View Full Version : Post Vic Champs stages of grief.

25th February 2019, 04:18 PM
Right now I’m at stage 1, stiff and sore and can’t keep my eyes open.

25th February 2019, 04:21 PM
I just got told by my boss that I stink and need a shower urgently,

Pretty stiff after a 2+ hour drive and 5 days of chopping

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Captain Nemo
25th February 2019, 05:00 PM
I’ve had 2 hrs sleep since landing last night at 11pm....
And my ass is sore from Barny bending me over and giveing me a good rogering!

25th February 2019, 08:35 PM
I’m charging at the Chilli Peppers in Brisbane. No time for grief

25th February 2019, 08:51 PM
I am disappointed that this wasn't a Pro Shop thread full of post-Champs bargains.

25th February 2019, 11:49 PM
I am disappointed that this wasn't a Pro Shop thread full of post-Champs bargains.Cant sell memories

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26th February 2019, 01:08 AM
I am disappointed that this wasn't a Pro Shop thread full of post-Champs bargains.I don't think Johnno has logon yet [emoji16]

26th February 2019, 06:13 AM
Right now I’m at stage 1, stiff and sore and can’t keep my eyes open. I was asleep before we left the terminal at Launny, and got woken by the lovely lady next to me when it was time to disembark. This morning I still cant move. Gonna be a long boring day in the office.

26th February 2019, 06:53 AM
I was asleep before we left the terminal at Launny, and got woken by the lovely lady next to me when it was time to disembark. This morning I still cant move. Gonna be a long boring day in the office. I slept right through the flight, got home and slept 8 hours straight and woke up sore too. I’m going to have serious withdrawal from links golf ... drove past my home course yesterday and it looked so flat and boring ... 😂

26th February 2019, 07:11 AM
My heart bleeds for you all.

26th February 2019, 07:37 AM
Just getting ready for 1 final round before I leave tonight.My feet are aching,my hands have bugger all feeling left,dehydration is setting in,back is knackered,smashing down a continental breakfast,need a holiday

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Ron Burgundy
26th February 2019, 07:45 AM
Got home just after midnight Sun night. Yesterday was horrendous at work and today will be about the same. Sore everywhere and still very tired. I’m going to need something stronger than coffee to lift me out of this.

Still worth it. Just a shame we have to wait 51 weeks to do it all again.

26th February 2019, 08:36 AM
Don't know what you're all complaining about, you should be chuffed we aren't forced to suffer through that Sunday shithole again. When the best part of the course is the male Irish bartender, you know the place is ****ed.

The Swedish female beach volleyball academy couldn't make me happier than I am right now.

26th February 2019, 08:58 AM
Got home just after midnight Sun night. Yesterday was horrendous at work and today will be about the same. Sore everywhere and still very tired. I’m going to need something stronger than coffee to lift me out of this. Still worth it. Just a shame we have to wait 51 weeks to do it all again. Same here. Today's my second day back at work and while I'm a little less sore I doubt I'll be much more productive at work today than I was yesterday (which wasn't much). A realisation dawned on me as I was driving into work this morning, after Christmas the Vic Champs is the next annual event I look forward to most.

26th February 2019, 09:42 AM
Don't know what you're all complaining about, you should be chuffed we aren't forced to suffer through that Sunday shithole again. When the best part of the course is the male Irish bartender, you know the place is ****ed.The female Swedish female beach volleyball academy couldn't make me happier than I am right now.#data

26th February 2019, 09:54 AM
The female Swedish female beach volleyball academy couldn't make me happier than I am right now.


26th February 2019, 09:57 AM

You don't need a pic of me, just believe me that I'm very, VERY happy. ;-)

26th February 2019, 10:03 AM
Don't know what you're all complaining about, you should be chuffed we aren't forced to suffer through that Sunday shithole again. When the best part of the course is the male Irish bartender, you know the place is ****ed.

The Swedish female beach volleyball academy couldn't make me happier than I am right now.

Lefty: where specifically does the suffering happen for you? You’re an accomplished golfer and presented with an undulating course with a lot of variable bounce situations. Don’t you feel like with your skill set you can really take this on rather than complain about it.

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26th February 2019, 10:48 AM
Lefty: where specifically does the suffering happen for you? You’re an accomplished golfer and presented with an undulating course with a lot of variable bounce situations. Don’t you feel like with your skill set you can really take this on rather than complain about it.

Sent from my iPad using TapatalkHe got eating up and shat out the other end

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26th February 2019, 10:56 AM
After back-to-back-to-back flights, Bushy & I got home around 10:30 last night.

After 8.5 rounds in 7 days my feet & hands are sore and my lips are chapped and my head is numb. I can't imagine how much worse I would feel if I had slept as little and drunk as much as some of you!

Luckily I have the rest of this week off to recover ;), but I'm back on the horse for a round of Wednesday Rules tomorrow with Bushy & Solarman :D.

Captain Nemo
26th February 2019, 10:59 AM
Not sure I’ll play tomorrow, my ass is still sore from being reamed by Barny....:cry:

26th February 2019, 11:00 AM
He got eating up and shat out the other end

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Nailed it.

Its all in his head.

He got lucky bounces at Launceston GC, but because it wasn't #linksy, it was acceptable.

Our Sunday 18 at Barney was as much fun as I have had on a golf course.

26th February 2019, 11:53 AM
Nailed it.Its all in his head.He got lucky bounces at Launceston GC, but because it wasn't #linksy, it was acceptable.Our Sunday 18 at Barney was as much fun as I have had on a golf course. Your 50+ meter putt on the 10th at LF to 4 feet has to be the shot of the champs. I could not even imagine pulling off a shot like that.

26th February 2019, 12:15 PM
Your 50+ meter putt on the 10th at LF to 4 feet has to be the shot of the champs. I could not even imagine pulling off a shot like that.

Thanks Jono. I lazered it at 65 metres!

I tried putting one from 115 on 18 on the second round. Didn't quite get there :)

26th February 2019, 01:49 PM
You call those posts grief?

To those who didn't make it down there, the above reads like whinging about the carpet being too soft in the McLaren.

26th February 2019, 01:50 PM
Nailed it.Its all in his head.He got lucky bounces at Launceston GC, but because it wasn't #linksy, it was acceptable.Our Sunday 18 at Barney was as much fun as I have had on a golf course. You’re sadistic. Barney Dunes can eat a big bag of dicks. #hater4life #data #linksy

26th February 2019, 02:27 PM
Lefty: where specifically does the suffering happen for you? You’re an accomplished golfer and presented with an undulating course with a lot of variable bounce situations. Don’t you feel like with your skill set you can really take this on rather than complain about it.

I'll let you in on a dirty little secret Owen;

I'm not nearly as accomplished, have as good a skill set, or simply as good a golfer as you think.

And then when you play courses like that with a handicap as low as mine, one bad bounce, one shot into slightly the wrong place, one weak shot that isn't 100% (and it WILL happen, even on your absolute best ball striking days) will lead to a double and a very quick disappearance of said handicap.

He got eating up and shat out the other end

I'm not saying for one second that I didn't play like a busted arse, because I most certainly did. :lol: But there's medical reasons behind that. Fighting the swing that you've had for 20 years that doesn't work right now just to get the ball around the course in some sort of fashion doesn't really work, and this is what happened on Thursday, Sunday and the first half of Monday. (Sorry about Friday Shaz, I could've very easily joined you on those 25-odd points.)

Nailed it.

Its all in his head.

He got lucky bounces at Launceston GC, but because it wasn't #linksy, it was acceptable.

OK, I'll bite. I had 2 (3?) hit trees and become better than they were going to be, which doesn't normally happen for me, but I also had that little pearler on 4 that you photographed, and the dead aim at the tree on 1 to even it out.

But I know the exact one you're referring to, so I drew a little diagram...

I know we laughed about it at the time, but can someone explain to me how missing on the inside of the bunker, and the ground sloping to the left and back toward me (as indicated by dem pretty little red arrows), and the ball bouncing in that general direction is linksy?

Your 50+ meter putt on the 10th at LF to 4 feet has to be the shot of the champs. I could not even imagine pulling off a shot like that.

Pffft, not even best shot of the day, let alone champs. Keep up Jono. ;-)

Not sure I’ll play tomorrow, my ass is still sore from being reamed by Barny....:cry:

Can we count you as a card-carrying member of Links-haterz-4-lyf?

You’re sadistic. Barney Dunes can eat a big bag of dicks. #hater4life #data #linksy

Like my good friend here... I lost him for a little while but he came back quickly with his tail between his legs..

26th February 2019, 03:56 PM
Just finished at Devonport Country Club.Put a fork in me,I'm done

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26th February 2019, 04:54 PM
Suck it, guys. The comedown and recovery time just isn't worth the trip in the first place......

26th February 2019, 04:55 PM
Suck it, guys. The comedown and recovery time just isn't worth the trip in the first place......[emoji848]

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26th February 2019, 05:21 PM
Just finished at Devonport Country Club.Put a fork in me,I'm done Have a safe trip home. Hope the strait is calm! Did you finally get Ferrins out of your ute?

26th February 2019, 06:18 PM
Have a safe trip home. Hope the strait is calm! Did you finally get Ferrins out of your ute?Dropped him at the airport after a trip to Drummond.He left me a second hand bag and a smelly polo

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26th February 2019, 06:25 PM
Coming home to a sick dog... holding her all night then taking her to the vet in the morning.

My body held up fine

27th February 2019, 09:25 AM
Coming home to a sick dog... holding her all night then taking her to the vet in the morning.

My body held up fine

Good luck to the puppy.

27th February 2019, 11:24 AM
Got home and felt like I’d been on a 7 day bender, now sick with a cold but I’m off to golf in 5 minutes so it’s not all bad.

Was awesome coming back to a bazillion emails for work...

Ctrl + A, Delete.


27th February 2019, 12:24 PM
Got home and felt like I’d been on a 7 day bender, now sick with a cold but I’m off to golf in 5 minutes so it’s not all bad.

Was awesome coming back to a bazillion emails for work...

Ctrl + A, Delete.


27th February 2019, 12:27 PM
I’m at the stage of abandonment. Dumped clubs in shed and that is where they will stay unloved for at least a week.

27th February 2019, 12:48 PM
I’m at the stage of abandonment. Dumped clubs in shed and that is where they will stay unloved for at least a week.

LOL, a week.

27th February 2019, 01:12 PM
LOL, a week. Stage 3 is forgiveness. It may take longer than a week but the time will come to forget and forgive

1st March 2019, 10:46 AM
Came home with a frozen shoulder and even colder putter.
1/ 1 1/2 hr deep tissue full body
2/ Acupunture treatment and a tea made out endandered marine organisms.
3/ Buy another putter.
done done done