blue Tee, Stableford.

Stats: 6/11 fairways, 6/18 greens, 31 putts.
Score (B9 first): PBBPPPBXP PBBBBPBBP; 37:41:78 (+5:+6:+11). Played to 13.7.

Much better ball striking today, with one of the best days with the current driver, and some good iron shots too, particularly off the tee. Unfortunately, there was the occasional shocker that crept in costing shots. Positive signs though.

Pace of play today was "interesting". First off the 10th in a group of two, getting around that nine in under 90min, then we had a 30+ min wait before we could tee of the first, and the second nine took an additional 2.25 hr. Painful!

Next round: Same again next Sunday.

21st February 2021, 02:59 PM
Went out with 13 points in a gross [emoji2961] display of putting around together. Hit it OOB on the first just to kick it off.

Turned and came home in 1 under for 21 points. Seems to be the standard thing the last few weeks.


21st February 2021, 03:34 PM
Was one of four choppers who played Brisbane on Thursday

4 OB’s at Nudgee yesterday

6 GIR at RQ today and they were in a row.

My golf is pretty shi*e atm

21st February 2021, 05:48 PM
31 but it goes in as 29 because my marker couldn’t be bothered keeping the card during the round, and I decided not to tell him my scores at the end, so he made it up.

21st February 2021, 06:48 PM
A choke for the ages in pennants today. Playing amazing golf, have 2 putts to be 5 up through 7. 3 putt. Forgot which end of the club hold and lost 7 of the next 9 holes. Won 16, halved 17 for the 2&1 loss. Drowning my sorrows.

21st February 2021, 07:25 PM
A choke for the ages in pennants today. Playing amazing golf, have 2 putts to be 5 up through 7. 3 putt. Forgot which end of the club hold and lost 7 of the next 9 holes. Won 16, halved 17 for the 2&1 loss. Drowning my sorrows. What a rollercoaster! Any lessons learnt?

21st February 2021, 07:49 PM
A choke for the ages in pennants today. Playing amazing golf, have 2 putts to be 5 up through 7. 3 putt. Forgot which end of the club hold and lost 7 of the next 9 holes. Won 16, halved 17 for the 2&1 loss. Drowning my sorrows.

Welcome to the choke club

Don’t stay long. You’ll end up playing hit and giggle for the rest of your life

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21st February 2021, 07:50 PM
A choke for the ages in pennants today. Playing amazing golf, have 2 putts to be 5 up through 7. 3 putt. Forgot which end of the club hold and lost 7 of the next 9 holes. Won 16, halved 17 for the 2&1 loss. Drowning my sorrows.

** pennant

21st February 2021, 08:57 PM
A choke for the ages in pennants today. Playing amazing golf, have 2 putts to be 5 up through 7. 3 putt. Forgot which end of the club hold and lost 7 of the next 9 holes. Won 16, halved 17 for the 2&1 loss. Drowning my sorrows.Been their.Was 6 up against Jono with 6 to play at Royal Hobart,and I managed to scratch out a half[emoji2961].Never gotten over it,best lesson I ever learnt playing matchplay

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21st February 2021, 09:53 PM
Pennant win, 2 from 2 for the year.

Fought back from one down with 3 to play to win one up.

Team is now either 11 or 12 straight over the last three years, and top of the ladder in our grade.


21st February 2021, 10:08 PM
A choke for the ages in pennants today. Playing amazing golf, have 2 putts to be 5 up through 7. 3 putt. Forgot which end of the club hold and lost 7 of the next 9 holes. Won 16, halved 17 for the 2&1 loss. Drowning my sorrows.

That sort of stuff can really mess with the mind while out there in the moment.
Flog your next opponent and it will be a distant memory.

22nd February 2021, 10:39 AM
Another crap round for me yesterday, mainly for the same reason as last week, terrible iron play. Driving wasn't too bad, mostly putting myself in good position even if off the fairway a bit, and that terrible putting from last week appears to be a one off, just in a slump with the irons lately. I'm sure it'll turn around soon, usually rolls in waves.

22nd February 2021, 05:36 PM
31 but it goes in as 29 because my marker couldn’t be bothered keeping the card during the round, and I decided not to tell him my scores at the end, so he made it up.

DQ for signing an incorrect scorecard.

22nd February 2021, 05:46 PM
DQ for signing an incorrect scorecard.

I didn’t sign it

22nd February 2021, 08:02 PM
22/02/2020 Riverside GC Mildura - Stroke - Nett 73

Stats: 93% Fairways, 28% Greens - 28 Putts
Score BPBPBBPBB PBPPbPBBP 42 - 38 :: 80 (+6:+2:+8)
Slope 116 Scratch 71

Better day off the tee today, missed one fairway. Putted pretty consistent, but missed a few gettable putts. Was a little rushed on the front nine, as I played through a couple of groups, and then settled better on the back nine.

24th February 2021, 01:40 PM
I don't normally post here unless it's a super special passive (or active) brag.

23/18 for 41 off 5. My first ever par round.

3 birdies for -3 on the front. 3 bogies for +3 on the back. 2 of which were 3 putts after hitting average shots into 11 and 14 and leaving myself 60ft plus.

12/13 fairways
14 gir
3 bird
12 par
3 bog
2 3jags
32 putts

24th February 2021, 01:42 PM
I don't normally post here unless it's a super special passive (or active) brag.

23/18 for 41 off 5. My first ever par round.

3 birdies for -3 on the front. 3 bogies for +3 on the back. 2 of which were 3 putts after hitting average shots into 11 and 14 and leaving myself 60ft plus.

12/13 fairways
14 gir
3 bird
12 par
3 bog
2 3jags
32 putts

Awesome effort mate. Damn 3 putts!!

24th February 2021, 02:09 PM
I don't normally post here unless it's a super special passive (or active) brag.

23/18 for 41 off 5. My first ever par round.
Wrong thread, Benno. You want this one: My finest hour...I finally conquered this game (ozgolf.net) (https://www.ozgolf.net/showthread.php/8241-My-finest-hour...I-finally-conquered-this-game?)

Congratulations on the awesome round.

24th February 2021, 02:27 PM
I don't normally post here unless it's a super special passive (or active) brag.23/18 for 41 off 5. My first ever par round.3 birdies for -3 on the front. 3 bogies for +3 on the back. 2 of which were 3 putts after hitting average shots into 11 and 14 and leaving myself 60ft plus.12/13 fairways14 gir3 bird12 par3 bog2 3jags32 putts Nice one, Benno.

24th February 2021, 02:33 PM
I don't normally post here unless it's a super special passive (or active) brag.

23/18 for 41 off 5. My first ever par round.

3 birdies for -3 on the front. 3 bogies for +3 on the back. 2 of which were 3 putts after hitting average shots into 11 and 14 and leaving myself 60ft plus.

12/13 fairways
14 gir
3 bird
12 par
3 bog
2 3jags
32 putts

Well, look at you Mr Par man.


24th February 2021, 04:06 PM
I don't normally post here unless it's a super special passive (or active) brag.

23/18 for 41 off 5. My first ever par round.

3 birdies for -3 on the front. 3 bogies for +3 on the back. 2 of which were 3 putts after hitting average shots into 11 and 14 and leaving myself 60ft plus.

12/13 fairways
14 gir
3 bird
12 par
3 bog
2 3jags
32 putts

Nice job flusha.

24th February 2021, 05:41 PM
I don't normally post here unless it's a super special passive (or active) brag.

23/18 for 41 off 5. My first ever par round.

I remember when this poster won a NSW Champs off about 14. It must be all the changes of equipment.

On the other hand, I hardly ever change my equipment, and I post all my rounds, good or bad.

Today's round was one of the best 32 point rounds I've ever shot. It was back marker day, it rained for an hour, the course was wet and had no run, and it looked like more rain all day. I was smashing my best drives about 170m, and finding myself up to 100m out in two on our long par 4's. It was a day for saving bogey and taking advantage on the holes I could reach in reg.

Still, I need the exercise, and for handicap farming purposes I needed the card to go in, so something was achieved.

24th February 2021, 05:59 PM
I remember when this poster won a NSW Champs off about 14. It must be all the changes of equipment.

On the other hand, I hardly ever change my equipment, and I post all my rounds, good or bad.

Today's round was one of the best 32 point rounds I've ever shot. It was back marker day, it rained for an hour, the course was wet and had no run, and it looked like more rain all day. I was smashing my best drives about 170m, and finding myself up to 100m out in two on our long par 4's. It was a day for saving bogey and taking advantage on the holes I could reach in reg.

Still, I need the exercise, and for handicap farming purposes I needed the card to go in, so something was achieved.I remember when he won a Qld champs off 18 or 19 at Brookwater!!! Honestly with the amount of time, practice and lessons he has put in over the last couple of years, he deserves days like today.

24th February 2021, 07:05 PM
Cheers boys.

And Jim, you'll be surprised to know the only change to the bag since 2020 Vic champs is some fresh wedges and a replacement driver shaft.

The difference is 2yrs of no FIFO work. Plenty of time to practice and play makes a world of difference.

Ron Burgundy
24th February 2021, 07:45 PM
I don't normally post here unless it's a super special passive (or active) brag.23/18 for 41 off 5. My first ever par round.3 birdies for -3 on the front. 3 bogies for +3 on the back. 2 of which were 3 putts after hitting average shots into 11 and 14 and leaving myself 60ft plus.12/13 fairways14 gir3 bird12 par3 bog2 3jags32 putts Sensational mate. Well deserved.

24th February 2021, 07:58 PM
Go Bennie

I am going to enjoy the 5 shots you give me in our rematch!

24th February 2021, 08:23 PM
Brilliant Benno_R.

24th February 2021, 08:52 PM
Go Bennie

I am going to enjoy the 5 shots you give me in our rematch!Pffft, you'll need more than that chief! [emoji23][emoji23]

24th February 2021, 09:16 PM
Cheers boys.

And Jim, you'll be surprised to know the only change to the bag since 2020 Vic champs is some fresh wedges and a replacement driver shaft.

The difference is 2yrs of no FIFO work. Plenty of time to practice and play makes a world of difference.

Well done Benno, sure there will be more of those rounds to come. And working at the course probs helps as well.

25th February 2021, 02:51 PM
Some pretty ordinary golf for me this morning.


Bad start. Felt like I was very poor off the tee, but actually hit 8/14 fairways, and 10/18 greens. I guess in retrospect it was a (fairly large) number of bad shots that cost me. Putting was alright without being great.

If I can sort my driver out I can see myself getting back into my previous good form, although I am working on a swing change that might screw me up for a while.

25th February 2021, 05:35 PM
Some pretty ordinary golf for me this morning.


Bad start. Felt like I was very poor off the tee, but actually hit 8/14 fairways, and 10/18 greens. I guess in retrospect it was a (fairly large) number of bad shots that cost me. Putting was alright without being great.

If I can sort my driver out I can see myself getting back into my previous good form, although I am working on a swing change that might screw me up for a while.

Still enough pars in there to make it not a complete disaster.
Birdie on 18, one of the holes in your good rounds that saw regular bogies is a nice touch.

25th February 2021, 05:45 PM
Yeah, always good to birdie 18. Decent 3i found the fairway, then a good 8i to about 10 feet. My short irons and wedges were really quite good today when I got the chance to use them.

26th February 2021, 07:15 PM
3rd round of club match play knockout for me today.20 shots was to many to defend,especially when i could only win 1 hole off my opponent.I was playing very solid,good par golf,but it didn't cut it.And when I made my first birdie,I lost the hole as he had 2 shots on it and was in for par.The other hole he had 2 shots on,I needed to eagle to win,halved with a birdie[emoji848].I was 5 over par when I lost the game 7&5.

Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk

27th February 2021, 06:17 PM
A nice day out, lots of good ballstriking and seemingly got the driver out of the snap hooks.

The putter (old 1970’s Ping Anser) was actually very good. The lost strokes were due to 3x wicked horseshoes from about 3ft.


28th February 2021, 08:33 AM
A nice day out, lots of good ballstriking and seemingly got the driver out of the snap hooks. The putter (old 1970’s Ping Anser) was actually very good. The lost strokes were due to 3x wicked horseshoes from about 3ft. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20210227/f28a48727ca2a790ec0969d030b3f80c.jpgSolid work, Bushy. 👍

28th February 2021, 01:17 PM
39 points this morning for my first comp round in about 2 months. It could have been even better but 3 doubles really didn't help. If I could learn to hit driver again I might be able to string a decent round together.

28th February 2021, 01:51 PM
9 over 81 in a comp at Penfield GC this morning. First time playing there, played alright other than a pair of double bogies on the back 9. Burned edges all day and no birdie putts dropped.

28th February 2021, 02:32 PM
28/02/2021, Wolston Park GC, Blue Tee, Stableford.

Stats: 3/11 fairways, 5/18 greens, 32 putts.
Score (B9 first): PPXPXBPBB PPXXXBPBP; 39:44:83 (+7:+9:+16). Played to 19.0.

When it went wrong, it went very wrong. Five doubles or worse, including a stretch of three in a row. Possibly a coincidence that it might have taken about an hour to play those three holes; seriously ****ing slow back nine (2h45m).

The improvement since my return has well and truly stopped now. There is a good swing somewhere in there, but I'm just not finding it enough at the moment.

Next round: Definitely not the same again next Sunday. Maybe a social hit at Gailes on Sunday afternoon.

28th February 2021, 07:05 PM
2up, 3-0 for the year in Pennant

Team has won 13 straight now.


28th February 2021, 07:34 PM
Was asked to play in the VW scramble at Southern today, I have never played in any of the scramble variants before. So I had nfi what the format was or what to expect.

Hadn't played for 3 weeks and had recently strain my rotator cuff playing tennis, so wasn't super confident going in and had to smother my shoulder in Voltaren before the game.

Anyway, we shot 9 under and had a handicap of 7.1, so finished nett 56ish.

Was good enough for second, and qualified for the regional final at Ranfurlie in April.

Also picked up a dozen Chrome Soft, so a good day was had.

28th February 2021, 07:35 PM
2up, 3-0 for the year in Pennant

Team has won 13 straight now.

YeahtheboyzWell done Benno

28th February 2021, 07:40 PM
2up, 3-0 for the year in Pennant

Team has won 13 straight now.


Nice going, how was Yowani the other week?

28th February 2021, 07:46 PM
Nice going, how was Yowani the other week? Greens had been rolled, tees were behind the plates, and it was in VGC.I think you just got an unlucky day.Next weekend is Federal, which their boys were telling me is in A1 condition

28th February 2021, 09:32 PM
Greens had been rolled, tees were behind the plates, and it was in VGC.I think you just got an unlucky day.Next weekend is Federal, which their boys were telling me is in A1 condition

Obviously they were holding it back for the guns to play rather then us weekend choppers!

1st March 2021, 05:28 PM
An 'if only' round for me today. 34 points was the total, but I played the hard holes really well, and missed putts under 10 feet on almost every bogey hole.

I couldn't hit a green with an iron, but twice I was able to hit 3 wood to closer than 10 feet. Just managed to avoid a flag round for handicap farming purposes.

3rd March 2021, 04:25 PM
20pts. 2nd last in field of ~170

After a shite 2020, started this year with 8 flags out of 10 rounds. Then finished February with the 2nd worst round (points) of my life. Sadly the worst was only a few months before.

Stood on the 14th tee and added up my score, 10 points total and just 1 point for previous 7 holes. Even NAGA can beat that!

Decided i better pull my pants up otherwise I will be a laughing stock and knocked out 10 pts for the last 5 holes, fairly easily.

Now I am wondering why i didnt do that earlier :-(