View Full Version : Taking hands out of the swing - tips?

8th February 2011, 11:30 AM
Apparently, at times, my swing breaks down because my right hand pushes through on the downswing. Result? Probably flipping of the hands. Separation of the tight triangle of the arms. Sometimes a chicken wing. Outright result? Inconsistent ball striking.

Apparently the cause is because I'm right hand/arm dominant. I've tried all number of thought processes to try & remove this bad habit but it keeps returning in varying degrees.

I've had a lot of lessons. The major piece of advice I've had is to do umpteen left arm swing drills with an iron. To date, nothing has seemed to eradicate this habit. When I have a refresher lesson & go on the video, there it is again.

I've just wondering if the swing doctors on this forum are able to provide some advice about how to fix it?

8th February 2011, 11:40 AM
Not a swing guru.....but....

Have you tried practicing swinging with a towel or something similar to entrench the feeling of pulling the club through to impact.

Personally I would embrace your strong right side and learn how to harness it and gain a more consistent swing using it...might just need tuning rather than fixing?

8th February 2011, 12:34 PM
If I try and take my hands out of my swing...what do I hold onto the club with?

8th February 2011, 01:03 PM
Use the left hand rather than the right for a while.... :wink:

8th February 2011, 02:16 PM
When you practice try to release your right hand off the club after impact. The right hand grip should be light enough for you to do this.

8th February 2011, 02:25 PM
2am golf lesson.

Peter Cowan's Axe drill.


9th February 2011, 12:17 AM
Why would you take your right hand out of a swing if you are right hand dominant? You just need to use it positively! If you are RHD you are probably 'a hitter'! All those left hand drills will turn you into 'a swinger'. You need to learn the correct cocking/uncocking action of the hands as a start. In a good swing, this is automatic when allowed to happen. As Virge said, Peter Cowan's video is very good. I have found a lot of improvement by working through the following website; (www.advancedballstriking.com)

It costs if you commit to it but the info is fantastic.


9th February 2011, 12:45 AM
years ago an old bloke taught me a little trick when i start hitting inconsistently.

Take any iron and address the ball as normal. On your take back, bring the club back slowly until it is level with the ground, and no further. Swing at your normal Pace/effort through the ball and allow the club to release like normal. Slowly, slowly build this up to a normal full shot. The suprising thing is that in this way, you will hit the ball 75% of ur full distance anyway.

the key - DONT TRY TO SMASH IT! Any time i start hitting like shit, i get my ass down to the range and start with this working through every club. Seems to work for me.

9th February 2011, 07:16 AM
Thanks for all of the responses guys. Appreciated.

11th February 2011, 07:11 PM
Try leaving the right hand half on the club. By that I mean lift the thumb off and point your pointer rather than wrapping it around. You can still use the right hand, just in a more correct way hopefully.