View Full Version : Tolerance and political correctness gone berserk

28th July 2005, 02:28 PM
Are you a politically incorrect, intolerant and insensitive homophobe?


I am proud to say that I am.

Although its an american viewpoint it also reflects whats happening in society worldwide including Oz.  Although ATM Johnny is holding firm on his family values stance - but how long will that last.

Its hard to imagine many people disagreeing with this viewpoint in its entirety.   So why is it that the Few are influencing the Many.  Shouldnt it be the other way around.

28th July 2005, 03:04 PM
Maybe 1/3 of it didn't have me rolling my eyes.

While I don't disagree with it in its' entirety, I did disagree with large chunks of it.

28th July 2005, 06:37 PM
Blakey, just out of interest, did you vote for or support Pauline Hanson?

Whilst I accept it is everyones right to make their own choices, I disagree with much of that article. I respect the rights of other to make up their own mind, so long as they dont force it down my throat.

I wonder what Chucky will have to say :roll: :roll:

28th July 2005, 08:13 PM
What was that famous Lisa Simpson quote "it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"  :shock:  

I can't figure out how the Christian Right carry on so much about the right to life and creationism and other really silly crap yet are quiet on gun control and the war in Iraq.  Don't these idiots realise the biggest contributor to the drop in the crime rate over the past decade in the US was the legalisation of abortion with Roe v Wade in 1973.  A whole generation of criminals and low lifes were never born.  They should be insisting on it.

This site is much better on the free speech stuff than the other site though.  Nice work.  And no Tony Cashmore.  Beautiful. :D  :D  :D

28th July 2005, 11:54 PM
Blakey, just out of interest, did you vote for or support Pauline Hanson?

are you angling for another round of flamebaiting?

I never really took much notice of her. Was drinking too much in those days to care about anything political.

I respect the rights of other to make up their own mind, so long as they dont force it down my throat.

Pun intended?

29th July 2005, 06:01 AM
You gotta be kidding right. :shock: This is a gee up Blakey.
I thought you were from further south than Gympie :D
Next you'll be proudly declaring how you drive around in a pick up truck with a shotgun slung across the back and wear a pointy white hood. :wink: Do you chew tobacco and have a Confederate flag tattooed on your arm?
The extreme right are known for their paranoid views and I notice you are on the defensive straight away with this:

are you angling for another round of flamebaiting?
It's not about "flamebaiting" (whatever that is??) but if you are going START a thread about being a proud politically incorrect, intolerant and insensitive homophobe you are more naive than I thought if you expect it to go unchallenged.

29th July 2005, 07:40 AM
This site is much better on the free speech stuff than the other site though.  Nice work.  And no Tony Cashmore.  Beautiful. :D  :D  :D

:lol:  :lol:   Hey don't be disparaging my future boss.  I'm gonna win that internship he's offering  :P   Oh yeah, just as soon as I get around to entering.  :oops:   I met him once at The Dunes.  Seemed nice enough.  Not sure I'd want to work with him full time though...  :wink:

29th July 2005, 02:20 PM
Let me start by saying I’m a ‘born-again’ Christian & employed part-time as a Pastor of a Baptist church in Sydney. I have a degree in Theology & a diploma in Christian ministries.

That being said, I find there is very little common ground between Guy Adams & myself.

The liberalism that Mr Adams refers to is a theological & constitutional liberalism. In other words, diluting the foundational truth of the Bible or the constitution. The problem is, truth in multi-faceted & we can select one truth over the other depending on what supports our argument the best.

It concerns me when people use the Bible to support one aspect of their argument, yet disregard it when it suits them. You cannot use the Bible to support your argument against legalised abortion, then disregard the Bible’s teachings on illegal aliens, of which it is very clear. You cannot refer to abortion as legalised murder, yet agree with America’s gun laws.

Whether you believe that Jesus is the Son of God or just a historical figure, from the writings we have about him, both religious & secular, do you think Jesus would have so much hate & fear of people as Mr Adams does. As a Christian these articles concern me, because they misrepresent the Bible & Christians as a whole.

Agree with Guy Adams if you will, that is your choice, but please don’t use him as an example of Christianity.

29th July 2005, 03:12 PM
It's interesting how both the Koran and the Bible get misintepreted depending on the reader's intentions.
Tell me, as a golfing Christian do you find it annoying how golfers such as Baddeley, Crane etc thank the Lord when they win. Shouldn't God be working on issues in the Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa and diseases rather than helping a millionaire add to the account? I'm genuinely curious as to how someone in your situation sees it.

29th July 2005, 03:14 PM
Wow - a constructive response. I didnt think this topic would get one :-)
(Sex, Religion & politics should never be discussed, especially all at once)

do you think Jesus would have so much hate & fear of people as Mr Adams does.

I didnt think that the article represents that Adams has hate & fear of people. I agree that the article is over the top but I understood that is his point - that political correctness is over the top.

"Finally, I understand that this article might be perceived by some as lacking in mercy and compassion. This article is merely a point by point synopsis of some of the things that I think we need to correct in this country before it's too late"

There is a few things in that article that is a bit harsh, probably the aliens bit needs further explanation to understand his point of view (as the context is not really australian, we dont have such issue here).

Nevertheless it bothers me greatly where political correctness is heading and therefore I'll maintain my right to remain intolerant!

29th July 2005, 03:32 PM
It's interesting how both the Koran and the Bible get misintepreted depending on the reader's intentions.
Tell me, as a golfing Christian do you find it annoying how golfers such as Baddeley, Crane etc thank the Lord when they win. Shouldn't God be working on issues in the Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa and diseases rather than helping a millionaire add to the account? I'm genuinely curious as to how someone in your situation sees it.

And what about when they lose? God didn't like them that week? or forgot to get them over the line?
When Badds beats Crane - does that mean the God loves Dresses more?

I've never understood that line of thinking.

29th July 2005, 03:42 PM
Its funny how the self proclaimed "friendly" site is so comfortable promoting homophobia. I don't know why you would even care. On gay marriage, in the words of Queenslands favorite jurist, Judge Judy, "why should they be spared".

29th July 2005, 03:49 PM
I am not tolerant of Liberals who say the United States Constitution is a "living document." It's enshrined behind bullet-proof glass under the tightest security imaginable. It's perfect just the way it is, and Conservatives intend to keep it that way.

I am not very tolerant of short-sighted and loud-mouthed individuals who refuse to see the forest for the trees. For example, I'm not intellectually tolerant of those who want to invalidate the weighty contributions of Thomas Jefferson because he owned slaves (and wrongly so). We are partly a product of our times. Times were different then, but times were also changing for the good. If God publicized our flaws, no one among us would feel qualified to do good. We are human: we do good things and we make mistakes.

How can you say the constitution (written 229 years ago) is "perfect the way it is" and then in the very next point say "times were different then"? It just doesn't add up.

29th July 2005, 03:50 PM
Its funny how the self proclaimed "friendly" site is so comfortable promoting homophobia.
How is it being promoted, Jim?

29th July 2005, 04:10 PM

Anything can be misinterpreted. The Bible, the Qur’an, the Da Vinci Code, my year 10 math text book. The Qur’an doesn’t condone terrorism, just as the Bible didn’t condone the Crusades of the middle ages. David Koresh used misinterpretations of the Bible to convince his followers (The Branch Davidians) that he was the second coming of Jesus. Yet he needed glasses to see. Surely God would have perfect eye sight. :lol:

As far as people thanking God for winning a golf tournament, have you ever thanked someone ? If someone wants to thank someone else, should it matter whether it is for a million dollars to add to their bank balance or for a dinner that might stop someone starving. Aaron Baddeley thanking God is the least of the world’s worries. [-o<

As far as God being needed in other areas of the world, I believe that God is omnipotent.


Don’t be too defensive, it’s a good topic. It makes people think & encourages us to have an opinion. Too many people don’t have an opinion & that’s when the trouble starts. As the old saying goes, “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.”

I don’t believe Guy Adams is trying to be ‘over the top’, as I read quite a few of the other articles on the site & they come from a similar foundation. ‘Renew America’ is a fundamentalist organisation whose dogma is ultra-conservative. I would suggest Guy Adams believes everything he has written one hundred percent.


29th July 2005, 04:30 PM
Hi AndyP

I never really rushed home from work to watch a group of American poofs so a bunch of Aussie pillow biters ain't gunna get much time on my tv. :smt078

how the heck do you answer a 7yo asking "whats gay mean?"

from http://ozgolf.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1483&highlight=queer


Gay and poof certainly gets a good run as terms of derision on this site. I couldn't care less if you just dropped the friendly site pretension (actually, I couldn't care less full stop - its your site to do what you want with). Although thankfully you don't expose viewers to the unadulterated filth of the other site (if you were unfortunate enough to see it this today). I'd be drawing the line of free speech well ahead of that stuff. :roll:

Andrew, I think there are much better topics to get people thinking than that one. :wink:

29th July 2005, 05:05 PM
As far as people thanking God for winning a golf tournament, have you ever thanked someone ? If someone wants to thank someone else, should it matter whether it is for a million dollars to add to their bank balance or for a dinner that might stop someone starving. Aaron Baddeley thanking God is the least of the world’s worries.
Just a curiosity question Andrew, I agree it's not one of the world's worries.

29th July 2005, 05:20 PM

I saw that stuff on the other site as well. Unbelievable.

29th July 2005, 05:27 PM
what happened on the "other site"

did Henry and Jack finally come out :shock:

29th July 2005, 05:31 PM
Its funny how the self proclaimed "friendly" site is so comfortable promoting homophobia.  I don't know why you would even care.

I am not sure where this self proclaimed friendly site cliche came from, this forum's was founded on the principle 'born to sledge'- but thats another topic.

I think you answered that question yourself when you dug up an old quote of mine - well at least thats why I care, and I am serious when I say I CARE - and I know I am not alone.

This forum does not promote homophobia. I have gone on record to say I am homophobic, but that doesnt mean the whole forum is. In fact I am certain some people are watching this thread very very closely and has the finger ready as soon as it gets out of hand.

29th July 2005, 05:43 PM
In fact I am certain some people are watching this thread very very closely and has the finger ready as soon as it gets out of hand.

damn right there :!:

29th July 2005, 05:54 PM
Blakester, you really need a better reason to be a promoter of homophobia than the fact you can't explain it to a 7yo. They'll learn about it quickly enough, especially if you send them to boarding school. :shock:

I am not sure where this self proclaimed friendly site cliche came from, this forum's was founded on the principle 'born to sledge'- but thats another topic.
Now that is just too funny. :lol: This site was born because Onewood couldn't see I was taking the piss about his hole-in-one and went postal. If it wasn't for me this site wouldn't exist (don't thank me all at once) :lol:

29th July 2005, 05:54 PM
Hi AndyP

I never really rushed home from work to watch a group of American poofs so a bunch of Aussie pillow biters ain't gunna get much time on my tv. :smt078

how the heck do you answer a 7yo asking "whats gay mean?"

from http://ozgolf.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1483&highlight=queer


Gay and poof certainly gets a good run as terms of derision on this site.  I couldn't care less if you just dropped the friendly site pretension (actually, I couldn't care less full stop - its your site to do what you want with).  Although thankfully you don't expose viewers to the unadulterated filth of the other site (if you were unfortunate enough to see it this today).  I'd be drawing the line of free speech well ahead of that stuff. :roll:

Andrew, I think there are much better topics to get people thinking than that one. :wink:

Jeez Jim :shock: did you do a search on the word poof ?

29th July 2005, 06:01 PM
Ah! Now I'm starting to get the picture as to why some on this site are so thin skinned when it comes to a challenge. It was a case of "taking the bat and ball and going home" when the going got tough at some other site. Hence the other site being referred to as "the dark side" by Blakey recently.
I'm off to do some searching on the other site 8) I love a good bitch fight!

29th July 2005, 06:09 PM
Jeez Jim :shock:  did you do a search on the word poof ? No, I did it on the vomiting emoticon. :shock: I actually searched on queer.

Where's Henry? I thought he'd be all over this one.

what happened on the "other site"

did Henry and Jack finally come out :shock:

Someone posted on about 30-40 threads some of the vilest porn imaginable. Sort of stuff you wouldn't want to be caught dead with on your hard drive.

29th July 2005, 06:14 PM
Didnt take long for this thread to reach the gutter. Now that I understand some peoples true motives I am not surprised.

29th July 2005, 06:18 PM
If it wasn't for me this site wouldn't exist (don't thank me all at once) :lol:

Don't have to give yourself too much credit there Jim. This site was on the cards long before hole-in-ones were discussed. And it's formation was due not because of anyones 'actions' but because of someones 'inactions'.

And none of us could be happier :D

29th July 2005, 06:23 PM
So Andrew you're a part time pastor :? ,I hope none of your flock are beer drinkers or heaven forbid subserviant workers.I get the impression you're not a fan judging from your post in the "favorite beer'' thread. :?
Andrew wrote;
I don't want to be unpopular, but aren't all beer drinkers brain dead slobs with subservient jobs that spend each & every weekend starting fights at their local pub.

Not that I want to generalise.

29th July 2005, 06:29 PM
Don't have to give yourself too much credit there Jim. This site was on the cards long before hole-in-ones were discussed. And it's formation was due not because of anyones 'actions' but because of someones 'inactions'.

And none of us could be happier :D

Aww, and I felt like a silent foundation member. :lol:

GazGolf, Andrew isn't too bad. He certainly put up with all my swearing with good grace when we played.

Didnt take long for this thread to reach the gutter. Now that I understand some peoples true motives I am not surprised.
Blakey, what do you expect when you start a thread boasting about your intolerance and homophobia. :roll:

Fishman Dan
29th July 2005, 06:33 PM
I'm a tradionalist. I think the Red Sea Pedestrians had it right in the Torah.

But i could just be starting something.... ah... i've missed this place.. :roll: :lol:

29th July 2005, 06:42 PM
Blakey, what do you expect when you start a thread boasting about your intolerance and homophobia.

The topic of intolerance and homophobia is travelling along nicely - thanks for caring.

But as for where your dragging the discussion too, its not worthy commenting on, and I would have ignored it if i knew what your agenda was.

29th July 2005, 06:48 PM
This is off-topic (sort of, it was brought up here), but if anyone wants to know what brought on the start of ozgolf then go to isg and search on my posts. It's in there.

29th July 2005, 06:52 PM
This is off-topic (sort of, it was brought up here), but if anyone wants to know what brought on the start of ozgolf then go to isg and search on my posts.  It's in there.

Can you link it - those in charge of ISG don't allow the mere mention of ozgolf (or ausgolf) - and you had a lot of posts.

Blakey, ummm what's my agenda?

29th July 2005, 06:53 PM
Back on topic, the way I see it both Jim and Marktheblake are correct.
Jim said,

what do you expect when you start a thread boasting about your intolerance and homophobia
This is true. If you start up a thread proudly stating your ultra right views it's going to attract some heat.
Blakey said,

its not worthy commenting on, and I would have ignored it
This is also true. I have noticed that when you are in a losing arguement you bail, big time. :wink:

29th July 2005, 06:54 PM
You can find it. It was my last over there after all.

29th July 2005, 07:11 PM
Its your fault you bought up the Torah

Fishman Dan
29th July 2005, 07:12 PM
Its your fault you bought up the Torah

I'm flattered you look upon me like that, however wasn't it Moses or one of those blokes who wore bed-sheets and sandals around?

29th July 2005, 07:23 PM
Its your fault you bought up the Torah

I'm flattered you look upon me like that, however wasn't it Moses or one of those blokes who wore bed-sheets and sandals around?

I thought the Red Sea Pedestrians line was pretty funny actually.

And Moses was homophobic as well! Must have been a good bloke - after all he has a starring role in 3 different holy books.

29th July 2005, 07:24 PM
This thread is really stupid.......

Fishman Dan
29th July 2005, 07:33 PM
This thread is really stupid.......

Then my work here is done.

3 Holy Books.. that's great stuff. I'm no specialist, but i think the work of the likes of L. Ron Hubbard cheapen concepts like that. They certainly don't make 'em like they used to. :roll:

29th July 2005, 07:37 PM

What do you have against homosexuals? Why the phobia? I dont understand. Can you elaborate please?


29th July 2005, 08:15 PM
Locked, so this thread can be cleaned up and get back on topic.
Good Friday night fun.

30th July 2005, 05:04 PM

Where do you stand on abortion? Yes or No?

30th July 2005, 05:07 PM
I thought this thread was locked. :?

Fishman Dan
30th July 2005, 05:21 PM
It was lots of fun before the admins stepped in... :?

30th July 2005, 05:27 PM
I thought this thread was locked. :?

Clearly not locked, although who's to say it wont get locked again. Controversial topic. Good stuff.

30th July 2005, 06:58 PM
I already stated my view, that Political Correctness has gone berserk - this is one of my pet hates. Its interesting that the person that got me thinking about this topic hasnt even contributed (yet).

I am not a supporter or advocate of the writer of the article I referred to, I'd never even heard of him before. - its just one of the first results that came up when i searched on political correctness - and I found something better than what I was looking for.

Now its obvious that despite several persons passion (obsession?) with the topic or rather certain aspects of it, they have yet to give their own view.

That was the point of raising the issue in the first place , because I knew you wouldnt give your own view.

30th July 2005, 07:02 PM
That was the point of raising the issue in the first place ,  because I knew you wouldnt give your own view.

Who are you referring to here mate?

30th July 2005, 08:13 PM
Instead of citing the rantings of an American lunatic could you perhaps give some examples of what aggrieves you so much in the Australian context.  Practically none of what he refers to applies here.  Personally I've hardly heard the term politically correct referred to in the last decade, and from your post it would seem it only has application as a term of derision by those on the lunar Right in the US.  This is perhaps more understandable as they have legislation mandating affirmative action quotas and all sorts of other issues, but what exactly does it mean here and why would you care? :smt008

Goughy, that was one of the more eloquent posts on ISG.

But the general thrust of the opening discussions here was along the lines of "holes-in-ones" and what happened on the other site, so I'm still gonna claim some credit. :smt038

30th July 2005, 11:58 PM
But the general thrust of the opening discussions here was along the lines of "holes-in-ones" and what happened on the other site, so I'm still gonna claim some credit. :smt038

Good on ya Jim...you da man.
As far as this topic goes and I did'nt waste my time on what some yank Priest/goose believes.
I'm also not going to waste my time on the poof vs hetro thing....who cares.
The stuff that bothers me in Australia these days ranges from our judicial system all the way through to our immigration policies.
As far as I'm concerned if you are a Muslem and and have a huge problem with the Australian lifestyle get the f%^k out.If you choose to air your infidel/wife beating beliefs publicly you should be deported.The poms
have learnt a lesson here by tolerating some nutbag muslem scumbag that was connected with the shoebomber and look where it got them....50 odd people dead.The Melbourne Muslem Priest who declared his admiration for Bin Ladin during the week and then said he was taken out of context should be deported,no questions asked,see ya dickhead.
As far as I'm concerned we should be fighting these terrorists on their own level.It was pretty clear that the London bombers went on a pilgrimage to some nutbag islamic church in Pakistan before they did the deed...lets bomb that church.Lets fight dirty like they they do .
Lets decapitate a terrorist on video when we catch one and put it Al jazeera television.
The diggers that fought and died for this country in two world wars would be rolling over in their graves at the things politicians are letting happen to this country.
As far as the judical system goes lets bring back capital punishment for murderers and paedophiles....I'd be happy to throw the switch on these 2 groups and as far as I'm concerned Paedophiles should'nt have electricity wasted on them,if they were found to be beyond a shadow of doubt guilty they should be taken in to a back room and injected with a piece of lead behind the ear.
Lets get real Australia....if out of touch judges and politicians can't provide Australians with realistic solutions than they should go.

31st July 2005, 08:49 AM
Marktheblake, you start a thread proudly proclaiming you are a politically incorrect, intolerant and insensitive homophobe. To support this you provide a link to a nutbag ranter and say

Although its an american viewpoint it also reflects whats happening in society worldwide including Oz. The heat gets turned up and you lose the plot and the thread gets edited. You then come back with

I am not a supporter or advocate of the writer of the article I referred to, I'd never even heard of him before.
What a backdown :shock:
For a self confessed homophobe that's a pretty limp wristed effort. :roll:
Gazgolf, nice rant!

31st July 2005, 01:04 PM
Gaz I could not agree with you more mate :smt023
Enough of the softly softly approach, bout time we started playing hardball with these ratbags :smt021

Anyone who would of watched that 60 minutes report on Muslims and how they are being taught not to associate with non muslims, was a bloody disgrace :evil:
Some comments made by senior muslim leaders recently about this country and western society in general, were unbelievable :shock:

Imagration should of been on their door step the next day to make them pack and boot them straight up the f@#$% butt back onto a slow boat out of here. :smt013

As for our judicial system :roll: what a bloody joke.
People in this country are just sick and tired of watching crims get off over and over again. What will start happening soon is people taking the law into their own hands and dealing out there own punishment.

Better stop now or could go on forever.

Fishman Dan
31st July 2005, 05:24 PM
Who would have thought a QLD'er would come out with such Right-wing diatribe. :roll:

Gaz - i don't disagree with everything you posted, but gee whiz that's some hardcore Hanson. Captial punishment? :shock:

Pitch forks and burning torches for all!! We'll run them nogooders outta this here town.. :P

But if you are going to start raging against the machine, start with Civil Liberties. It seems any forward steps to attempt to investigate/arrest people who are proven to be up to no good, these goons step in and start whinging and carrying on..

31st July 2005, 05:36 PM
Who would have thought a QLD'er would come out with such Right-wing diatribe. :roll:

Amazing what a few bourbons will do. :wink:

Gaz - i don't disagree with everything you posted, but gee whiz that's some hardcore Hanson. Captial punishment? :shock:

What is so shocking about capital punishment?,we used to have it a few years back and it seemed to work.I don't remember any of those scumbags getting out and reoffending.

But if you are going to start raging against the machine, start with Civil Liberties. It seems any forward steps to attempt to investigate/arrest people who are proven to be up to no good, these goons step in and start whinging and carrying on..

I'm with ya there Fishy,imagine putting the criminals rights before the victims. :roll:,I can't believe that Terry O'Gorman can get on TV and trot out the same crap all the time.

1st August 2005, 12:59 AM
So Gaz, you admitted you were half tanked earlier in the night, then this beauty came a few hours later. Lemme guess, you didnt slow down?

OK, shall we put you down as just a tad Intolerant?

(note to self: in matchplay against Gaz remind him that his bucket hat looks like a turban).

1st August 2005, 05:18 AM
So Gaz,  you admitted you were half tanked earlier in the night,  then this beauty came a few hours later.  Lemme guess,  you didnt slow down?

nope. :smt030

OK, shall we put you down as just a tad Intolerant?


[quote=markTHEblake] (note to self: in matchplay against Gaz remind him that his bucket hat looks like a turban).

If I came to this country and had to wear a turban it would be a green and gold one and I'd be saying G'day mate not Allah Ackbar.

4th August 2005, 11:28 PM
If I came to this country and had to wear a turban it would be a green and gold one and I'd be saying G'day mate not Allah Ackbar.

and probably one of those turbans with the stubbie cooler built in from the sounds of it.

Reg del SamI
5th August 2005, 03:39 PM
I think there's a few mixed up folks on this thread. Turbans are worn by Sikhs, who would never be saying Allah o Akbar or any other Islamic comment.

There's an entirely different name for head dress worn by people of different Muslim sects, and I would suggest you find out a little bit more about them before casting such a wide vent of criticism.

21st September 2005, 03:59 PM
Mate, I apologise, political correctness really has gone beserk up there.  Ahh well, your loss could be Jack's gain. :lol: