View Full Version : The deal with gift voucher expiry dates

18th February 2006, 05:40 PM
I found a gift card that I'd been given over a year ago as an xmas present. It hasn't been used but has passed the expiry date. I'm sure I heard a few years ago from the ACCC (or something) that they can't enforce expiry dates on gift vouchers etc as they are paid for but the goods techinally haven't been received.

Anyone know anything about this. I'm sure I'm right on this, and I'm prepared to kick up a stink if necessary. I want a new concert dvd.

18th February 2006, 06:14 PM
Expiry dates on gift vouchers have always struck me as somewhat strange. It's not like they are going to go bad.

18th February 2006, 06:31 PM
I think the reason that they do it is for accounting purposes. Prepaid vouchers are a liability on the balance sheet, and therefore they dont want to have them on there for ever. So by putting an expiry date on them, they can be written off if not used.

Hadnt heard about the ACCC ruling, handy to know that, becuase i am always forgetting about them.

18th February 2006, 08:04 PM
I don't think it's a ruling as such. It's just that technically they can't enforce the expiry date 'cause it's a paid for item. Goods or services have to be given.