View Full Version : Paypal Here

13th June 2014, 06:04 AM
This little device rocked up yesterday.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t1.0-9/p526x296/10426865_10152560996227425_3143430479503750622_n.j pg

Clikchic signed us up as soon as she heard about it, and prior to this turning up I was able to use the app, though without the card machine it did mean a higher percentage taken. I can still take payments over the phone but get charged 30c transaction fee and I think 2.9%.

Gave the device a run last night, just putting $1 through it to test how it works. It connects to my phone via bluetooth and I open the paypal here app. Input the amount, then it asks me to insert the card (it does have a swipe slot as well) and confirm the amount. Then I hand the device to the customer to enter their pin. After that the transaction goes through and I'm asked if I want to send them an email or txt receipt (I don't have to if I don't want to). If the cc used is associated with a paypal account it automatically pre-selects that accounts email address, although I can only see the first 2 characters and the providers name.

It was pretty quick and simple, and great for a business like me who accepts, but rarely gets paid by cc (none this year so far). Cost one off $100 for the device (normal is $150 but as an early sign up we got a discount) with no ongoing fees, and 1.95% of transaction. Much less than my old clickclack was costing me. I can still accept phone payments but they cost me 30c transaction fee and about 2.9%. The only issue is it takes a few days to show in my account, but that's no different from my old clickclack machine or getting paid by cheque. And of course I can get paid via paypal.

13th June 2014, 08:39 AM
Thats cool do you have a link for it

Captain Nemo
13th June 2014, 08:44 AM
Great idea, my inlaws business could use something like that....

13th June 2014, 10:48 AM

Might make the banks pay attention. I think the cheapest eftpos machines were about $30 a month, plus other costs. For a dinky little business like me it seems like a great idea. And the no ongoing fees is worth it. And the percentage is half what the banks are taking.

13th June 2014, 11:03 AM
Ah that's cool

/me forwards to a mate who has his own eftpos machine

13th June 2014, 11:35 AM
I don't know what percentage most people are paying, but clikchic just said that the accountancy firm she used to work at (about 7 partners, 20+ staff) was paying 3%.

Really the only downside I see to it is the 3 day wait for the funds. I know some get it quicker, but I wasn't so the cheaper fees and portability of it make it worth it alone. If course, it's for cc's only, not savings or cheque accounts. But if people wanna pay that way I give them my bank details.