View Full Version : So.... Anyone from 'round here?

31st May 2005, 09:09 PM
here being around the NSW / VIC Border?

I am in Albury.

Any ozgolf'ers in my neck 'o the woods?

I see there's a strong northern contingent.... What about down south?

31st May 2005, 09:15 PM
oz, my parents are currently in Swan Hill. I'll be down there in August. Maybe we could catch up for a game at Murray Downs or somewhere around there.

Big SE Qld based contingent.
A lot of Sydney guys.
A few in the Melbourne/Geelong area.
A couple of members here and there otherwise.

31st May 2005, 09:28 PM
excellent! There is some good golf down here. Murray Downs is a favourite of mine, although it's a long way from here. If I'm not working, or can swing some time off, a game would be great.

And Echuca Moama is supposed to be very good, although I've never played it.

Closer to home, courses like Cobram-Barooga, Yarrawonga, Corowa, and my home club, Thurgoona, are all worth a look if you venture down this way.

31st May 2005, 10:04 PM
here being around the NSW / VIC Border?

I am in Albury.

Any ozgolf'ers in my neck 'o the woods?

I see there's a strong northern contingent.... What about down south?
parent's in law live in beechworth and was down at xmas for a few weeks.

glad to annoy you when i'm next down which also may be in August on the current schedule.

would be glad to not have to play with the now estranged father-in-law-who-stops-at-9-hole-mark-to-get-pissed-at-myrtleford :D

was hanging to play bright but he thought it would cut into his drinking time if we drove there....

enjoyed wodonga one other time and of course beechworth's sand scrape!

31st May 2005, 10:38 PM
here being around the NSW / VIC Border?

I am in Albury.

Any ozgolf'ers in my neck 'o the woods?

I see there's a strong northern contingent....  What about down south?
parent's in law live in beechworth and was down at xmas for a few weeks.

glad to annoy you when i'm next down which also may be in August on the current schedule.

would be glad to not have to play with the now estranged father-in-law-who-stops-at-9-hole-mark-to-get-pissed-at-myrtleford :D

was hanging to play bright but he thought it would cut into his drinking time if we drove there....

enjoyed wodonga one other time and of course beechworth's sand scrape!

Sounds good. I've not played Bright myself, but I'd be keen to. It looks a very pretty little track.

Myrtleford is kept pretty tidy for a little community course, too, isn't it?

Let me know when you are coming down, and we can get something teed up.

31st May 2005, 11:02 PM
Hi Oz, welcome aboard...

I'm coming down (from the Gold Coast) with the g/f in July/August. She is from Wang and we are catching up with a friend of hers and playing Jubilee Falls.

Maybe next time though...


31st May 2005, 11:38 PM
Welcome Oz...

I'm Keza and I'll just say g'day but if you are interested I'll be in Orange on June 19th then Kingston Link about 3 weeks later in the Remax Long drive events trying to pull my finger out and woop a few chicks.

Cheers and welcome..


1st June 2005, 09:21 AM
Thurgoona - lucky man.

I've just come back from a week away playing Finley, and Tocumwal.

Great golf on the border courses at this time of year. An 8:30-9:00 tee time will avoid the worst of the frost and dew but by the 3rd or 4th things are usually perfect.

1st June 2005, 09:35 AM
Welcome oz

1st June 2005, 11:38 AM
Thanks all for the welcome. Looks like a nice place to hang about... :)

1st June 2005, 01:21 PM
G'day oz. Hope you enjoy yourself on this forum. It can become quite infectious! (in a good way) :lol:

Hope to catch up with you sometime. Are you any chance of making it to Coolangatta for our End of Year Championships?? It'll be huge! 8)

1st June 2005, 02:23 PM
BrizVegas, depending on the dates... possibly. I am heading down the south coast around Xmas time for a few weeks, but for dates pre-Xmas, I'd be an outside chance to make it.

1st June 2005, 06:38 PM
Welcome Oz

I might be coming down your way later in the year, I am a member of Liverpool Catholic club and as they own Thurgoona resort, and give members discounts, I am goign to organise a golf trip with a few mates dowm there.

Might have to look you up once we organise a date

1st June 2005, 06:41 PM
Sounds good, Grunt.  Yeah, LCC has poured heaps of $$ into Thurgoona since they acquired it.  The place looks much better, and the facilities are fantastic.

I'd love to tee it up when you come down.

1st June 2005, 08:55 PM
Hiya oz,

I'm a little bit far north to just 'drop in', but if you're ever in Cairns, look me up for a round. There are a couple of others lurking around not far from here (namely Mike & Onewood)

Oh, and welcome to Ozgolf.net. As Vegas said, it can become quite infectious, or maybe that should be 'contagious'? :shock: :roll: :wink:

2nd June 2005, 07:49 AM
I will let you know as it is all in development stages at the moment.

If we do end up coming I will give you a bell.

2nd June 2005, 09:00 AM
Hiya Oz.........I'm probably the closest to you - I'm down on the Mornington Peninsula......still a long long way away though!! If you are ever down this way give us a call. Always happy to meet up with Ozgolfers for a game or a meal.
Welcome to our Ozgolf family. ( I'm the Mum figure!!!)

4th June 2005, 04:26 PM

I'm going to Finley for 4 days in July, at this stage hoping to play Cobram/Barooga on Fri 15/7, when it's all confirmed I'll let you know.