View Full Version : SKLZ Grip Trainer - any joy?

22nd January 2016, 06:54 PM
After a considerable time away from golf due to a baby and persistent drunkenness, I am taking this stupid 'sport' up again.

Sacrilegious as it may seem, I'm even pondering fixing up some of my numerous swing flaws rather than simply buying new clubs.

Although I'll probably do that too.

One of the most obvious of these numerous flaws is an extremely strong grip.

When I swing well, this leads to impressive power draws.

On the 17 out of 18 other holes, it causes power hooks, especially when I throw in coming over the top.

So I'm pondering trying out the SKLZ grip trainer on the range.


Anyone tried it or something similar?

22nd January 2016, 07:02 PM
After a considerable time away from golf due to a baby and persistent drunkenness, I am taking this stupid 'sport' up again.

Sacrilegious as it may seem, I'm even pondering fixing up some of my numerous swing flaws rather than simply buying new clubs.

Although I'll probably do that too.

One of the most obvious of these numerous flaws is an extremely strong grip.

When I swing well, this leads to impressive power draws.

On the 17 out of 18 other holes, it causes power hooks, especially when I throw in coming over the top.

So I'm pondering trying out the SKLZ grip trainer on the range.


Anyone tried it or something similar?

A true QzGolfer knows that buying new clubs is the only way to fix swing flaws?
Haven't used a grip trainer myself but if your current grip is a long way from whats considered conventional I cant see a trainer grip doing too much harm getting things back to somewhere considered conventional.