View Full Version : Golf Swing analysis devices

10th January 2013, 10:31 PM
Just come across another one, this has some good reviews, and based on them is the choice of the three, especially with how it fixes to the shaft.www.swingtip.com (http://www.swingtip.com) USD 130


We already know about;
www.swingbyte.com (http://www.swingbyte.com) USD 149
www.golfsense.com (http://www.golfsense.com) USD 130
*www.3bayslife.com (http://www.3bayslife.com) USD 199
www.swingsmart.com (http://www.swingsmart.com/) USD 250
* SkyPro (http://www.skygolf.com/products/skypro.aspx) USD 200
Any more?

* will ship to australia

11th January 2013, 08:10 AM
3Bays GSA which was bought by some in a group buy through PShaw ?

And we are all waiting for the indepth review ! Especially from those who have one and tried the others mentioned.

11th January 2013, 08:35 AM
Thanks bb. I guess you have noticed too the tendency for people to wax lyrical about a new thing before they get it and say nothing afterwards.

11th January 2013, 05:47 PM

11th January 2013, 06:56 PM
I haven't had time to give the GSA a run yet other than setting it up with a couple of swings in the front yard. The Swingbyte was quite useful in what it produced at the time I first used it, just a bit painful to set up and use. I was able to work on a few things and see progress via the swing graphics. Hopefully the GSA will be complimentary to the Swingbyte info.

11th January 2013, 08:07 PM

11th January 2013, 08:17 PM
I leant my GSA to a mate who was struggling a bit. 10 minutes on the GSA and he now knows what's wrong where he had no idea before. It doesn't fix the problem for you but at least you know where to start.

Was it this which helped Marto break 80?

11th January 2013, 08:53 PM
I'm sure it was the company that assisted Marto

21st January 2013, 03:27 PM
3Bays GSA Pro Golf Swing Aid compared to Trackman results


21st January 2013, 03:45 PM
Golf Sense quick review. Annabel Rolley is a fair bit better looking than Mark Crossfield


21st January 2013, 03:51 PM
Wish there was more swingtip reviews. Looks like the go'er too me?! i know mygolfspy did a review of a few of them but swingtip wasn't included i believe : (

21st January 2013, 06:32 PM
3Bays GSA Pro Golf Swing Aid compared to Trackman results

can you give us a hint so we dont have to watch all 8 mins?

21st January 2013, 06:35 PM
can you give us a hint so we dont have to watch all 8 mins?
Very accurate on Club Head speed. Pretty close on carry distance if you are using good quality balls, assumes you are. Swing graphics look right. Downside is swing path, club face angle etc don't give degrees so aren't particularly useful.

21st January 2013, 07:12 PM
If you want swing path and club face numbers the swingbyte does a good job.
Ive tested it against the machines at golftec in melbourne and the numbers for swingpath and clubface were almost identical and the club angle at impact matched up to what was on the video screens. Not sure what simulators they use though.
Only thing that differed was the swingspeed which was about 5mph lower consistently on the swingbyte compared to the golftec numbers.

21st January 2013, 07:49 PM
That sounds about right with the shop sim. Usually jacked up speeds.

21st January 2013, 07:59 PM
Golftec isn't a shop, its a golf simulator centre. They do lessons, fitting, rounds of golf, driving range etc.

28th January 2013, 12:19 AM
Unfortunately can't add any info on these as I haven't used one yet. Thinking one might be a birthday present from the kids this year. Saw another one to add to the list of possibles.


Trying to find a comparison between this and swingtip.

31st January 2013, 09:45 AM
New kid on the block. I have to say this one looks like the pick of them. App looks really good.



31st January 2013, 11:04 AM
New kid on the block. I have to say this one looks like the pick of them. App looks really good.



Looks good! Very similiar to the swingbyte except they've fixed the issues with alignment and the unit slipping on the shaft. And the app looks a heap better.
Wonder what it will cost?

31st January 2013, 03:34 PM
Very neat way to "align" the device! very clever.

31st January 2013, 04:20 PM
skypro looks awesome. love the sliding feature seeing the club positioning.

looks like they have michael breed and hank haney on board. Im going to suggest this will be in the $200-250 range.

Whose going to buy one of these :D

31st January 2013, 06:25 PM
Hmmm, may have to trade up on the Swingbyte that I haven't got around to using yet.

31st January 2013, 06:34 PM
Hmmm, may have to trade up on the Swingbyte that I haven't got around to using yet.

Im thinking the same. I use my swingbyte quite a bit, but its always such a hassle having to put it back in place after a few shots, even with the stick on angles they supplied to fix the problem. Its also a bit of guesswork as to whether its aligned properly to start with.
If its around the $200 mark I probably will be upgrading, any more than that and ill just stick with the swingbyte.

2nd February 2013, 03:07 PM
do these things actually work?

The biggest issue i have (apart from skill) is slicing the ball from the driver. How can one of these apps help improve that?

also note I am getting lessons.....

2nd February 2013, 03:20 PM
do these things actually work?

The biggest issue i have (apart from skill) is slicing the ball from the driver. How can one of these apps help improve that?

also note I am getting lessons.....

Your teaching pro will be better to answer your question rather than trying to interperete an analysis device that may not be completely accurate

2nd February 2013, 05:40 PM
Skypro looks to be a good one.

3rd February 2013, 12:27 AM
Looks good! Very similiar to the swingbyte except they've fixed the issues with alignment and the unit slipping on the shaft. And the app looks a heap better.
Wonder what it will cost?

Can pre order on the Skypro website for $199.95. Quoting $90 postage to WA though. Wonder if they will retail through other stores who will charge less for shipping?

3rd February 2013, 11:34 PM
Can pre order on the Skypro website for $199.95. Quoting $90 postage to WA though. Wonder if they will retail through other stores who will charge less for shipping?

$90 postage for a box that would surely only be a few inches wide and weigh bugger all is crazy!

1st April 2013, 11:11 AM
Just pulled the trigger on Swingtip from Amazon. Only $7 shipping so $137 landed here in a couple of weeks. Decided on this one because of good reviews on the attachment mechanism and the price is lowest of them all.

1st April 2013, 11:38 AM
How do you line it up to get an accurate reading of face angle?

4th April 2013, 04:02 PM
Message received today from Skycaddie re: SkyPro

http://marketing2.skygolf.com/membermail/skypro/row4.jpg (http://www.golfskypro.com/content/welcome-skypro)

5th April 2013, 01:47 AM
Sadly work have not upgraded my antique mobile to a smart phone.
Need one before I think about getting one of these swing gizmos.

5th April 2013, 01:26 PM
Another device that got an okay review, $250


5th April 2013, 01:39 PM
Another device that got an okay review, $250


If you do a google search it gets a lot of very average feedback, it apparently makes too many assumptions based on not a lot of data.
Still for its price compared to a real launch monitor I guess you shouldn't expect too much.

6th April 2013, 10:24 AM
Another device that got an okay review, $250


Ive found it good for what its designed to do. Doesn't give the same info as a swingtip or skypro but doesn't try to. I'll most likely get the skypro once they're available as I think they will work well together.

If you use the code "GolfLinksFL" you get a 10% discount.

27th April 2013, 10:12 PM
Just pulled the trigger on Swingtip from Amazon. Only $7 shipping so $137 landed here in a couple of weeks. Decided on this one because of good reviews on the attachment mechanism and the price is lowest of them all.

Arrived yet MTB? Any reviews?

28th April 2013, 02:17 PM
Www.swingtip.com (http://Www.swingtip.com) Review (see post #1 for screenshot)

For $130 compared to $20000 for trackman its pretty good value. It is a relatively simple device and only gives 5 performance factors.
1. Clubhead speed in MPH
2. Centre, toe or heal contact
3. clubface open, square or closed.
4. swing path - straight, out to in, in to out.
5. Tempo for backswing and downswing in MS

With the exception of Clubhead speed and Tempo, it does not give you any figures. I have not been able to compare directly with trackman, but I let someone else try it who has one and knows exactly what his numbers are and he thought it was 1mph generous.

You align the device up to the face of the club with a 'sight', I was never sure whether I was being accurate with that because my eyes are stuffed with glasses on I cant see through the sight, with glasses off I cant see the grooves. In any case the Clubface angle and path was of little interest to me, because I can see where the ball was going. The tempo and MPH are the things I wanted to know.

The device battery did not last the range session, conked out with a handful of balls to go from 70.

You can compare your swing plane against another swing, and you can also take a video of a swing to use in place of the little animated man. No I idea how that works or looks. The path the swing plane draws on the screen seems exagerrated, there is no way I swing it back that far, makes me look like John Daly, and also I am not sure how accurate that is. I tried to do some exaggerated Jim Furyks, but the planes looked normal on the screen.

In any case I still think its a good tool to measure your swing performance over time, if it is inaccurate in anyway, you can still see the differences relative to you. For example if you swing faster or slower, it does reflect the different numbers, and that is important.

Summary, happy with purchase, I will use it a lot.

28th April 2013, 06:20 PM
Good simple relevant review Blakey.

28th April 2013, 08:13 PM
Not sure if this counts because it is still pre-release but this system looks pretty good. More of a way to track you performance during games than for practice. Www.gameyourgame.com
Nearly bought in on the startup forum but apparently the australian course mapping will be 6+ months away.

28th April 2013, 09:23 PM
Thanks for the review MTB.

9th May 2013, 12:35 AM
The SkyPro is out, available from golfsmith. Just ordered one, about $230us including shipping with the voucher code 'PLYR23'.

9th May 2013, 08:51 AM
The SkyPro is out, available from golfsmith. Just ordered one, about $230us including shipping with the voucher code 'PLYR23'.

Make sure you give us a bit of a write up on how it goes when it does arrive.

Sadly it will only work on iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch. No worky with android devices at this stage. Why would they limit themselves to only a part of the potential market so early?

9th May 2013, 09:53 AM
Just wondering if the Apple one, golf sense, is worth the $140 the charge for it, or is it all a bit of a gimmick?

Thanks Steve

9th May 2013, 03:17 PM
The SkyPro is out, available from golfsmith. Just ordered one, about $230us including shipping with the voucher code 'PLYR23'.

Thanks for the code Jackson. My order came down to USD$212 shipped to Perth.

14th July 2013, 01:49 AM
MGS have recently completed a comparison review of 7 different devices.
A great read if your undecided on which one to get if looking.

http://www.mygolfspy.com/skypro-swing-analyzer-trainer-review/ (http://www.mygolfspy.com/skypro-swing-analyzer-trainer-review/)

14th July 2013, 05:48 AM
MGS have recently completed a comparison review of 7 different devices.
A great read if your undecided on which one to get if looking.

http://www.mygolfspy.com/skypro-swing-analyzer-trainer-review/ (http://www.mygolfspy.com/skypro-swing-analyzer-trainer-review/)

Why would you test the 3Bay Putt and not the Pro against the rest of these devices ????

14th July 2013, 09:34 AM
If you read the comments after the article, they say the "Pro" was being redesigned by 3bays and thus was not available at the time of their review.

24th August 2013, 10:28 AM
So any update on the skypro or new 3bays pro

13th September 2013, 09:16 PM
Any updates/ reviews on the skypro? I want to get one but they have still not released an Android version