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View Full Version : Beard On, Beard Off? You Donate, You Decide! (Leon Treadwell Memorial Fundraising)

14th December 2016, 10:40 PM
My beard is getting a bit long, and I was planning on giving it a trim back to something a bit more neat and tidy. However over the past month, I was thinking that I could use my beard for good, instead of evil, by using it to raise money for charity. The charity is the Toowoomba Hospital Foundation, in particular, the Oncology Unit.

Why this charity? Well for those who don't know, one of the founders of this golf forum, Leon Treadwell, passed away from cancer just over 10 years ago, and the Toowoomba Hospital provided care for him. This golf forum has raised over $10,000 for this charity over the last 6 years, and have always participated in the golf day in his memory at Toowoomba City Golf Club. With this charity, I know that the donated money is going towards things that matter like equipment, beds, etc, but with some of the bigger charities, who knows how much money goes to "running costs".

I am going to open up the future of my beard for bidding until Jan 8, 2017. You can either bid for me to get rid of it, and it will be gone on Jan 9 (return to work after Xmas), or you can bid for me to continue growing it, and it stays until April 21, 2017 (Leon Treadwell Memorial Golf Day), at which point I will also shave the whole thing off.

I don't really like either of these options. The long beard is hot, food gets stuck in it (especially Coco Pops), and my wife hates it. I don't want it all gone either, because I like having a beard, and I think there is now an extra chin or two under there, that wasn't there before, plus going through that itchy beard phase, if I grow some of it back, won't be fun. But this is the sacrifice that I am willing to make for a good cause.

Here's the beard now, and the summary of your donation options.

Beard On
- Beard must continue to be grown without trimming until April 21, 2017
- The beard will taken off during/after the Leon Treadwell Memorial Golf Day

Beard Off
- Beard will be completely taken off (clean shaven) on Jan 9, 2017

I thought of doing a gofundme page, but they take 7% of the payments, and I want as much as possible to go directly to the charity.

Donations can be made via paypal to andyp@ozgolf.net.

Or you can make a direct deposit to the following bank account.
AP Holden
BSB 064183
Acc 10264739

Please leave your donation decision, "beardon" or "beardoff", in the payment reference/comments.

I will continue to provide donation and beard updates throughout.

15th December 2016, 06:36 AM
You know, I've always hated the beard. But at least it wasn't on me. So I vote Beard On, because I want you to go through the worst of it and put your wife and kids through the absolute worst of it and she'll maybe refuse you to even grow a stubble in the future! I'll get Rob to do the donation after she gets up.

15th December 2016, 06:45 AM
$100, if you knock on the cockpit door on your next flight.

Direct deposit on its way.

15th December 2016, 08:37 AM
$100, if you knock on the cockpit door on your next flight.

Direct deposit on its way.
I already get the explosives check way too often.

15th December 2016, 08:43 AM
I will chuck in $50 to keep it, and another $50 if you change your name to Osama until April.

15th December 2016, 08:46 AM
I have a moustache, so the Muslim comparisons don't work.

15th December 2016, 09:09 AM
I have a moustache, so the Muslim comparisons don't work.

I beg to differ:


15th December 2016, 09:20 AM
And $50 sent via Paypal

15th December 2016, 09:24 AM
Wow! He's my brother from another mother.

15th December 2016, 05:12 PM
So we have 2 relatives of Osama




15th December 2016, 05:42 PM
Just throw on some fake tan....

15th December 2016, 05:43 PM
I would join you in this, cept it would be my hair.....
But no way in hell am I cutting my hair!

16th December 2016, 12:52 PM
AndyP in puppet form.


16th December 2016, 01:08 PM
Thanks for the donations so far, guys. We are off to a good start.

20th December 2016, 05:40 PM

You know, I've always hated the beard. But at least it wasn't on me. So I vote Beard On, because I want you to go through the worst of it and put your wife and kids through the absolute worst of it and she'll maybe refuse you to even grow a stubble in the future! I'll get Rob to do the donation after she gets up.
It turns out that she doesn't want it completely cut off either, and only neat and tidy, maybe a 2 or 3 level.

25th December 2016, 09:35 PM
My Santa lookalike attempt failed with the talcum powder.

Please donate. Two weeks to go, and #beardon has the lead.

3rd January 2017, 08:55 AM
Osama bin Andy

3rd January 2017, 04:20 PM
Thanks for the bump, Petey. Money raised for the Leon Treadwell Day is nearing $500, with #beardon leading by just over $20.

Maybe I'll get some more donations, by getting people to pay me to go out in public like this.


9th January 2017, 08:39 AM
Bumpy again.

9th January 2017, 08:52 AM
Bumpy again.
I've had problems checking my work emails from home over the holidays, and there may be a donation there, so I am going in to work bearded, and will then work out the final tally.

9th January 2017, 12:16 PM
I have arrived at work to find an email for another donation, and other workmates wishing to still donate; they didn't get much chance to donate after I first started this. It would be silly not to accept more money for the charity, so I will leave the donations open until at least the end of today. #beardon now currently leads, and we have nearly reached the $700 mark.

9th January 2017, 04:54 PM
Right now, twenty dollars will make a difference as to whether I have a beard tomorrow or not.

11th January 2017, 07:00 PM
#beardoff wins and then people complain about how you look when you shave it off. ****ing sooks!


11th January 2017, 08:38 PM
So when are you going to cut the ears off?


11th January 2017, 08:51 PM
Just because I have a handlebar mo and I'm a white man, you think I look like Chopper? That's racist!

11th January 2017, 08:59 PM
Just because I have a handlebar mo and I'm a white man, you think I look like Chopper? That's racist!

Ha! The murderous eyes gave you away. So I am an Irisist!