View Full Version : When a 26 capper met MP32

23rd June 2005, 12:18 PM
Shippment arrived....

Want to take a sickie... BUT!!!

I.T. Manager is sick (for real, he's a good person) currently....

On top of that, supervisor decided he's "sick" as well... left for the day without answering my needs....

Not a good idea to have another person go "sick".

But my heart is pumping like "BANG BANG BANG" now!!........

Will tell you guys more ;)

23rd June 2005, 12:19 PM
Go you good thing, use "a death in the family", works for my staff :lol: :wink:


23rd June 2005, 12:21 PM
wow...u got it sent to work??? :shock: :lol:

or picked up from the postie???

got any of those plastic golf balls??? :wink:

23rd June 2005, 12:26 PM
Send it to Kee's wife's work address instead.... I can't trust my housemate because they are gay... and I am new here so I dunno the address :shock: And it's not appopriate to send to any work address either me or Kee....

A business owner's address would be good.

By the way, Mrs Vegas.... if you need to help on skin care, give Kee's wife a call :D

23rd June 2005, 12:30 PM
I can't trust my housemate because they are gay... and :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: what will they do with them ??, sorry, that is seriously funny....

Fishman Dan
23rd June 2005, 12:33 PM
Go son. Go like the wind.

You know that you're not going to get any menial work done today, because all you can think of is those clubs.

Obviously the flu bug has gone through the entire IT staff. You had better go home before you spread it even further.


23rd June 2005, 12:39 PM
When I got my SMT Spectrum from Ona the postman decided just leave my package outside my door.... those two gays (my housemate) saw it, didn't put it back to house, go out.... hours later, come back... still there... still don't want to take into the house... until I came back 11pm and I asked... they say they "thought" they see a long box out there.... and when I came out the box is all wet because they watering their gay flowers!

2nd time... my Adams GT Ultimate. The delivery man (this time is UPS) came, lock the door. They don't answer it... the guy rang my mobile so I asked the guy lock again beacuse I am SURE they are in the house because they both on the dole at that moment. Still no one answer and I rang them on their mobile... no one answer. So the delivery man said have to come back tomorrow.... wasted me a day or so.... and leave my heart pumping for some good hours :cry:

2 hours later one of them send me an email from home and ask me why I rang. I ask them where the hell are they and they said they are at home... well! I ask them did they hear someone knocking and they said they did but they are "busy" at the moment! WHAT?!

When I get back I say a box of half open "tour cover" that trungie has....

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

So they are gay!

Fishman Dan
23rd June 2005, 12:43 PM
When I got my SMT Spectrum from Ona the postman decided just leave my package outside my door.... those two gays (my housemate) saw it, didn't put it back to house, go out.... hours later, come back... still there... still don't want to take into the house... until I came back 11pm and I asked... they say they "thought" they see a long box out there.... and when I came out the box is all wet because they watering their gay flowers!

2nd time... my Adams GT Ultimate. The delivery man (this time is UPS) came, lock the door. They don't answer it... the guy rang my mobile so I asked the guy lock again beacuse I am SURE they are in the house because they both on the dole at that moment. Still no one answer and I rang them on their mobile... no one answer. So the delivery man said have to come back tomorrow.... wasted me a day or so.... and leave my heart pumping for some good hours  :cry:

2 hours later one of them send me an email from home and ask me why I rang. I ask them where the hell are they and they said they are at home... well! I ask them did they hear someone knocking and they said they did but they are "busy" at the moment! WHAT?!

When I get back I say a box of half open "tour cover" that trungie has....

:evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:

So they are gay!

...not that there's anything wrong with that. :?

23rd June 2005, 12:45 PM
So they are gay!

I think the problem may be that they're f*&ken useless rather than gay

P.S. looking forward to hearing your report on the Mizunos.

23rd June 2005, 12:45 PM
So they are gay!

I think the problem may be that they're f*&ken useless rather than gay

That's my way to describe ppl are useless I guess ;)

23rd June 2005, 01:40 PM
Bad news Andylo.

My wife's shop got held up and they took everything including your MP32s. :(

Good news, I think my irons are due for a change :twisted: :P .

23rd June 2005, 01:42 PM
Dam ya!! Buddy. :D

Kee has been teasing me all days long since I told him I bought the MP32! Sheer jealous ;)

23rd June 2005, 01:55 PM
Who wouldn't love to own some nice irons like those. Only difference is I know I can't hit them :P .

Conversation with wife today over the phone:

Kee: "Hi sweatheart, as a delivery arrived for andylo, he's been bugging me all morning via email asking if something has arrived."
Heidi: "Yep, something has come, its a long box."
Kee: "He's got a couple of boxes he sent to your work (60* wedge and MP32s), I wonder which one it is. Is the box pretty heavy."
Heidi: "Yeah, its heavy. So its definitely some golf s#$&." :lol:

She will bring them home with at about 8pm. Or if you're impatient, give her a call to tell her what time you want to drop by her work.

23rd June 2005, 02:05 PM
So Kee, your delivery isn't going to your wife I take it ??

:shock: :lol: :lol:

23rd June 2005, 02:10 PM
:lol: :lol: , no, it can go to my wife. She's actually pretty understanding about my golf. Mainly cause both her parents play so she's used to a very mild form of this madness.

However, if I was buying clubs the rate of a ... lets say ... a Andylo :P , then I'd definitely need a PO BOX or something. Either that or I'll soon be forced to having a separate mailing address.

23rd June 2005, 02:13 PM
Heidi sees (and heard from Kee) how I buy things so compare to me her husbane is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay NORMAL! :lol:

Fishman Dan
23rd June 2005, 02:15 PM
However, if I was buying clubs the rate of a ... lets say ... a Andylo

Kee! There's no need for this sort of Ho-bashing!

Don't worry everyone, i'll hit the dob button before it gets out of hand.. :?

23rd June 2005, 02:29 PM
Andy said the other day that Kee gets his videos and dvd;s sent to andy's address.

No chance of Andys flatmates using em first.

23rd June 2005, 02:35 PM
Andy said the other day that Kee gets his videos and dvd;s sent to andy's address.

No chance of Andys flatmates using em first. :lol: :lol: maybe not, hmmm, each way betting maybe ???

23rd June 2005, 02:58 PM
Once again Andylo you have given me a good laugh for the day :lol:
Sounds like your flatmates need a good kick up the arse :roll:
Send Tezza around to sort them out mate :wink:

Can't wait to see these new irons in action, lookout handicaper, here comes Andylo :smt031

23rd June 2005, 03:06 PM
Can't wait to read your report after you hit those clubs tonight a-lo :)

Fishman Dan
23rd June 2005, 03:13 PM
- then everyone else can go suck eggs!

Amanda! Stop being inciteful!!!

Don't worry everyone, i've pressed the 'dob' button .... again. :?

23rd June 2005, 03:17 PM
Getting tired of people picking on eggs, same old thing over and over again. If this continues we wont have any more eggs in this forum.

23rd June 2005, 03:36 PM
ok - I just edited my post - I didn't quite realise what was going on until after I replied to this post and then read some other posts - my bad - sorry :oops:

23rd June 2005, 03:42 PM
You didnt have to Mandy. We can tell the difference between jesting and threatening.

23rd June 2005, 03:46 PM
besides - could little old me ever threaten/harm anyone :smt061 :smt059

23rd June 2005, 04:01 PM

It's getting closer to home time ... :wink: Those sweet MP32's are waiting for ya. :lol:

Just so that you are not too disappointed when you open the box, I thought I should give you the bad news now. Because you only paid half the amount as initial payment, I thought I would send you a "half set". 4,6,8 irons and PW. I'll send the odd numbered irons up when you pay the rest.

ONLY KIDDING!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I bet you were sh!tting yourself for a minute there. :lol: Don't worry. They should all be there, all shiny and ready to be hit. Good luck. 8)

23rd June 2005, 04:02 PM
did you pack the rubber gloves and vaso in as well Doc :wink:

23rd June 2005, 04:12 PM

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

23rd June 2005, 04:16 PM
My god... still 45 mins before I can leave office!!

Why the hell the clock running so slow today... usually I don't have enough time! :evil:

23rd June 2005, 04:23 PM
so when's this range session and can I come watch?

im near all your usuals....willawong, mr teetime housing estate one etc... :D

23rd June 2005, 04:29 PM
Tee Mister (or Mister Tee?) in Capalaba.....

Around 7pm... you should see us there :) (me and Kee)

23rd June 2005, 04:30 PM
andylo, do you realise this is all a setup. everyone is in on it, including Mrs Kee.

all thats in the box is a couple of garden stakes. Have fun.

23rd June 2005, 04:45 PM
I can't trust my housemate because they are gay... and :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: what will they do with them ??, sorry, that is seriously funny....

"Not that there is anything wrong with that"

I am still trying to work out that comment and wiping away the tears as we speak. Cheered me up immensely.

23rd June 2005, 04:59 PM
only if you roll them back all the way.

23rd June 2005, 05:00 PM

I'll give you $500 as long as I get them within a week. :lol:

23rd June 2005, 05:02 PM
Bugger off you guys :lol: :D

2 mins and I am leaving here... what a long hard day....

Pray for me... I wish I can survive the drive to Carina!!! (Man... the traffic I need to battle b4 I see my new love!!!)

23rd June 2005, 05:03 PM
Sorry, i posted in the wrong spot, i thought this was the Tour Condom thread.

23rd June 2005, 05:33 PM
OK I've got the wide lens camera in the car...I'm off to capture andylo's smile down at the range :D

23rd June 2005, 07:47 PM
Good luck with them Andylo, I look forward to the review. I used to own a set of Mizunos before my current set. What shafts you got in 'em?

23rd June 2005, 07:54 PM
Good luck with them Andylo, I look forward to the review. I used to own a set of Mizunos before my current set. What shafts you got in 'em?

Chucky...You got the flu or something :smt102

You don't seem to be yourself :smt017


23rd June 2005, 08:06 PM
So any feedback on the irons? :D

Shaza wants to know if they stop you from swinging like a girl :wink: .... If they do she will have to buy me a set. :lol:

23rd June 2005, 08:43 PM
waiting for A-LO's report :P

23rd June 2005, 08:47 PM
If you had two gays at home would you be in a hurry to get there?

23rd June 2005, 09:55 PM
Tee Mister (or Mister Tee?) in Capalaba.....

Around 7pm... you should see us there :) (me and Kee)

ah bugger, got stuck at work dealing with ibm india....sigh....

capalaba was a bit of a stretch tonight now i think about it.

hope you striped them in joyous honeymoon fill-tilt-boogie mode!

23rd June 2005, 09:59 PM
Ok, firstly before andylo's review on the irons, here's what happen during the club presentation.

I got a running countdown at work on how many hours/minutes left before he left to pick up the clubs. I got held up at work and rang my wife not to hand over andylo the irons until I got home (just to test his patience even more :P ). To make it worst for andylo, she then made us all have dinner first before she would give him the irons and allow us to go to the range.

Here are some photos of andylo receiving and openin his beloved irons.

http://img255.echo.cx/img255/1029/andygettingmp324yh.jpg (http://www.imageshack.us)

http://img255.echo.cx/img255/4060/andyopeningmp320mc.jpg (http://www.imageshack.us)

http://img255.echo.cx/img255/3636/andykissingmp326qb.jpg (http://www.imageshack.us)

23rd June 2005, 10:05 PM
Me thinks those irons are in big trouble tonight :wink:

Maybe time for a headache :roll:

23rd June 2005, 10:07 PM
I'm not sure I'm happy about the tongue action in those photos! :oops:

23rd June 2005, 10:11 PM
great photos Kee, me cracking up on the floor right now
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

23rd June 2005, 10:13 PM
mate i got a tear in my eye.....

23rd June 2005, 10:15 PM
btw, whois that on TV? :shock: :P

23rd June 2005, 10:20 PM
great pics....puts a smile on the face for sure!!! :D

23rd June 2005, 10:23 PM
After running 4 red lights, cross the all lines and 5 or 6 emergency brake... probably cause a Mazda 323 almost crash into me :D I finally arrive at Kee's home.... and guess what... bloody no one there!!! :shock:

It was windy and cold, jump back to the car and playing phone's game.... keep hoping either one of them will be back... after 15 mins later anyway.... Heidi's back :D And she's the club holder too. Then bad news came: I can't get the club until her bloody husbane coming back! WHAT? :shock:

The barstard just knew I will be gentle to his wife so well so he can tease me a bit and have fun :cry:

Anyway, another 15 mins later... (and it was a killing 15 mins really) Kee's arrive... and I used the dirtiest swear word I can think of and yell and him with laugh... and he just LOL back :lol:

Then Heidi decided we can't go out to play until we finish dinner! GREAT! :twisted:

Finally I get to get the clubs and Kee just took out his camera to do the photos... as above :)

And man... these clubs... there are sooooo beautiful. Very sexy and I just fell in love with in straight away. The condition, same as Jono said: virtually brand new. Maybe he's a sh1tstirrer but he's a honest sh1tstirrer. Thanks Jono.

After some torturing minutes and seconds (43 mins 28 secs later) we are in the Range!!! THE RANGE!!! :D

With some warm up (and have to be patient or else I will hurt myself) I start from an 8 iron. With S300 in them the clubs are heavier than what I am currently have but seriously its not that bad. But pretty sure need some time to get used to. :D

First hit off 8 iron.... well... goes up but not a clean hit.... a bit thin. Expected :)

Then Kee's coach come to us and say hello.... he saw the iron and he just give me the "what the hell on earth you doing" face and ask me "Why the hell you buy yourself a set of blade?" :lol:

Anyway... back to the technical part.

Seriously the statement "Blade iron are hard to hit" is overated. I won't comment how I hit the shot and I will leave Kee to comment it. But I give you 3 words. I LOVE THEM!

Rarely pure one, but when you pure one, it feel... gooooood :D Very good. Very soft and very... "feelful". On those mishits I know which part exactly I missed and on my next swing it sorta teach me how to do the right thing.

Distance wise, halfly the shaft flex and halfly they are blade, I lost about 1 club distance... but who cares :D I am happy with it.

It feel like I really need to smack it to get the most out of it but if I try to jsut a slow and smooth swing it still goes almost as far.

Luckly I DIDN'T Shank ONE after I hit 100 balls!! :D :D :D

Most of my bad shots are thins, and to the right, didn't hook one. And the unforgiveness (which isn't bad at all) makes me more concretrate on every shot. MOST importantly after 1 good shot I have the confidence to do another one. Kee challenged me to 3 pure shot on a 6 iron... I did once and have the confident (and muscle memory) and I pure another 2... he has impressed :D

The shaft flex is not a concern so far. Its too early to say something too detail now and I know I probably just used 10% of what the iron's potential so I guess so far that's it. I will go to range tomorrow and I will give more reports on Friday and Saturday.

And tonite, I will sleep with all of them :D :D :D

23rd June 2005, 10:27 PM
thesaraus anyone??? :shock: :lol:

ALO....only 100balls??? c'mon....that's WEAK!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

u gonna get iron covers for ur babies???

23rd June 2005, 10:28 PM

And tonite, I will sleep with all of them :D :D :D

thats it, resale value is shot to pieces.

BTW i think that first photo should be enshrined as the Holy of Ho's.
Thats what its all about.

23rd June 2005, 10:29 PM
And tonite, I will sleep with all of them :D :D :D

Mate, don't you think 8 clubs will do a bit of damage to your backside?

beter ask those gay friends to ease the pain a bit :lol: :lol: :lol: .


23rd June 2005, 10:33 PM
jeez....jono....how long did u have them for??? u still kept the original box and foam dividers!?!?!?!

ur sub conscious was telling u that u were gonna need them??? :wink:

23rd June 2005, 10:42 PM
hey that's my ikea clock....but seriously...

good stuff kee, can you gets shots of all the times andy gets news clubs in the future....then we can make a cool album up whenyou guys hit you bet hcap of 18..that'll be sweet.

this was the real scene though, give her a sec to load...i was lazy..:

23rd June 2005, 10:43 PM
uuuhhhh...shouldsa thought that one though a bit more..i need some dramamine...bit off kilter...

23rd June 2005, 10:44 PM
jarro might get the wrong idea!!! :wink: :lol:

23rd June 2005, 10:46 PM
ALO you are a huge crack up :lol: :lol: I have been waiting all night for the report. Now I can happily go to bed.

Man; you are sleeping with ALL OF THEM AT ONCE. You are one serious HO :wink:

On a serious note, don't let anyone talk you out of hitting the blades. I recently went to a set of Wishon 550 C /M combos (previously hitting Cleveland TA7) and as the weeks go by find I am hitting the ball better than ever. You know a bad shot is punished but I am finding my misses lose a bit of distance but not direction. I also believe I tend to concentrate a bit more with these irons and hopefully this will make me a better golfer in the long term.

Keep up the hard work and I am sure you will be rewarded.

23rd June 2005, 11:07 PM
These irons are beautiful. And to my surprise, not as hard to hit as I thought. Although still way more unforgiving then my current Mizuno MX20s.

However, I thought Andylo was hitting them alright. He hit some really nice 8 irons and 6 irons. And even the 3 iron didn't go to badly for him.

The big test will be this saturday when we play at hills.

The number for time andylo confessed his love for the clubs at the range = 7 times :P

24th June 2005, 12:02 AM
Kee tomorrow we should do a movie clip on Andy's MP32s, how's that sound?

24th June 2005, 12:27 AM
In the early edition of the newspaper today.


24th June 2005, 02:01 AM
Glad you like it, Alo. Looks like the MP32 has found her rightful owner. Never got that kind of lovin' from me ... :oops: :oops: :lol:

Yep, I kept the box and the foam just in case. Always had a feeling that those irons would be too hot for me to handle. :wink:

24th June 2005, 04:16 AM
glad to hear your "first date" with your new girlfriends went well A-Lo 8)

i'll look forward to hearing about how they go on the course this weekend.

keep up the good work mate, and remember to chip and putt at the range as well :wink:

Fishman Dan
24th June 2005, 07:51 AM
And tonite, I will sleep with all of them

Well that's just lowered the resale value.. :?

24th June 2005, 08:45 AM
Kee tomorrow we should do a movie clip on Andy's MP32s, how's that sound?

Good idea. Can't do it tonight though. But definitely soon. Maybe we can do a movie clip with you and your new Tourstage irons as well :D

24th June 2005, 08:47 AM
Go Andylo...... keep the smile up :wink:

Andy & kee what are you doing sunday hackers is on at windaroo at 7am. Shaza whats to see that big smile and the new irons in actions.

24th June 2005, 08:53 AM
See you on Sunday 7am :D

24th June 2005, 08:56 AM

Watch out for sharon she will have a set of new un tested clubs to :D

bring on the battle round 2-

24th June 2005, 08:58 AM
Cool. I think I have a leave pass this Sunday. If so, I'll be there :D

24th June 2005, 09:02 AM
Suprise!! :D :D :D

24th June 2005, 09:06 AM

My offer of $500 stands for at least a few more days.

Unfortunately Kee's pro was correct these clubs are not for you or any other 26 marker.

Yes at the range you hit some sweet shots with them -you also (as we all do) forget the bad shots.

On the course these clubs will hammer you.

Don;t get me wrong I have no problem with you or any other high capper using these clubs BUT you want to improve and quickly. These clubs will lose you shots all day every day on course until you have an iron swing that supports a lowish single figure handicap.

I know they are pretty. I know they feel fantastic. But they are not for you.

Get some callaway's (x-tours) or pings (s59 tour) if you want a players club with forigveness.

Just my two cents.


Fishman Dan
24th June 2005, 09:10 AM
If i had a dollar for everytime someone gave their two cents on this subject... :? :-#

24th June 2005, 09:12 AM
So why do s59 rate as any more forgiving then mp32? both blades?

24th June 2005, 09:13 AM

Andy knows these irons aren't that forgiving, and that he still needs to do plenty of work to improve his game.

He just loves golf gear.. as we all do (well, almost all of us) so lets just let him celebrate "christmas" without dragging him down with any more negative thoughts OK :wink:

24th June 2005, 09:15 AM
My offer of $500 stands for at least a few more days.


thanks for the advice... well I am a HO and I will stick with it. I have expected to suffer the consequences thats why I didn't go to sell my Adams GT Ultimate straight away. But yet again even I really need to go back to the GTU the MP32 will still be loved and I will be using it.

Fishman Dan
24th June 2005, 09:18 AM
He just loves golf gear.. as we all do (well, almost all of us)....

I love my golf gear. But prefer to love it Long Time! 8)

24th June 2005, 09:19 AM
Thats why I just love Ozgolf, as always there is an amazing revelation out of the blue, that none of us has thought of before.

24th June 2005, 09:23 AM

The S59's are cavity back clubs just cunningly designed to appear bladelike. They offer a materially higher level of forgiveness than the MP32's but there is no doubt they are not Cally x-18's in their forgiveness.

24th June 2005, 09:24 AM

I don't believe what I said was negative -we all suffer from the love of new gear and accept that at times it damages our playing ability. I just thought Andylo appeared very focussed on lowering his handicap -and this is highly unlikely to help him. But for the pure pleasure of looking at the club they are worth it for a while!

24th June 2005, 09:56 AM
i say you should leave him be with his new woman "cough" i mean clubs.

im an idiot and bought blades aswell but i do genuinely feel that they helped my game, and with practise they do get better, much better.

stick with them, you will hate them every weekend but in the long run they are the goods.

just one other thing avoid the mats at the range, they do nothing for your ball striking abilitys, always use the grass tees if you can

24th June 2005, 10:08 AM
i say you should leave him be with his new woman "cough" i mean clubs.

im an idiot and bought blades aswell but i do genuinely feel that they helped my game, and with practise they do get better, much better.

stick with them, you will hate them every weekend but in the long run they are the goods.

just one other thing avoid the mats at the range, they do nothing for your ball striking abilitys, always use the grass tees if you canHaving been a recent MP32 user, recent pure blade user (Ravens) and current cavity back user (old faithful), my only concern is that you may damage your teeth :oops: :wink:

You'll be right, practice the right things at the range and relax. When you stand at address, you can't see the forgiveness sticking out the back anyway, so it's only your mind that will hold you back.


24th June 2005, 09:30 PM
Review #2... grass tee.

Tonite went to Oxley with KelvinC and AndyP.... he bought primeier's TS201 and we shared a bucket together.

Hit my 1st shot with an 8 iron without even really warmed up... just can't wait to hit it. It wasn't a PURE shot but well it goes well, feel soft and stop when landed.... again not sure the distance. I guess you can only tell on the course.

First initial thought is... a strange one: Swing it slow and smooth. With these babies you want to hit the sweet spot (or close enough) as much as posssible. Lucky that even in a ultra cold weather I still swing pretty alright. so even I don't strike into the sweetspot they generally still goes good.

Didn't really shank one.... thinned (worm burnner) couple of 3 irons and that's it. Pretty much all goes alright. Again a bad shot is a fade. But obviously my alignment on the setup is a bigger problem than the actual impact of the club.

Again, it feel soft very strike a good one, in fact it feel a lot easier on grass tee, dunno why. Only those couple of worm burnner feel horrible on impact but in general they aren't that difficult to hit.

I didn't hook any of them, so at least I only keep my troubles on 1 side ;)

Probably hitted about 60-70 balls... but the tempeture really is not doing any good so I choose to leave.

Did a bit of chipping with PW, 9i and 7i. The feel of impact actually gives me way better idea how far the ball will go, in long run I think I can keep a good pace on my chipping stroke. But if I miss hit the chip... HA!~  :twisted:

So far the conclusion is: even to me this club (consider with heaiver shaft) still very usable for me and I am very happy. Still not regret about the HO decision. Final result will tell tomorrow. Lets see what happen tomorrow ;)

24th June 2005, 09:51 PM
Final result will tell tomorrow. Lets see what happen tomorrow ;)
No pressure. :wink: :twisted:

25th June 2005, 04:39 PM
Hills GC, Australia longest course. Stableford, off the stick 94 and I got 40 pts. The result speak for itself ;)

I even par the index 1 hole there :D

Review on the course:

One thing I really like about this iron is: it doesn't amplify my mistake. With the forgiving clubs and when I have a very bad miss hit, it still flys far to the wrong direction which leads to total destruction. But with the blades and if I struck it bad, it goes nowhere :D

The feel on the course is much much more solid than in the ranges. I didn't have sweet contact on the 1st nine, the forgiveness of the club sorta saved me. As I said again and again, duff feel awful but it goes nowhere. To me its a very good thing.

18 pts front 9 and 22 pts back 9 I think. On the back 9 I finally struck right onto the center and I can feel it. When I mean feel it, I mean I know I a) struck on the middle b) what I did right c) MOST importantly, I DO remeber the feeling. So I can repeat the good shots again and again a few time. I had 3 pars in a row at the back 9 and Man it feel so goooood..... :D :D :D

Pretty sure I lost 1 whole club distance now.... just go to do more gym I guess ;) but with such beautiful club (and fairly good result) I don't really mind the distance.

What more I can say....

Well I guess I still need a bit more time to know my MP32 more. But sure we are on honeymoon and I wish the relationship will be forever ;)

p.s. If you trying to say if I use forgiving iron I will have better result, save your breath, because I am in love with my MP32 already ;)

25th June 2005, 04:54 PM
Hills GC, Australia longest course. Stableford, off the stick 94 and I got 40 pts. The result speak for itself ;)you da man, well done Aloho :D :D 8) :D :D


25th June 2005, 05:03 PM
Well done Andylo. You played very well today :D .

His iron play to me isn't all that different between the Adams GT Ultimates and the MP32s. The lost of distance is evident, but he navigated around the course with those irons no problem.

I had 35 points today. Played the front 9 well for a 21, but the back 9 just shocking with a 14.

25th June 2005, 05:08 PM
Congrats A=LO :D .

You did much better than me today :wink: .

25th June 2005, 08:21 PM
well played A-Lo and Kee .... good shooting on a particularly long course 8)

looks like the race to 18 handicap is well and truly on now :wink:

25th June 2005, 09:40 PM
Well played, Alo.  Sounds like those MP32's aren't missing their former owner one little bit ... :? :lol:

Can't wait to see your improvement when we play at Ozgolf Champs this year.   8)

25th June 2005, 10:41 PM
I even par the index 1 hole there

:shock: No way. You must have mixed up the holes, nobody can par the 2nd, thats a hole from hell.

25th June 2005, 10:50 PM
3 iron, 4 iron.. short of bunker on left.... 9 iron chip on green and 1 putt :D

26th June 2005, 09:05 AM
I was there. I saw it all. This guy's got game. :cool:

26th June 2005, 09:32 AM
AndyP :shock: did I read a couple of pages back that you have aquired a set of TS-201's....nice sticks,eagerly waiting for a report. :D

26th June 2005, 10:27 AM
AndyP :shock: did I read a couple of pages back that you have aquired a set of TS-201's....nice sticks,eagerly waiting for a report. :D
That's a funny one. :lol: Those clubs are in the hands of KelvinC.
I hit about 2 balls with the TS-201 8 iron, would you like my report on that? ;)

26th June 2005, 10:44 AM
AndyP :shock: did I read a couple of pages back that you have aquired a set of TS-201's....nice sticks,eagerly waiting for a report. :D
That's a funny one. :lol:  Those clubs are in the hands of KelvinC.
I hit about 2 balls with the TS-201 8 iron, would you like my report on that? ;)

righto then. :roll:

26th June 2005, 12:16 PM
3 iron, 4 iron.. short of bunker on left.... 9 iron chip on green and 1 putt :D

you absolute legend andy, that's one annoying mofo of a hole ;)

helps if you don't get in those washed out bunkers...speaking oh which have they repaired them all now?

25th September 2005, 07:52 PM
I'm starting to feel very much at home with the MP32s... I saw a set of MP32s lefty over the last 2 days.... Great irons... Thanks Pete.. :P

26th September 2005, 07:19 AM
I'm starting to feel very much at home with the MP32s... I saw a set of MP32s lefty over the last 2 days.... Great irons... Thanks Pete..  :Pchanging camps mate ???

26th September 2005, 08:41 AM
I think he's seen the light, almost evengalical it was.

26th September 2005, 12:02 PM

26th September 2005, 12:41 PM
I'll say this...the 32s looks a lot easier than the 37s ever will!!! :shock: :lol:

26th September 2005, 04:26 PM
Mp32s yumm.... :P