View Full Version : NSW Matchplay final, December 4 2005, Jimandr wins 1 up!
11th November 2005, 02:46 PM
Vince and I are in relative agreement over venue and date, but he cannot confirm his availability until after the weekend.
There are two possible options.
1. Sunday 20 November, venue may be New Brighton if Amanda is available and can get us on. Vince isn't sure yet whether he can play this day.
When Amanda reads this I'm sure she can confirm or deny.
I would've liked Liverpool, but there is a small matter of a NSW Open final round being held that day at Liverpool. If it were Qld I'm sure their professionals would step aside for OzGolf, but I'm not sure we are held in such high regard in the NSW Golf community.
2. Vince can't play the 27th, so the next chance is Sunday 4 December. If the 20th doesn't happen, I'm certain we could get Liverpool booked for this day, possibly with ALD's help.
This reserve day may require approval from the higher powers, but they are reasonable men :wink:
I won't add the registration option until Vince confirms the 20th or the 4th.
11th November 2005, 03:10 PM
This reserve day may require approval from the higher powers, but they are reasonable men :wink:
Your winking emoticon has no affect on me.
11th November 2005, 08:58 PM
Vince is/was free to play this Sunday at Cumberland. What happened? :? Did you forfeit, Jim? :wink:
You guys work out the date and the venue. Liverpool sound like a good place to hold the NSW Ozgolf Matchplay Tournament final. 8)
15th November 2005, 08:06 AM
I am now confirmed as being available for the 4th December. Iwould prefer Liverpool and agree with Jono that it would be a great venue to host the final.
NOw its up to Jim to add the registration and for us to generate as much interest as possible. Come on who wants to play Liverpool on the 4th? Lets get as many NSW guys together and have our pre Chrsitmas get together and bash especially for those of us not going to the championships the week before.
Maybe we'll have a chance to toast Trung, Jono or TS as OzGolf Championfor 2005.
Let the banter (read sledging) begin.
15th November 2005, 03:42 PM
Hi all.
Jim - sorry I didn't get to this sooner. Good luck to both combatants :) Let me know if you still need to try and get spots for Sunday. I haevn't been around much since Brad's out of golf, his Grandma is on the verge of passing away, my thesis has gone out of control, trying to finish my Christmas shopping and organising everything for our big trip to africa.
I'll be enjoying Xmas on Sunday the 4th - so if we can play early I'll be there.
15th November 2005, 04:07 PM
Sorry mate... engagement party on Sat 3rd Dec... There is no way I can be awaked for the next day.
15th November 2005, 05:56 PM
Vince, I can't make it that day either ... :cry:
I can do the following Sunday ... i.e. 11th.
Anyway, good luck to you both. I am sure it will be a good match. 8)
15th November 2005, 08:03 PM
It's bad news that the two NSW top posters can't make it, but life will go on.
Liverpool is my preferred venue, and Vince is happy as well. I haven't played there since the last Golf Day, and Vince hasn't been there. It should be in great nick, as the NSW Open is on there this weekend.
I will send PM's to ALD and Grunt (who'll be at Liverpool Wednesday) to see if we can secure a tee time at Liverpool on Sunday 4 December. Beggars can't be choosers on tee times. If we can get two slots together, either early or late, I suggest we should take them.
If we can keep New Brighton up our sleeves as a reserve venue that would be good (Thanx Amanda :) ).
It's too early for banter. I'll wait and see what tee time we get.
15th November 2005, 08:46 PM
Now that the date for the final has been set, what about the winner's prize? I remember something about everyone putting in $2 per match (ie. each round). Has this been happening? If so, have we got enough $$ for a trophy?
16th November 2005, 07:55 PM
Jono - I did collect some money - I'll see what I can do about a trophy. I'll post back tomorrow about how much is in there.
16th November 2005, 07:58 PM
It has been that long since I played I can't remember giving any money. By the way I spoke with the pro @Liverpool today the 4th should not be a problem, sheet comes out next weekend.
21st November 2005, 08:49 AM
I'm playing that day at the Vintage with my Dad at 7am if you guys want to join us......We are the first group off and there is lots of room in the groups following.......
21st November 2005, 09:22 AM
I will play subject to final approval from the family..... with a new shortened swing that seems acceptable at the moment.... although I think I am hitting my 8 iron shorter than Trung :oops: :oops:
:lol: :lol:
Fishman Dan
21st November 2005, 09:25 AM
I reckon a top shelf course needs to be the venue. Camden Lakeside or Riverside.
I'll check the diary but i'd like to make it to this one.
21st November 2005, 09:39 AM
I reckon a top shelf course needs to be the venue. Camden Lakeside or Riverside.
I'll check the diary but i'd like to make it to this one.Dan, I'm pretty sure the combatants have agreed on Liverpool, cmon mate, you know you wanna have another crack at it !!!!
:lol: :lol:
oh, and I wanna see that there is some of this ability you have been telling us about. I still have Liverpool and your performance there burnt in my mind !!! :wink: :wink:
21st November 2005, 09:59 AM
IS that a personal dislike for Liverpool Dan because I think home of the NSW Open gives it some prestige.
Went out there on Friday and followed a group around. I really hope that they open up the fairways or else I could end up with no fairway stats. They were narrow, even one of the caddies was commenting on it.
Pete, great to see you back. Shame iot couldn't have been a couple of weeks earlier and you could've possibly be playing here for the championship title.
21st November 2005, 10:35 AM
Pete, great to see you back. Shame iot couldn't have been a couple of weeks earlier and you could've possibly be playing here for the championship title.Vince, a very abbreviated swing has allowed a comeback, I just hope it isn't an abbreviated comeback....
I have had a couple of games, one pain free and one not so, see what happens in a couple of weeks.
21st November 2005, 10:19 PM
I echo Vince's comments regarding the return of 3oneday. Just couldn't stay away and rehab properly could you :wink:
Actually your presence and Dan's (hopefully) might complicate the tee time booking scenario.
I PM'ed AussieLongDriver in the hope that he could use his influence to get a booking confirmed before the sheet is opened up to other visitors, but he hasn't responded. Maybe he doesn't visit the site much nowadays.
Otherwise we'll have to wait until the weekend, and we might struggle to get two groups together unless we play at the end of the field. That wouldn't worry me, but I know others have only ever seen 5'oclock at a golf course from the bottom of their sixth schooner.
I'll call on Saturday afternoon when it is hopefully quiet and see what happens.
I also echo Vince's comment re the NSW Open. I went there Saturday, and the first cut of fairway was very narrow indeed. Mind you, the pro hitting area is 50m further than my driving area, the first cut was still short and the lies looked good to me, and they'll probably cut the rough back anyway. The greens looked terrific.
For Dan's benefit, I suspect both Camden Lakeside and Riverside Oaks are possible venues for our 4 round strokeplay challenge next year. My last visits to each place yielded 24pts and 19pts. Not sure whether I want to go back or not :oops:
Fishman Dan
21st November 2005, 10:42 PM
I reckon a top shelf course needs to be the venue. Camden Lakeside or Riverside.
I'll check the diary but i'd like to make it to this one.Dan, I'm pretty sure the combatants have agreed on Liverpool, cmon mate, you know you wanna have another crack at it !!!!
:lol: :lol:
oh, and I wanna see that there is some of this ability you have been telling us about. I still have Liverpool and your performance there burnt in my mind !!! :wink: :wink:
You were the poor unfortunate to have me as your partner that day ;) :oops:
Ok, Liverpool could be the goods. You lot make the decisions, after all i am just tagging along. But Liverpool has it's flaws... following Lonard's group last year, they were complaining about the bunkers too. :?
By complicating the tee times, are you inferring that we should stay away?
I can take a challenge. I'm ready for Liverpool!
22nd November 2005, 07:48 AM
After playing in the pro am before the NSW Open last week the only complaint I had was the poor conditions of the bunkers. I commented this to Tony Carolan (the pro that I played with) and he said that "they would fix them up before tomorrow". I don't know if they did but Tony did miss the cut :?
22nd November 2005, 08:11 AM
Bunkers were crap there last time we played, and when I played a few months ago they were rubbish. You wouldn't think it would be so hard :? :?
I think last time Amanda organised a game she got 2 or 3 groups at the tail of the field in daylight savings. I don't think there will be a prob getting at least one full group, but let me know the time when or if you get one and I'll confirm fully....
Fishman Dan
22nd November 2005, 05:19 PM
Bunkers were a problem when we played there - the first (10th hole) i was knee deep in puffy white sand, but some of them had barely enough sand to cover the clay bottom.
As mentioned a shot was play on the 17th from one of the front bunkers (can't remember the pro's name... Summers?) - he got it very thin and looked to his feet and kicked the ground - there was barely any sand. His caddy shook his head and shrugged. It's always been a problem at that course - which of course is why I don't rate it, not (just) because it owned me last time! :lol:
Problem has arisen, and i'd need to be in an early tee time on the 4th. Christmas Party - Lawn Bowls. An omen? :roll:
22nd November 2005, 10:03 PM
I want you to play. Unlike some others, I actually enjoy your company on and around the course :twisted:. I'd prefer us to have two groups. The more the merrier.
However, to get two groups together our choice will be limited. We'll just have wait and see what happens when I make the Saturday call.
I'm used to bunkers with hardly any sand (which doesn't mean I like 'em :( ), and I have to say from my gallery view following Spencer Levin on Saturday that the bunkers didn't look very inviting. Having said that, each time one of the players was in one, they had no trouble playing a quality bunker shot.
Fishman Dan
22nd November 2005, 10:56 PM
Which others? Oh, hang on, i don't give a crap :? :lol:
In all seriousness though - a) I'd like to make it to the day, but we have a 2pm Xmas party (thinking 7-9am'ish tee time works), and b) I really do have a score to settle with Liverpool. The bunkers don't phase me... they're hazards.. we're not meant to be in them anyway.
But the question remains... should Liverpool bunkers be RAKED?? :lol:
If i can't make it to this event, then we need another one soon enough.
26th November 2005, 04:12 PM
I rang Liverpool this afternoon. "The computer" won't accept bookings from visitors more than one week in advance, so we can't get in until tomorrow. The nice lady in the pro shop did have a look at the sheet, and she told me there were quite a few spots late, from about 11.30 onwards, but nothing early. Sorry Dan.
I'll call again in the morning, and get one group booked. I suspect there won't be more starters for a late tee time than the original four listed.
26th November 2005, 04:55 PM
late, from about 11.30 onwards, but nothing early. Sorry Dan.the later the better then, might as well have some of the day to do my chores !!!!
Mind you, I am still to discuss the approval with the wife, better get that sorted !!!
27th November 2005, 09:29 AM
OK, we are booked.
1149am at Liverpool for the four players who registered earlier.
Took a couple of attempts to get through. A lot of rain in western Sydney this morning. The guy thought I was another caller cancelling out for today, and was happy to take the booking as a change from all his other conversations.
To my surprise, the comp was still on today. My recollection is that Liverpool floods quite easily. Hope the rain stops before next weekend.
27th November 2005, 12:39 PM
Local Christmas party for me that day, must pull pin, sorry guys, good luck...
27th November 2005, 05:42 PM
I'm in see you Sunday Jim.
30th November 2005, 10:09 AM
Anyone else going to join us?
30th November 2005, 10:12 AM
Anyone else going to join us?Grunt, you could send a PM to Donald Duck ??? :wink:
:lol: :lol:
30th November 2005, 10:15 AM
LOL Pete, Had a good week of golf planned and the 1st game is cancelled so far, reckon I might get to play 3 out of 5.
30th November 2005, 11:28 AM
the 1st game is cancelled .
I'm really sorry to hear that, Grant. (No sarcasm intended)
1st December 2005, 10:16 PM
It looks like even Grunt's PM to D Duck didn't get a response, so we're not going to get a fourth player.
I'll do an illicit check from my work computer around lunchtime Friday. If someone hasn't miraculously appeared by then, I'll call the club to cancel Pete's name and give a local the chance for a game.
I'm sure the three of us will have fun comparing our games to the pro's we saw in the NSW Open a few weeks ago.
2nd December 2005, 12:48 PM
Well this is it. I know it's a week late but Sunday sees the final OzGolf matchplay event for 2005. Victoria and queensland titles have already been awarded and now it is our turn.
Jim and I tackle not only each other but the Liverpool Golf Course for the title with GRant as the marker for the day.
Mindgames would have me saying that Jim must start favourite as the low marker and that he is playing regularly. I've only been able to play once a month since the birth of Adam so I am off my game a little (mind you the 50 odd lessons I have had may help; No seriously; unfortunately none of them for golf).
I will also be debuting a new putter that could make or break the round if I can get the ball onto the green which is no guarantee after having walked the course during the NSW Open. I may have to revert to punching 5 irons down the centre of the fairway so I don't end up in the long and bushy stuff.
Also jim's new driver must've added 50 yds onto his drives so I will be hitting first al day. (is that enough to convince everyone including Jim I am the underdog)
Should be a great day if the weather holds. Although Jim did take the reins to book and we have got a midday tee off as we all know jim doesn't like early starts so therefore he is further ahead again.
No, in the words of the tooheys add "its all good" and I get to play my second quality course for the year after playing Riverside Oaks earlier.
2nd December 2005, 12:57 PM
Vince, kick his ar$e mate :lol: :lol:
Pete :wink:
2nd December 2005, 05:46 PM
Go Jim :P
Fishman Dan
2nd December 2005, 06:41 PM
Go the winner!
2nd December 2005, 06:57 PM
Go the winner!
How's that picket feel up ya butt Fishy :shock: :? :wink:
Fishman Dan
2nd December 2005, 07:08 PM
Go the winner!
How's that picket feel up ya butt Fishy :shock: :? :wink:
No splinters.. no splinters... no splinters.....
2nd December 2005, 07:09 PM
Go the winner!
How's that picket feel up ya butt Fishy :shock: :? :wink:
Terry.Golf will be the winner !!!!!!!!!!!! :roll: :P
Go Vince
3rd December 2005, 06:23 PM
I can see those who don't know that Friday night is drinking night have started some further discussion without me.
Other very significant developments also took place yesterday without me.
I thought I was doing the right thing by cancelling Pete's name to let a local play.
Later on Friday, Jono declared his availability. The spot had already been filled by a local, but Jono was desperate to play, so he showed initiative by rebooking the foursome for 1245pm.
I was out of contact all Friday night, and then all Saturday morning. Judging by Jono's message left, and number of missed calls in my phone, a degree of panic had set in.
All's well that ends well.
I'm happy to have a low handicap witness, but he'd better support me :twisted: I could see a scenario where Grunt would sympathise with his high handicap colleague, making me feel a bit lonely on the course.
Onto Vince's highly provocative post. How dare he declare himself the underdog :P :shock:
I'm giving him 13 shots. He is capable of going well under his handicap. Even if he racks up 9 pars and 9 double bogeys, I'm in trouble. Higher handicappers often perform better in matchplay, as their focus is directed more on a shot by shot scenario than on the total score. Grunt's matchplay performances this year support this.
I could easily be playing Ok but get beaten 6 & 5.
Besides, new putters always perform well the first couple of times.
My game plan, such as I have one, is to ignore the matchplay score and just play a normal game. The match will look after itself. As long as I enjoy the game, and hopefully play well, I'm not too concerned whether I win or lose.
Boys, see you about 12.15pm tomorrow. (Can someone bring a camera).
3rd December 2005, 07:12 PM
(Can someone bring a camera).
I will bring one Jim.
By the way I have not decleared any favouritism due to me selfishly not being worried about the Matchplay but the conquering of the Liverpool course after it bit me a little in the NSW Open Pro Am. I am hoping to continue my attack on getting to 18 by xmas.
Also the fact I was beaten in the first round doesn't help :cry:
Best of luck to the both of you and may the best ozgolfer win.
See you all tomorrow.
3rd December 2005, 09:03 PM
It was not so much in "panic" but in utter frustration. :roll: :lol: Why don't you take your mobile phone when you go out drinking? Is it that serious? :wink:
Anyway, my call to the Liverpool proshop was made after getting in touch with Vince and Grant ... so I had majority vote. :wink:
Thanks guys for allowing me to change the tee times. I've been getting up around 11 with my alternate week night shifts so the new tee time works well ...
BTW, what's all this "I'm the underdog" reverse psychology BS? If it was Trungy, he'd be saying "you got no chance, bitch" ... or something along those lines. :lol:
I hope the weather stays clear and whoever wins, I think it should be a great arvo of golf.
4th December 2005, 06:22 PM
Well the winner is.......
I will leave it to the others to write up the result :P .
4th December 2005, 08:30 PM
Thank you to Grunt for leaving it to me to announce the result and get some of the stories in first.
Jimandr defeated Virgal Tracy 1 up.
To talk about the good stuff first, we were all square after 16, I wasn't giving away a shot on 17, making me favourite. We both played one of our best holes of the day on the par 5 17th for regulation pars, so still all square at 18, which is a 150m par 3, water on the right.
I had the honour, and hit easily my best shot of the day, a 5 iron to 5 feet (but it looked closer). i'm giving away a shot, so all is not lost. Vince folded under the pressure, sliced his iron into the water. Penalty, then an excellent recovery to 20 feet. My 5 footer is downhill, no gimme, so if Vince holes and I miss we go down 19.
Vince gave it a good run, but it didn't go in. I had two putts to win, almost didn't need them but my downhill tricker stopped on the edge of the hole.
More detail of the game.
We both played poorly. I hit the ball well on the front nine but putted very badly. I was one down after 4, then two up after 9, then one down after 15. At this point I thought I was no chance, giving away shots on 16 and 18 and playing badly. But Vince gave away the 16th, and the rest is history.
Even if we weren't playing matchplay, this would be one of the most enjoyable days I've ever had while playing badly. Vince, Grunt and Jono were great company, and we all took the many injustices Liverpool gave us in great humour. Lots of laughter in the face of adversity. Jono took lots of photo's, some of which do tell a thousand words. i won't tell the full story of my injustice at the 10th until after the photo's are posted, if they turn out OK.
I do need to tell the full story of the 7th. Jono and I hit really good drives down the middle to 95m out. Grunt took on the left side trees and lost again, but rebounded on the next fairway, and Vince hit it way left somewhere. I didn't even see this ball.
Grunt 'nailed' his attempted recovery too well, into the water right side of the fairway. Penalty, then fourth just short, good chip, tap in for 6. I hit a good wedge that didn't really bite, but safely to the back of the green. Jono hit a good looking shot, but just short. He chipped well and tapped in for par.
After a long search we don't find Vince's ball. He goes back to the tee (I wouldn't have bothered) and slices into water on the right. Stubbornly, he takes another penalty, but hacks it short. The hole is over, so I putt out. FOUR putts later, if Vince can get up and down, he can still square the hole. But he didn't.
The actual scores, for Blakey's benefit:
Jono 32
Jimandr 28
Virgal Tracy 27
Grunt 25.
Liverpool was a very stern test of our golfing skills today. Fairways were Ok, but the rough was very deep. The most amazing thing was that all bunkers were out of play, declared GUR. They had been flooded during the rain, and hadn't gone close to recovering. If you landed in one on the full, usually it would jump out again.
All in all, a very enjoyable day. Wait for some photo's and more stories may be told.
4th December 2005, 08:40 PM
Thanks for the report Jim and thanks for the great game it was a thrill to be there, funny thing was I had no idea who was winnign or losing almost the whole way round, you may have noticed with all the ? about who was winning.
Your shot on 18 was pure class, real A graders shot. I really enjoyed the day, but just maybe I am a c grader that more often than not now hits the ball like a b grader. :? therefore the over clubbed shots that I had today. :roll:
4th December 2005, 08:43 PM
Firstly congrats to Jim for pulling out the best shot of the day when it counted. Jim was right it wasn't pretty golf but good matchplay stuff for the full 18.
The bunkers being out of play wasn't an issue for all but Jono becuase none of us could keep a ball in them.
I really think that the 7th was my undoing. My first shot was nailed but unfortunately left. Couldn't find the ball and the only logical place it could have been was in the water but not having seen it go in and other possible options I had to reload. Ruch it and slice into the water. All this time not knowing that Jim had taken a 4 putt.
Almost drove into the water on the 17th after jim saying it wasn't reachable and then the real story of my day, being unable to get the ball from the tee on the par 3's.
GRant and Jono were great company and we all commented on how Grant's ball striking has improved this year. He was flying greens after hitting them pure.
If anyone hears Jono even consider selling his R7 give him a clip over the ears. Missed 2 fairways max with it. And his $25 putter and reverse grip was grewat outside 5 ft but average inside it.
Would love to tackle Liverpool again as I feel I left a lot of points out there. Thanks guys for a great day. Lets bring on the next matchplays as I now have a point to prove.
Congrats again Jim. A worthy winner.
4th December 2005, 09:29 PM
Well done, Jim. Good to hear that it was an enjoyable match.
4th December 2005, 09:40 PM
Thanks for the day guys. I was the last one there as usual, and saw Jim, Vince, and Grunt vigorously warming up (ie. standing around and yapping away ... :wink: )
I've still got the flu from last Sunday, so I was drugged up on medications. The whole day was a bit of a blur for me, so I'll just shut up and show you the pics ...
Here are some swing shots taken during the day. Thought I had taken more, but apparently I hadn't. :?
I tried to emulate Tezza and take some snapshots. Failed miserably. :cry: Everyone seemed to look DOWN whenever I pointed the camera at them ... :roll: :lol:
This is Vince on the 7th. After Jim had put his 2nd shot on the green, we failed to find Vince's tee shot. He went back to the tee and reloaded, and as he was rushing, he put his 3rd shot into the water. This is him playing his 5th. It finished 15 meters short of the green. Jim ended up 4 putting (I thought I had monopoly in that department ... :wink: ) for a 6, so Vince had a chance to halve the hole. Unfortunately, he failed to get up and down. This was probably the turning point of the match.
Bunkers were really sh!t today. In fact, so much so that they decided to make them GUR for the day. The sand (little amount that was there) was really compact and wet and the balls that went into the bunkers, more often than not, came back out. Except mine ... :?
Anyway, Jim hit a reasonable second shot into the tenth green but pulled it a fraction and was heading for the left bunker. Expected to find it there and get a free drop, but instead, we found his ball had run through the bunker and ended up nestled between a tree trunk and the fence. :? He decided to play it one handed, but unfortunately requred three shots to get on the green.
Here's my shot of the day. With plugged lies at Cool-Tweed fresh in my memory, there was simply no hesitation when I saw my ball plugged ... this time not in a bunker, but in a water hazard. With the chorus of "Don't do it, Jono" in the background, I chose to play it. 8)
I managed to get the ball out. I had about 20 meters to the green, and managed to advance it 15. However, my ball was covered in mud, as was my club. :lol:
The shot that Jim hit into the last green was probably the shot of the day. About 155 meters into a cross breeze (left to right). The shot started just left of the green and faded back with the wind. Always looked like it was going to be close ... Here is the result.
With the match all but over, Jim could afford to relax and left his putt half a roll short of the hole. (despite me and Grant reminding him that he could still 3 putt from there ... :twisted: ) Tap in par saw him win the match on the last. 8)
No competition is complete without prizes, so I ducked into my car to find anything that was golf related and new. Found a box of Penn balls (rock hard, extra distance type) and a new pack of Glades tees/pencil/pitch repair tool. Those will have to do. :wink:
To the winner goes the spoils ...
Bad luck but well played throughout the competition, Vince. You beat some worthy opponents on your road to the final. Who could forget the absolute whipping that was handed out to a certain overconfident Carnarvon A grader? :wink:
Closeup of THE PRIZE ...
All in all, a very enjoyable day. 8)
4th December 2005, 10:28 PM
Fabulous photos Jono, and thanks for the trophy. I'll cherish it forever, or at least until I donate it back as the 'perpetual' trophy we play for next year. Can you show me how to use the photo as my avatar?
Let me say that the jump out from the bunker into the unplayable up against the tree and fence may have been the most unfair thing I've ever had happen to my golf ball. I would've taken an unplayable except for the presence of the camera. I thought the backhand shot would make a good picture if it worked. Naturally it didn't, and cost me a hole after my opponent couldn't record better than a double bogey.
Grunt was a bit downhearted but he shouldn't be. Scoring badly while hitting many good shots is a great advance from when we first saw you play as a genuine 25 player, but with potential.
Vince was Mr Inconsistent. Good shots and bad shots, with no pattern apparent. Just needs to play more often.
Jono played Ok, some good chip shots, excellent hole outs from 10 feet and awful short putting. The Claw must be worth a try.
5th December 2005, 07:34 AM
congratulations Jim, sounds like it was quite a match :shock:
5th December 2005, 08:21 AM
nice report lads :D
5th December 2005, 08:33 AM
So when is Jim going to get thumped by Gaz?
5th December 2005, 03:25 PM
So when is Jim going to get thumped by Gaz?
Then the winner has to take on me :twisted:
Well done to the winner.........and bad luck to the non winner.
Great photos too.
5th December 2005, 03:52 PM
Well done Jim!
6th December 2005, 09:23 AM
Good work Jim.
Yes - I still have the matchplay money - I'm not sure if I'll have time to get a trophy done before I head off next Wednesday - but Jim - be assured - you will get something!
6th December 2005, 09:17 PM
There is a picture of the trophy in there somewhere. You should invest any money (perhaps on the red in the second at Bulli) and reimburse Jono in the new year after you return from your adventure.
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