View Full Version : 2018 QLD Champs - Sept 2018 - Save the Date

23rd March 2018, 03:47 PM
Howdy fellow Ozgolfers,

It's that time of the year to announce the 2018 QLD champs, and for this years instalment, we invite you to the big smoke, capital of God's Country, Brisbane.

Still a few more small details to iron out, but I figure it's time to drum up some interest...

So for your chopping pleasure, I present the following courses:

Thursday 13th September - Kooralbyn Valley CC: http://ramadaresortkooralbynvalley.com.au/golf/
16 spots, 12:00am first group. Carts included. And since we like to hit the ground running, we are entered in the famous "Copperhead" Back Marker challenge.
$75 inc cart and prize fee

Friday 14th September - Royal Queensland GC: http://www.rqgolf.com.au/cms/welcome/
28 Spots, 10:00am first group. Walking only. Also includes the terrifying 2-ball Banana Cup best ball multiplier
$170 inc prize fee

Saturday 15th September - Pacific Harbour GC: http://www.pacificharbourgolf.com.au/golf/
28 spots, 11:45am first group. Carts, comp fee and pre-round burger included.
$65 inc prize fee. $45/cart

Sunday 16th September - Brookwater GC: http://brookwater.com.au/golf/
28 Spots, 10:30pm first group. Carts Included.
$125 inc cart and prize fee

Monday 17th September - Royal Nudgee - North Course: http://www.nudgeegolf.com.au/welcome/
16 Spots, 8:20am first group. Walking or Carts - 4 carts booked
$45inc prize fee. $40/cart

Accommodation details will be announced shortly, though we will be staying close to the city.

Cash prizes available everyday, as well as balls for NTP's and Long Drives.

Friday access will be first allocated to weekend players, though we may be able to jag a few extra spots if required. Numbers can be increased on other days if required.

Hope to see you there!


May as well keep an interest tally:
1. Supreme Leader, The Honorary Member for members, AndyP
2. benno_r
3. bushy
4. Shaz_RS
5. Pete_RS
6. Courty
7. MrBluu
8. Peppas
9. PeteyD
10. Ron Burgundy
11. Timah
12. Solarman
13. BITS
14. Jazzdog
15. The Champ Lefty (mandatory attendance)
16. Iain
17. Daves
18. Jono
19. Josh_Atterbury
20. Ferrins
21. Nudgee
22. Ploppy Pat
23. 3pp
24. Eag's
25. TheCollective
26. Simmons
27. Dotty
28. Marcel

Pencil Gang:
1. Slug (light pencil)
2. Nemo (very very light magic pencil)
3. WBennett (half a pencil after losing the other half to his ex-wife)
4. Goughy (super busy pencil)
5. Shreko
6. Briswesty (light pencil)

23rd March 2018, 03:57 PM
You’re a legend Benno. I’ll be there Thursday to Monday.

23rd March 2018, 04:00 PM
Nice of you to accommodate another RS birthday... :)

Count us in for all.

23rd March 2018, 04:01 PM
Nice of you to accommodate another RS birthday... :)

Count us in for all.

Excellent - I might even buy Pete some Jimmy cans even if he doesn't use his driver!

23rd March 2018, 04:01 PM

23rd March 2018, 05:07 PM
In Friday - Sunday. Good chance of Thursday as well.

23rd March 2018, 05:11 PM
In Friday - Sunday. Good chance of Thursday as well.


Thursday is worth it - the only place in SE QLD you'll get DSR over par! Just what you like.

23rd March 2018, 05:16 PM
Yeah ok then, in for all

23rd March 2018, 05:19 PM

Thursday is worth it - the only place in SE QLD you'll get DSR over par! Just what you like.Over par DSR is shit!!

23rd March 2018, 05:22 PM
Friday to Sunday. Will try and swing Thursday too.

Ron Burgundy
23rd March 2018, 05:50 PM
In Fri to Sun. Possibly thurs too.

23rd March 2018, 05:51 PM
In for Fri - Sun

23rd March 2018, 05:52 PM
In for the lot

23rd March 2018, 06:04 PM
Bits and jazzdog in for thurs to sun.

23rd March 2018, 07:06 PM
Pencil me in for now

Captain Nemo
23rd March 2018, 07:53 PM
Very very light pencil.

23rd March 2018, 08:14 PM
This looks awesome.

Time to get divorced

23rd March 2018, 09:01 PM
Cripes! You don't log in for a few hours, and end up getting slotted at 16. I'm the only person in the history of all time to not miss one. I should be at #1!!!

23rd March 2018, 09:12 PM
Pencil for the weekend

23rd March 2018, 09:20 PM
Count me in for all.

23rd March 2018, 09:22 PM
Pencil for the weekendPencil. Depending on the outcome of this ^^^

23rd March 2018, 09:57 PM
To everyone who sent me a pm asking me to confirm for all 5 days I'll let you know

23rd March 2018, 10:42 PM
This looks awesome. Time to get divorced Maybe we can get group rates on a lawyer. 😁

23rd March 2018, 10:43 PM
Maybe we can get group rates on a lawyer. [emoji16]

At least we know an accountant

23rd March 2018, 10:44 PM
At least we know an accountant Problem is my wife's an accountant too. That was my first mistake. 😋

24th March 2018, 08:16 AM
OP updated.

This looks awesome.

Time to get divorced

I have a couch you can sleep on as long as you like Benno

Cripes! You don't log in for a few hours, and end up getting slotted at 16. I'm the only person in the history of all time to not miss one. I should be at #1!!!

Sorry sir, my mistake sir, won't happen again sir. Can I get a discount on buying Ozgolf now?

24th March 2018, 08:22 AM
Should be good for Thursday to Monday.

24th March 2018, 10:09 AM
I'd like to say light pencil, but it's a week out from my holiday which usually means I'm run off my feet......

24th March 2018, 10:19 AM
I'm in. 8)

25th March 2018, 06:51 PM
put me down as first timer. if there's room I think thurs-sun. otherwise fri-sun.

25th March 2018, 07:33 PM
put me down as first timer. if there's room I think thurs-sun. otherwise fri-sun.

Sure thing Josh. There will be a more official thread where we go into details of who is doing each day / carts / accomm etc, but for now I will note your interest.


26th March 2018, 07:30 AM
Leave Approved!

26th March 2018, 07:41 AM
Tennis club champs weekend again. Damn!

26th March 2018, 11:45 AM
Pencil for Shreko please Ben

27th March 2018, 06:49 PM
All days please. Good work Benno!

30th March 2018, 09:28 AM
Looks like I knocked this on the head.

31st March 2018, 08:11 AM
I am in for Friday through to Sunday.

Count Poppy Pat as well

31st March 2018, 09:30 AM
I am in for Friday through to Sunday.

Count Poppy Pat as well

Noted gents.

2nd April 2018, 08:11 PM

Friday to Sunday

2nd April 2018, 08:28 PM
Pencil for the weekend


2nd April 2018, 08:35 PM
Would be all over this if it wasn’t the daughters 21st

2nd April 2018, 08:50 PM
Would be all over this if it wasn’t the daughters 21st Same.

5th April 2018, 08:41 AM
OK gang, we have had a little spanner thrown in the works, but the following changes are now made:

Spots - open to 28 Friday / Sat / Sun

Saturday 15th September - Pacific Harbour GC http://www.pacificharbourgolf.com.au/golf/
28 spots, 11:45am first group. Carts, comp fee and pre-round burger included.
$95 inc cart and prize fee

Sunday 16th September - Brookwater GC http://brookwater.com.au/golf/
28 Spots, 11:30am first group. Carts and com fee included
$125 inc cart and prize fee

5th April 2018, 08:58 AM
I like the change. Good work again Benno.

5th April 2018, 11:57 AM
Anyone out there good (to take yours truly) for a lift over the weekend, hire cars are getting so expensive nower these days (with all the add ons, insurance etc.), happy to chip into a petrol fund etc.

5th April 2018, 12:19 PM
I use Alpha in Melbourne and they are generally cheap. Unfortunately we no longer have the Delica which would have been ideal. I may be able to give one or two a lift on the weekend, particularly if I stay Saturday night.

5th April 2018, 12:40 PM
Anyone out there good (to take yours truly) for a lift over the weekend, hire cars are getting so expensive nower these days (with all the add ons, insurance etc.), happy to chip into a petrol fund etc.

I can sort you and 1, maybe 2 others for Saturday and Sunday mate.

5th April 2018, 12:41 PM
fine form champ, 1 doz balls coming your way

5th April 2018, 12:51 PM
fine form champ, 1 doz balls coming your way

I’d hold fire if I were you, we haven’t worked who else might be in the car.

5th April 2018, 06:12 PM
I like the change. Good work again Benno.

Ditto Benno.

10th April 2018, 10:06 AM
Small update - Kooralbyn is now a 12:00 noon teetime

10th April 2018, 12:41 PM
1. Supreme Leader, The Honorary Member for members, AndyP
2. benno_r
3. bushy
4. Shaz_RS
5. Pete_RS
6. Courty
7. MrBluu
8. Peppas
9. PeteyD
10. Ron Burgundy
11. Timah
12. Solarman
13. BITS
14. Jazzdog
15. The Champ Lefty (mandatory attendance)
16. Iain
17. Daves
18. Jono
19. Josh_Atterbury
20. Ferrins
21. Nudgee
22. Ploppy Pat
23. 3pp
24. TheCollective
25. Eag's (hope I am not jumping the queue?)

Pencil Gang:
1. Slug (light pencil)
2. Nemo (very very light magic pencil)
3. Lagerlover (provisional pencil)
4. WBennett (half a pencil after losing the other half to his ex-wife)
5. Goughy (super busy pencil)
6. Shreko

Fri-Sun for me. Might be able to do Thursday if works permits.

10th April 2018, 01:44 PM
1. Supreme Leader, The Honorary Member for members, AndyP
2. benno_r
3. bushy
4. Shaz_RS
5. Pete_RS
6. Courty
7. MrBluu
8. Peppas
9. PeteyD
10. Ron Burgundy
11. Timah
12. Solarman
13. BITS
14. Jazzdog
15. The Champ Lefty (mandatory attendance)
16. Iain
17. Daves
18. Jono
19. Josh_Atterbury
20. Ferrins
21. Nudgee
22. Ploppy Pat
23. 3pp
24. TheCollective
25. Eag's (hope I am not jumping the queue?)

Pencil Gang:
1. Slug (light pencil)
2. Nemo (very very light magic pencil)
3. Lagerlover (provisional pencil)
4. WBennett (half a pencil after losing the other half to his ex-wife)
5. Goughy (super busy pencil)
6. Shreko

Fri-Sun for me. Might be able to do Thursday if works permits.

No such thing as a queue in the "save the date" thread.

And welcome aboard!

10th April 2018, 05:59 PM
**** work.

Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday golf please.

10th April 2018, 06:40 PM
**** work.

Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday golf please.

Shit getting real...

On another note, Accom should be sorted in next day or 2.

10th April 2018, 07:29 PM
Shit getting real...

On another note, Accom should be sorted in next day or 2.

Coolio, Friday and Sat nights for me

might go solo as I do not have a high tolerance for snoring

11th April 2018, 06:11 PM
I may even be able to make a comeback for this!!! Pencil - Fri-Sun.

12th April 2018, 03:01 PM
Hi Benno,

I am new to this forum, introdcued by Courty. I would be interested in playing on the Saturday and Sunday if there are still spots available.

12th April 2018, 04:10 PM
Hi Benno,

I am new to this forum, introdcued by Courty. I would be interested in playing on the Saturday and Sunday if there are still spots available.

Not the smartest opening sentence to introduce yourself with but welcome anyway.

12th April 2018, 05:21 PM
Hi Benno,

I am new to this forum, introdcued by Courty. I would be interested in playing on the Saturday and Sunday if there are still spots available.Ewwwww.... You know Courty.

More than happy to give you his spot Simmo! [emoji6]

12th April 2018, 05:59 PM
Ewwwww.... You know Courty.

More than happy to give you his spot Simmo! [emoji6]
I hope you realise that Solarman, Dcanto, Bushy and Haysey also said they know Courty.

12th April 2018, 06:22 PM
I hope you realise that Solarman, Dcanto, Bushy and Haysey also said they know Courty.

He’s an enabler

12th April 2018, 07:10 PM
I hope you realise that Solarman, Dcanto, Bushy and Haysey also said they know Courty.

I know him too. I hope all these guys feel as dirty as I do.

12th April 2018, 07:20 PM
Hi Benno,

I am new to this forum, introdcued by Courty. I would be interested in playing on the Saturday and Sunday if there are still spots available.

About bloody time!

18th April 2018, 07:59 PM
I would really like to make Kooralbyn on the Thursday as well. It would be nice to see what nick the course is in these days.
Haven't been back there since the QLD Champs back in 2007.

18th April 2018, 08:01 PM
I would really like to make Kooralbyn on the Thursday as well. It would be nice to see what nick the course is in these days.
Haven't been back there since the QLD Champs back in 2007.
I played Pennant there last Sunday and it is in better nick now than it was ever previously.
It is superb!

21st April 2018, 07:53 PM
Yep Kooralbyn is in top condition I play the copper head there a bit.

22nd April 2018, 04:02 PM
thinking of adding Kooralbyn to the list, course looks to be in good shape (according to the above anyway). Only drama for me is the distance, the hotel offers a shuttle from Gold Coast Airport so no dramas getting there. Might stay Wednesday and scout the local attractions as a potential for the 2019 TC family vacation.

Just wondering if someone was available that could pretty please give me a lift back to the Brisbane CBD (wherever Benno puts us) Thursday evening.

Cheers, TC

22nd April 2018, 04:55 PM
I'm sure it won't be a problem, TC.

22nd April 2018, 05:21 PM
thinking of adding Kooralbyn to the list, course looks to be in good shape (according to the above anyway). Only drama for me is the distance, the hotel offers a shuttle from Gold Coast Airport so no dramas getting there. Might stay Wednesday and scout the local attractions as a potential for the 2019 TC family vacation.

Just wondering if someone was available that could pretty please give me a lift back to the Brisbane CBD (wherever Benno puts us) Thursday evening.

Cheers, TC

Not a bad option, will be plenty of options back to Brissy Thursday arvo.

22nd April 2018, 05:25 PM
Not a bad option, will be plenty of options back to Brissy Thursday arvo.

Cheers fellas!

Heard that this is where the famous academy where Jason Day and Adam Scott honed their craftiness to PGA stardom, keen to take a look around....

22nd April 2018, 05:47 PM
Cheers fellas!

Heard that this is where the famous academy where Jason Day and Adam Scott honed their craftiness to PGA stardom, keen to take a look around....

It's the "Copperhead" back marker challenge. 6471m, Par 72, Scr 74, slope 137. You'll certainly get to try it in all its glory - in Stroke.

22nd April 2018, 06:06 PM
Great opportunity for some handicap boosting.

22nd April 2018, 06:20 PM
I heard the 17th can make people cry.

22nd April 2018, 06:23 PM
I heard the 17th can make people cry.
You will need plenty of golf balls!

Captain Nemo
22nd April 2018, 06:37 PM
Looks like my handicap will be too low for this, I’m out....

22nd April 2018, 08:10 PM
You will need plenty of golf balls!

Off the blue tees laying up near the yellow tees on a par 3.

For 5.

22nd April 2018, 08:20 PM
Off the blue tees laying up near the yellow tees on a par 3. For 5.That is the only bail out, lay up with a half wedge!

23rd April 2018, 04:43 PM
Ok, Benno

Flights are booked and I am now 'all in' Thursday-Monday


23rd April 2018, 06:45 PM
Oi...where did my name go?

23rd April 2018, 06:55 PM
May as well keep an interest tally:

1. Supreme Leader, The Honorary Member for members, AndyP
2. benno_r
3. bushy
4. Shaz_RS
5. Pete_RS
6. Courty
7. MrBluu
8. Peppas
9. PeteyD
10. Ron Burgundy
11. Timah
12. Solarman
13. BITS
14. Jazzdog
15. The Champ Lefty (mandatory attendance)
16. Iain
17. Daves
18. Jono
19. Josh_Atterbury
20. Ferrins
21. Nudgee
22. Ploppy Pat
23. 3pp
24. Eag's
25. TheCollective

Pencil Gang:
1. Slug (light pencil)
2. Nemo (very very light magic pencil)
3. Lagerlover (provisional pencil)
4. WBennett (half a pencil after losing the other half to his ex-wife)
5. Goughy (super busy pencil)
6. Shreko
7. Briswesty (light pencil)

23rd April 2018, 07:16 PM
Off the blue tees laying up near the yellow tees on a par 3.

For 5.


23rd April 2018, 08:39 PM
That list needs a ...

23rd April 2018, 09:05 PM
That list needs a ...
+SimmonsTough crowd. Updated for the new lot.

24th April 2018, 05:31 AM

You'll understand when you see it...

random pic of interwebs ...


24th April 2018, 09:28 AM
You'll understand when you see it...

random pic of interwebs ...


That young bloke is Allan Staines ( he runs Aussie Golf Reviewer) Youtube site, great bloke and fair golfer

24th April 2018, 10:36 AM
You'll understand when you see it...

random pic of interwebs ...


looks to me like long is also a good option with the back bunkers

24th April 2018, 10:47 AM
looks to me like long is also a good option with the back bunkersWater carry is around 175m.Water also behind the palm trees at the back of bunkers.

24th April 2018, 10:49 AM
Also not a huge amount of green out of those bunkers depending on where the hole is.

Captain Nemo
24th April 2018, 11:05 AM
Sounds like a dumbass hole.

24th April 2018, 11:15 AM
Sounds like a dumbass hole.

Did RTJ design it?

24th April 2018, 11:34 AM
Desmond Muirhead. It is not what it originally was though. There were mounds at the back you could hit it into. And it had a sleeper wall around the green. There has always been a bail out option to the left (to the yellow tee), so it's not as dumbass as the floating green type ones. Plus that is off the back tees. Normal tees are a fair bit shorter.

24th April 2018, 12:50 PM
Just letting everyone know I have booked a one way hotel shuttle bus heading up to Kooralbyn Wednesday 12/9 around 12noon from Gold Coast Airport

If anyone from interstate was looking at arriving Wednesday day before I have a transport option available

24th April 2018, 04:00 PM
Desmond Muirhead. It is not what it originally was though. There were mounds at the back you could hit it into. And it had a sleeper wall around the green. There has always been a bail out option to the left (to the yellow tee), so it's not as dumbass as the floating green type ones. Plus that is off the back tees. Normal tees are a fair bit shorter.

The last time I played the Copperhead, my ball carried the water but did not make the green. We presumed it was in the front bunker, but it had actually embedded into the mud face above water level. A drop for 3 and into the back bunker, and 2 putts for an easy 6 (nasty, nasty hole position). Even the lay up is no gimme 5, depending on where they put the pin. And if you survive that, then you have the 12th Green at RQ on Friday to bring back the Heebee Jeebees;)

24th April 2018, 06:43 PM
The last time I played the Copperhead, my ball carried the water but did not make the green. We presumed it was in the front bunker, but it had actually embedded into the mud face above water level. A drop for 3 and into the back bunker, and 2 putts for an easy 6 (nasty, nasty hole position). Even the lay up is no gimme 5, depending on where they put the pin. And if you survive that, then you have the 12th Green at RQ on Friday to bring back the Heebee Jeebees;)
Ha ha! I remember that.

24th April 2018, 07:07 PM
It is a tough bloody hole no doubt. The funny thing is, the worst I have had on that hole is a bogey.
Wish I could say the same for the other holes :lol:

25th April 2018, 08:52 PM
May as well keep an interest tally:
1. Supreme Leader, The Honorary Member for members, AndyP
2. benno_r
3. bushy
4. Shaz_RS
5. Pete_RS
6. Courty
7. MrBluu
8. Peppas
9. PeteyD
10. Ron Burgundy
11. Timah
12. Solarman
13. BITS
14. Jazzdog
15. The Champ Lefty (mandatory attendance)
16. Iain
17. Daves
18. Jono
19. Josh_Atterbury
20. Ferrins
21. Nudgee
22. Ploppy Pat
23. 3pp
24. Eag's
25. TheCollective
26. Simmons
27. Dotty
28. marcel

Pencil Gang:
1. Slug (light pencil)
2. Nemo (very very light magic pencil)
3. Lagerlover (provisional pencil)
4. WBennett (half a pencil after losing the other half to his ex-wife)
5. Goughy (super busy pencil)
6. Shreko
7. Briswesty (light pencil)

25th April 2018, 10:03 PM
Fine form Marcel

26th April 2018, 05:57 PM
OK brisbanites - are people going to be staying at home, or coming to the accom?

I have some apartments lined up in west end - budget $55/night twin share, or $110 if you want a queen bed in your own room. Need to get an idea of numbers to book.

26th April 2018, 06:02 PM
Please take me off the list

26th April 2018, 06:05 PM
Please take me off the list

Removed, you have been.

26th April 2018, 06:07 PM
Please take me off the list

Going back to Vanuatu?

26th April 2018, 06:11 PM
OK brisbanites - are people going to be staying at home, or coming to the accom?

I have some apartments lined up in west end - budget $55/night twin share, or $110 if you want a queen bed in your own room. Need to get an idea of numbers to book.


26th April 2018, 06:17 PM

x 2

26th April 2018, 06:25 PM

26th April 2018, 06:30 PM
Please take me off the list


26th April 2018, 06:30 PM
x 2

You’re not staying at my joint!

26th April 2018, 06:32 PM
1x single room for me please; Thu, Fri, Sat nights

26th April 2018, 06:35 PM
You’re not staying at my joint!


26th April 2018, 06:54 PM
You’re not staying at my joint!


26th April 2018, 07:44 PM


26th April 2018, 08:57 PM

26th April 2018, 09:38 PM
Bench in Davies Park.

30th July 2018, 01:55 PM
Sorry guys, I am going to have give the weekend a miss. Forgot it was my Wedding Anniversary!

30th July 2018, 06:39 PM
Sorry guys, I am going to have give the weekend a miss. Forgot it was my Wedding Anniversary!

Come on man, get your priorities straight!

30th July 2018, 06:58 PM
Sorry guys, I am going to have give the weekend a miss. Forgot it was my Wedding Anniversary!
You could do the champs and never have to worry about your Anniversary again

Matt 3 Jab
1st August 2018, 08:49 PM
Just realised I have holidays during this time.

Hmmmmm might have to look into this

5th August 2018, 06:31 PM
This looks interesting.... although it is the weekend of my Bucks... Courty, wanna give me a lap dance if I come on Thursday, or a hug if I make Monday? [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

5th August 2018, 07:53 PM
This looks interesting.... although it is the weekend of my Bucks... Courty, wanna give me a lap dance if I come on Thursday, or a hug if I make Monday? [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

Anything for you, Pops ;)

6th August 2018, 09:53 AM
Anything for you, Pops ;)

That’s my boy!!!