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12th January 2005, 02:15 PM
anyone here addicted to this poison :?: i know i am :roll:

haven't had a brew for the last couple of days, and i've had a constant headache :roll:

.. think i'll go make a brew right now :wink:

12th January 2005, 02:26 PM
Nope, don't drink the stuff.

I was just reading the other day, about how people get headaches from withdrawal symptons. I don't suppose going a bit easier on the stuff has crossed your mind. :roll:

12th January 2005, 02:29 PM
Coffee gives me the shakes! I'm like a kid with ADD - not a good thing to experience when you're at work trying to mark exams :oops: (as happened the first time I ever had coffee).

I can drink a weak coffee - but it's just too bitter tasting - I'll stick to hot chocolate (and maybe that's why I don't like beer!)

Jarro - how do you brew coffee? With one of those new fancy espresso machines?

12th January 2005, 02:32 PM
When I am in the office I think I have about of gallon of coffee. No instant coffee... only those brew one with the little plunger pot.

When I have instant coffee I feel like I want to throw up for some reason.

I know it's going to kill me 1 day... when it's weekend, or like today, I work from home. I stay away from them as far as possible.

anyone here addicted to this poison :?: i know i am :roll:

haven't had a brew for the last couple of days, and i've had a constant headache :roll:

.. think i'll go make a brew right now :wink:

Fishman Dan
12th January 2005, 02:41 PM
I am a self-proclaimed coffee snob.

I'm in the same boat - or golf cart - as Jarro. As per Ocean Shores day, i didn't have one and i had a headache all day. And it's not a usual headache, a real migrainy type brain-ache.

Every day i start with one before leaving home, and then one about 10-10:30am. Real stuff, pour into a single-cup filter, a 'discolouration' of milk, and a sugar. That'll keep me going all day/night. If i don't get the 2nd, i'm asleep by 3pm.

I can't touch instant. If there's any threat of instant on the menu at a friends dinner party, i'll have nothing, or tea. If i go to a cafe, only double-shots or long blacks/espresso, because i hate it when some talentless 16 year old over-milks it and you get a horrible, milky-white coffee.

And Lavazza is my brew of choice.

I am a self-proclaimed coffee snob.

12th January 2005, 02:48 PM
Fishy - do you work in the city? If so, we should have coffee at my dad's place (yes - they use Lavazza)

12th January 2005, 02:49 PM
Jarro - how do you brew coffee? With one of those new fancy espresso machines?

nah, nothing flash. just instant Nescafe :roll:

12th January 2005, 03:02 PM
I just found this in Choice Magazine:

The latest research suggests that a moderate intake of caffeine shouldn't do you any harm and may in fact have some health benefits.
But what's meant by 'moderate' intake? About four or five cups of average-strength coffee each day are acceptable. Just remember to include in your calculations the caffeine you consume from other sources like chocolate, tea and soft drinks.

If you have around 1 g of caffeine per day (eight to 10 cups of strong coffee) you may experience the following symptoms and suffer withdrawal if you give up suddenly:

Jitters, anxiety, agitation.
Rapid breathing.
Rapid heartbeat.
Upset stomach.
Loose stools.

I hope you guys aren't over-doing it.

We use a little italian coffee maker that goes on the stove (like these http://www.bialetti.it/caffe_eng.html). Almost as good as a proper machine.

Fishman Dan
12th January 2005, 03:05 PM
Fishy - do you work in the city? If so, we should have coffee at my dad's place (yes - they use Lavazza)

Amanda - i work in Parra, and surprisingly there are about 6 cafe's per block!

I actually have my own stash and filter here in the office (can you believe it? :roll:) - spending $7-8 for 250g (approx 20-30 cups?) on a new bag of coffee every month is much more economic than spending $2.80 per hit from a cafe!

Where's your Dad's cafe in the city? The old man has good taste ;)

12th January 2005, 03:07 PM
Loose stools.


that sounds like one of the gay-bars Blakey would hang out at :roll:

i only have about 4/5 cups a day anyway .. my doctor told me there's no harm in that many.

12th January 2005, 03:09 PM
I actually have my own stash and filter here in the office (can you believe it? :roll:) - spending $7-8 for 250g (approx 20-30 cups?) on a new bag of coffee every month is much more economic than spending $2.80 per hit from a cafe!

Where's your Dad's cafe in the city? The old man has good taste ;)

Are you grinding the coffee yourself? If want whole beans in 2kg bags I could ask my dad.

We have an espresso machine here at work - they use about 2kg a week and heaps of milk! (no one drinks straight espresso) They buy hot choccie for me and one of our secretaries :)

45 Clarence St (old KPMG building) - great coffee, excellent Italian food (it's where I learned to cook!). Only downside - open M to F only. $2.80 is around the norm in the city - but I think dad charges $2.40 and $2 for takeaways. The cafe at uni charges $3 :shock:

12th January 2005, 06:55 PM
Can't stand coffee. I've never even had a cup of it in my life. The stuff makes me gag and I don't even like the smell of it.

But coke. I've cut down on it lately and luckily am not feeling any cravings. I buy it by the carton for the guys at work and we all had at least a can a day, but I haven't had one in 2 weeks now.

Clikchic luuuuuuuuuuuv's her coffee. It's Merlot for her. We usually have a couple of varieties in the house, at the moment she's obviously not having any (and missing it) although we do have some merlot decafe in the fridge. She grinds it herself and we have a krups expresso machine (only purified water from the fridge please) for her to make her mean mochaccino's.

12th January 2005, 07:32 PM
I was never a fan of coffee but started drinking it by the gallon at work to try and sober up (didnt work). Those were the good old days.

Never really kicked the habit and after getting married my wife started making me more so probably was drinking 6 cups a day by last year, more if I was at work. If i wasnt drinking coffee i was eating too much junk food.

Started a bit of a health kick a year ago and have not touched the evil stuff since, I now drink fake coffee at home, or decaff if out somewhere.

I have now discovered that it is possible to sleep at night, usually within 30 mins, instead of the 2-3 hours it would take me to sleep before.

and i am only half as obnoxious as I used to be.

I will never drink a coffee again - ever. If ever anyone slips a real coffee in my decaff be warned - could be scary.

12th January 2005, 07:58 PM
Bought the wife a coffee maker for her birthday so I usually get some nice coffee made for me on weekends.
Certainly makes the old International Roast at work a bit hard to stomach.

12th January 2005, 08:01 PM
I'm about 3 a day flat whites or cappuccinos. Beans of choice are Lavazza. We've got a commercial espresso machine at work (cost $15K or something like it!) and always have two different types of beans to try. We run it as a not-for-profit deal so it only costs $0.50 a shot. I can't drink espressos straight up. I gotta have the frothed milk (2%) and have to have either Sweet'n'low or Equal. Sugar doesn't taste right to me...

I also drink Diet Cokes. I'm trying to cut back and am probably 2-4 cans a day now. I have a 30-pack by my desk at work and a couple of bottles at home all the time. I find it hard to get to sleep at night, and am thinking about cutting back on the caffeine of an evening. :wink:

I don't know how I could get through a day of IT work without coffee. It heightens the senses and keeps you awake. Not to mention, a coffee break punctuates a full day of staring at a computer screen... :shock:

Fishman Dan
12th January 2005, 08:26 PM
Can't stand coffee. I've never even had a cup of it in my life

:smt017 :smt017 :smt017 :smt017 :smt017

12th January 2005, 08:27 PM
Can't stand coffee. I've never even had a cup of it in my life

:smt017 :smt017 :smt017 :smt017 :smt017
I'm the same. The smell is enough to turn me away.

Fishman Dan
12th January 2005, 08:31 PM
But how do you know it if you haven't tried it?

The loooong, smoooooooth aroma of fresh coffee....... mmmmmm. The warm, bitter sensation, and the warmth through the veins as it recharges your soul .......... gives you strength.... to answer the phone to listen to another moron who's deleted their files and wants me to retrieve them.. :roll:

12th January 2005, 08:40 PM
gives you strength.... to answer the phone to listen to another moron who's deleted their files and wants me to retrieve them.. :roll:

maybe if you cut back on the coffee you wouldnt get the urges to leap down the phone cord and rip off their neck?

BTW have you heard the "internet help desk" mp3?

12th January 2005, 08:48 PM
Diet coke for me and way to much of it :roll: Just for the taste of it... "Obviously" :D

12th January 2005, 09:01 PM
But how do you know it if you haven't tried it?

Sipped it once years ago and made me gag. A good old cup of tea once a month will do me.

12th January 2005, 09:06 PM
Kinda lucky where I work,we got a mobile coffee van
(that serves Merlo,a Brissy brand) that cruises in every
morning at 9a. 8)

At home I've got a Gaggia Classic machine.....works well.

Fav brands are......Segafredo(I know the Qld distributor :wink: )
Lavazza is good.
Vittoria if your stuck.

Having said all that though I'm pretty boring really......just a
flat-white kinda guy :oops:


12th January 2005, 09:35 PM
Coffee, Coffee, Coffee...

Don't care what brand, What type... as long as it is white and 1.... I'm sorted.....

I went for coffee in america at a coffee shop, maybe it's just vegas, but she had a coffee machine that she pressed buttons on and gave me a paper cup coffee..... you know, the ones where you put $2 in and the machine makes whining noises.....

I can't believe she charged me USD$3 for that crap. :? ..... I love any coffee and couldn't get a decent one there..... only had headaches until I got me a can a RED BULL...... mmmmm cold caffiene.....

I was reading Jarro's first entry and wanted one (a coffee), in fact I'm gonna get one now.... :)

Cheers... (insert sound of mugs clanging together here)


13th January 2005, 12:01 AM
Used to be a coffee addict, as I worked in the hospitality industry for 3 years, and coffee was like water. One for the customer, one for me. :)

Got down to 4 cups a day a few years ago and am now lucky if I have one a week.

But, I like my coffee to be good. Lavazza is pretty good, but you caffeine freaks out there should try Illy. Honestly, it's to die for. Available in Woolworths / Safeway supermarkets I think, and dear as poison. But, it's worth it.

I drink organic green tea or water most of the time now. But, I miss my coffee. 8)

13th January 2005, 07:51 AM

I'm a big fan of Illy also, and their coffee cup collections are terrific.

I never, never drink instant, only have 1 or at the most 2 cups a day so am not going to waste the joy. My fave coffee in Sydney comes from Bogota Coffee shop in Mascot, sensational taste and aroma. For home use I buy their beans and use the 3 piece stove top machines amanda mentioned earlier, I've got about 6 of them of various sorts.

13th January 2005, 10:01 AM
i love my coffee too, but I only ever have 1 a day and never after 5. Cant sleep otherwise. For those of you who have trouble getting to sleep, get down to a home brew shop and buy a few bags of dried hops and make a small pillow out of them, works a treat. Hops, as you would know are an excellent soporific!

13th January 2005, 11:20 AM
Used to drink heaps and heaps....

until I had two cases of gastro attack....doctors said too much caffine in the system....

I now only have one cup a week, or if I'm naughty, 2...

as a result, have had to drink more tea (which still has caffine), but have limited the number of cups (per day) as well..

13th January 2005, 01:48 PM
I have a great little coffee shop three shops down from me. I just nick down and tap on the window and a few minutes later a mug of double shot, skinny cap ( not a lot of froth) is sent down........lovely.

Mmmmmm methinks it's time for a little wander three shops down. :wink:

I enjoy my coffe - not an addict though - I can go days and not have one - but I hate it when you are served a crap, week, lukewarm coffee. There is an art to getting it right isn't there.

13th January 2005, 02:30 PM
Love coffee as well. I always have one when I get to work in the morning. Usually only have 1 a day but my limit is 2, which is rare.

I'm not addicted as I don't normally drink coffee at home or during weekends or holidays unless we go out to a cafe or dinner.

13th January 2005, 02:44 PM
I'm a coffee addict
3-4 cups of hot coffee and about 4-5 600ml bottles of Ice coffee(Ice Break)
can't get enough
Maybe being on a cafine high helps hit the ball a long way

13th January 2005, 07:01 PM
I love a really good coffee (mmmmm :D ) but really don't drink it much anymore.

I don't make it for myself at work or home, but if I am out having a "girlie" shop (ie, clothes, make up, shoes, etc) then I love to stop in at a nice cafe and have a good coffee washed down with a large piece of cheesecake..... yum.

I haven't done it for quite a while though..... maybe I will make time this weekend...... :wink:

13th January 2005, 08:46 PM
I love a really good coffee (mmmmm :D ) but really don't drink it much anymore.

I don't make it for myself at work or home, but if I am out having a "girlie" shop (ie, clothes, make up, shoes, etc) then I love to stop in at a nice cafe and have a good coffee washed down with a large piece of cheesecake..... yum.

Mmmm...cheesecake. =P~ But that's a whole different thread. New York baked cheesecake vs Ricotta cheesecake vs Fruit cheesecake.

13th January 2005, 09:02 PM
david - you should ask Jodie for her Toffee Cream Cheesecake recipe - heaven! First time I made it I ate half in one afternoon :oops:

14th January 2005, 09:41 PM
david - you should ask Jodie for her Toffee Cream Cheesecake recipe - heaven! First time I made it I ate half in one afternoon :oops:

:lol: Good thing that you are in the "need to put on" weight catergory, and not the "need to lose" one..... :lol:

14th January 2005, 09:48 PM
david - you should ask Jodie for her Toffee Cream Cheesecake recipe - heaven! First time I made it I ate half in one afternoon :oops:

Would love to get the recipe, it sounds to die for. =P~ But who is Jodie? Jodie = Golfgirl? :smt102

I'm not really a baker, I'm more of a entree / main course / non-baked dessert kind of cook. I've never had the precision necessary for baking. Also I have hot hands and you really need cold hands to work with pastry well.

14th January 2005, 09:56 PM
david - you should ask Jodie for her Toffee Cream Cheesecake recipe - heaven! First time I made it I ate half in one afternoon :oops:

Would love to get the recipe, it sounds to die for. =P~ But who is Jodie? Jodie = Golfgirl? :smt102

I'm not really a baker, I'm more of a entree / main course / non-baked dessert kind of cook. I've never had the precision necessary for baking. Also I have hot hands and you really need cold hands to work with pastry well.
Yes - jodie = GG :) And you don't even have to bake it - just mix and put in the fridge :D

15th January 2005, 05:09 PM
Just found a great new cheesecake recipe.... triple choc cheesecake....

Haven't tested it out yet.... but it looks like it's gonna be a winner... :D

990B Luva
15th January 2005, 05:18 PM
Coffee = :smt078 :smt078

15th January 2005, 05:20 PM
Coffee = :smt078 :smt078

15th January 2005, 05:23 PM
Coffee = :smt078 :smt078

.. maybe when you get a little older mate, and the weight of the world starts to curve your shoulders, will you finally come to appreciate this fine stimulant :wink: :lol:

Fishman Dan
15th January 2005, 11:00 PM
Coffee = :smt078 :smt078

990b - you drink coca-cola? Just think of it as a grown-ups way of trading in for their caffeine hit ;)

7th October 2009, 09:35 AM
I know this is a thread from the archives, however was scanning through and had to reply to this from Goughy.
I feel exactly the same way about tea, simply can't stand the stuff, yep, almost makes me gag.
The point being, it's amazing how tastes vary, my whole family are tea drinkers, I just didn't acquire/inherit the taste for it.:lol:
Sipped it once years ago and made me gag. A good old cup of tea once a month will do me.

7th October 2009, 09:47 AM
Tezza got me started drinking Merlo coffee, before he left for the bush. Now there's a Merlo shop at my local shopping centre, I'm all sorted. I get a tin every week or two and brew it up on my cheapie machine at home. Am thinking of getting a plunger for my desk.

7th October 2009, 10:40 AM
I wouldn't classify myself as a caffeine junky, but like Fishy I am definitely a coffee snob. I limit myself to 1 (great) coffee per day during the week and treat myself to 2 of a Saturday and Sunday at home from my Sunbeam Cafe style coffee machine.

If I need to resort to instant, which is very rarely, it will be something like Moccona Indulgence, which is ok.

My preferences are like most Lavazza, Grinders and I really quite enjoy Vittoria.

Have a Coffee machine, several plungers and a stove top percolator for which ever coffee mood I'm in. The secret to getting a good coffee from a cafe, IMO, is to find a good barrista and become his/her mate. You will be hard pressed to get a crap coffee from him/her.


7th October 2009, 11:43 AM
The boss just bought a Kitchen Aid espresso machine for the office so my one or two coffees a day has turned into three or four... now I am starting to feel funny if I go 6 hours without caffeine - maybe I should try to limit myself so I don't become dependant.

Chappy is spot on - a decent barista is the best bet. I find that most newbie baristas tend to over-extract by not keeping an eye on what they are doing, thus leaving you with that overly bitter flavour. If I can't find somewhere with a decent barista I tend to order a ristretto :)

7th October 2009, 12:28 PM
Merlo is the winner locally - but we're missing out big time compared to Melb.
I've become very coffee snobbish now, and bought my own machine as i can't find ANY decent coffee shops on the coast.
I'm still perfecting my blend, but i'm so so close to what i want......

If visiting Melboune a MUST visit is CARLTON EXPRESSO Lygon St. Best brew outside of Europe.

Fishman Dan
7th October 2009, 12:43 PM
I wouldn't classify myself as a caffeine junky, but like Fishy I am definitely a coffee snob. I limit myself to 1 (great) coffee per day during the week and treat myself to 2 of a Saturday and Sunday at home from my Sunbeam Cafe style coffee machine.

If I need to resort to instant, which is very rarely, it will be something like Moccona Indulgence, which is ok.

My preferences are like most Lavazza, Grinders and I really quite enjoy Vittoria.

Have a Coffee machine, several plungers and a stove top percolator for which ever coffee mood I'm in. The secret to getting a good coffee from a cafe, IMO, is to find a good barrista and become his/her mate. You will be hard pressed to get a crap coffee from him/her.


My fave is Lavazza, Vittoria is perfectly good. Grinders isn't one of my faves, but I recognise that many cafes use (and Mokodor). Illy is another favourite. I try not to have too much of a run of one particular coffee type at home, I like to vary it a little.

Funnily enough (and since this thread is so old) I've had to go into negotiation at the Lobby Cafe in my building - a double-macchiato is my tonic. A double-strength flat white take-away is still too milkly, so I asked for a cup that was 3/4 full - which turns out to be a double-macch.

My fairly simple coffee machine at home is now 5.5 years old and still going strong!

7th October 2009, 12:47 PM
I wouldn't classify myself as a caffeine junky, but like Fishy I am definitely a coffee snob. I limit myself to 1 (great) coffee per day during the week and treat myself to 2 of a Saturday and Sunday at home from my Sunbeam Cafe style coffee machine.

I have this unit too I think Chappy, the twin thermo-block jobbie? We also have a grinder to do the beans fresh.

I have a coffee every morning before work but usually not on the weekends. The Mrs did a course and can make pretty patterns on the top so it's just like being at a cafe...except the coffee is generally much better. Perth is a bit of a wasteland for decent coffee out and about.

7th October 2009, 01:02 PM
Surprising how 1 post can revive a thread:o
I'm a long time coffee addict, started many moons ago with a percolator, then progressed to Turkish, plunger, stove top espresso pot, vac pot.
About 6 years ago bought a Rancilio Silvia espresso machine and a Rancilio Rocky grinder, both great machines and still going strong.
About 2 months ago started roasting my own beans, brilliant move, beans obviously fresher, a fraction of the price of roasted beans and the difference in taste has to be experienced to be believed.
I buy green beans 5 kilo's at a time from here http://www.coffeesnobs.com.au/ and roast about 500 grams per week.
My coffee day consists of 2 x long blacks in the AM, an espresso mid afternoon and cappuccino in the evening with the better half.:lol:

7th October 2009, 01:09 PM
Have to agree with you Pieface, the shots we pull at home are head and shoulders above what you can get in cafes etc, of course there is the odd exception.
Surprising how critical you become when you gain a little skill, not that the learning curve is that steep.:lol:
I have this unit too I think Chappy, the twin thermo-block jobbie? We also have a grinder to do the beans fresh.

I have a coffee every morning before work but usually not on the weekends. The Mrs did a course and can make pretty patterns on the top so it's just like being at a cafe...except the coffee is generally much better. Perth is a bit of a wasteland for decent coffee out and about.

7th October 2009, 01:12 PM
Pieface, I had a few great coffee's at the John St Cafe in Cottesloe when I was over there in November last year for my brothers wedding.

Most enjoyable

7th October 2009, 01:19 PM
I agree Jon. There are the exceptions (thanks for the tip chappy) but by and large coffee sold is terrible. We normally go home for our own coffee if we eat out rather than drink the swill the restaurant serves up at inflated prices :lol:

It's not that hard to make a perfectly good coffee on cheap home gear with a bit of practice. How they manage to stuff it up with expensive commercial equipment is beyond me -I'm sure it's related to care factor.

7th October 2009, 01:26 PM
Same here PieFace, after eating out we delay coffee until we arrive home, far superior and of course cheaper.:lol:
I agree Jon. There are the exceptions (thanks for the tip chappy) but by and large coffee sold is terrible. We normally go home for our own coffee if we eat out rather than drink the swill the restaurant serves up at inflated prices :lol:

It's not that hard to make a perfectly good coffee on cheap home gear with a bit of practice. How they manage to stuff it up with expensive commercial equipment is beyond me -I'm sure it's related to care factor.

7th October 2009, 01:41 PM
My preferences are like most Lavazza, Grinders and I really quite enjoy Vittoria.

Have a Coffee machine, several plungers and a stove top percolator for which ever coffee mood I'm in. The secret to getting a good coffee from a cafe, IMO, is to find a good barrista and become his/her mate. You will be hard pressed to get a crap coffee from him/her.

Chappy, I have great news for you. The coffee you like is over roasted shite from Italy that is often borderline rancid by the time it hits Australian shores. Lavazza and Vittoria are often pushing 12 months old by the time you are drinking it. Coffee should be drunk 5-14 days after it is roasted. It takes a few days to release all the excess CO2, then it basically starts a downward slide from there.

The good news is that fresh roasted coffee will blow your mind. Being a Victorian, you are absolutely spoilt for choice. Go and visit one of these shops and take some beans home with you:

St Ali, South Melbourne (http://www.stali.com.au/)
Brother Baba Budan, CBD (http://brotherbababudan.com.au/)

or the roaster (you can order online)

Seven Seeds (http://www.sevenseeds.com.au/category/seven-seeds-content/seven-seeds-content)

Small scale roasters will generally source their beans from single estate coffee growers, improving the quality and all estate coffees are ethical and generally organic (although rarely certified- that is a gimick- but don't get me started on that one!)

If you like milk based coffee I recommend going for a blend from the roaster. However, if you like black coffee, get into some single origin/single estate coffee. You will start to discover the amazing world of coffee. Like good wine, each different origin of coffee has very particular tastes and aromas.

For example, generally a Central American coffee will have very smooth, chocolate/nutty tones.
African coffees (Kenya/Ethiopia etc) will have a lot more earthy/cocoa/floral flavours coming through.

Merlo is the winner locally - but we're missing out big time compared to Melb.
I've become very coffee snobbish now, and bought my own machine as i can't find ANY decent coffee shops on the coast.
I'm still perfecting my blend, but i'm so so close to what i want......

If visiting Melboune a MUST visit is CARLTON EXPRESSO Lygon St. Best brew outside of Europe.
Lygon St is full of Italian style coffee. Over roasted beans mainly suited for flavourless short blacks (as per Italians preference- they mainly drink black coffee). However, in Australia, as we prefer milk based coffee, good local roasters will make their blends to suit well textured milk. Give it a shot. Order some beans from Seven Seeds link above and see what you think.

I have a coffee every morning before work but usually not on the weekends. The Mrs did a course and can make pretty patterns on the top so it's just like being at a cafe...except the coffee is generally much better. Perth is a bit of a wasteland for decent coffee out and about.
Most of the good coffee is in and around the CBD. The general standard is very bad. If you want some tips let me know. There are probably 5-10 excellent spots for coffee around Perth, just hard to find.

However, we are lucky to have one of the best roasters in Australia on our doorstep. Fiori coffee won equal first place in the Golden Bean roasting comp last year (out of 500 entries). They are awesome, and you will be hard pressed to find who care more about the quality of their coffee than Fiori. They are based in West Perth, moving soon to Osborne Park. I would strongly recommend trying them, especially if you can grind fresh at home.

I can grab you a 250g bag of beans for $8 if you want, grab it with your Z stars when I have them.

7th October 2009, 01:48 PM
I'll throw a general question out to all you coffee snobs

like golf I'm quite the caffeine newb and only started appreciating decent java in the last few years
what's the best and easiest way to make a decent coffee at work?

we have a mobile coffee truck come around to the building each morning while it is decent but not great.
I figure the money I invest into average coffee I could put to making something better in the office

we have a cheap espresso machine (sub $100) job but is a PTA to clean and pisses me off when other don't maintain it
but after other ideas as well
i.e. plunger etc

7th October 2009, 01:52 PM
Eldrick, the easiest options are Plunger or Percolator. And the results are great.

With plunger, DO NOT use water as soon as it comes off the boil. Anything over 92 degrees destroys the coffee. Either stop the water before it boils, or let it come off the boil for a few minutes before pouring it on the coffee. Use FILTERED water and buy some good quality, fresh beans and you will have a coffee 100 times better than the coffee cart for a fraction of the price.

7th October 2009, 01:53 PM
Cheers Adlo, I reckon what you don't know wont hurt you.

I will check out those shops you listed though, I'm not far from BBB.

7th October 2009, 01:57 PM
Cheers Adlo, I reckon what you don't know wont hurt you.

I will check out those shops you listed though, I'm not far from BBB.

Cool mate. They are very much the "modern" school of coffee. They will have a 2 man set up on the machine, one for shots and one for milk. They use double-ristretto as a base for their milk coffee's and texture milk the way it was meant to be done.

If you don't like it, go back to your Italian beans and forget I spoke. But BBB is how coffee is meant to be drunk.

7th October 2009, 01:58 PM
Lavazza and Vittoria are often pushing 12 months old by the time you are drinking it. Coffee should be drunk 5-14 days after it is roasted...

I can grab you a 250g bag of beans for $8 if you want, grab it with your Z stars when I have them.

So which coffee will it resemble by the time we see those Z-Stars Adlo? :razz:

Sounds good mate. I'll give it a bash if it's no hassle to pick some up at the appropriate time. Moving to Ossie Park will be grand if I like the coffee as I work out of there.

7th October 2009, 02:02 PM
So which coffee will it resemble by the time we see those Z-Stars Adlo? :razz:

Sounds good mate. I'll give it a bash if it's no hassle to pick some up at the appropriate time. Moving to Ossie Park will be grand if I like the coffee as I work out of there.

No probs, I am at Fiori once or twice a week. They are installing the new roaster at Os. Park at the moment, will be set up for business in a month or two.

Sounds like you like milk based coffee, they have an Espresso blend, Mocha blend or Organic blend. They are an increasing level of strength. You like coffee strong or Smooth?

Fishman Dan
7th October 2009, 02:09 PM
I'll throw a general question out to all you coffee snobs

like golf I'm quite the caffeine newb and only started appreciating decent java in the last few years
what's the best and easiest way to make a decent coffee at work?

we have a mobile coffee truck come around to the building each morning while it is decent but not great.
I figure the money I invest into average coffee I could put to making something better in the office

we have a cheap espresso machine (sub $100) job but is a PTA to clean and pisses me off when other don't maintain it
but after other ideas as well
i.e. plunger etc

A mug, a plastic filter, and a disposable paper that sits inside it. You put the coffee and the hot water in, gravity does the rest.

I have one that came in a Harris coffee promo pack years ago - makes great coffee every time, and you get the adjust the strength. Face it - for $7-8 you buy 250g of coffee that should last you a month - for the price of 3 coffee's from your nearest coffee shop.

It's well worth it. The last thing you want is some 15 year old mother of 3 ruining your morning because she can't make a decent coffee.

7th October 2009, 02:13 PM
I usually drink milk based but do have the odd espresso or long black if I'm in the mood. I think I prefer stronger flavour generally to stand up to the milk a bit.

Just pick whatever mate. I don't think my palate is that advanced.

7th October 2009, 02:14 PM
Too easy, will grab something for you.

7th October 2009, 02:30 PM
During a recent visit to Canberra, my son and his lovely wife introduced me to pod coffee made in a DeLonghi Nespresso Essenza unit (about $330). Made a note to myself to get one of these units....this thread has reminded me.

7th October 2009, 03:25 PM
Expresso coffee...dark chocolate and a rolly is the breakfast of champions. I detest instant coffee, milk chocolate and tailor made cigs.

7th October 2009, 04:19 PM
I like Milo.....fresh granules only, anything over 2 weeks and I'm vomiting brown.
Consequently I usually break into the Milo factory at night and hold my mouth open under the Milo tap Homer Simpson style then pour the hot milk in directly.

7th October 2009, 04:19 PM
Milo snob.

7th October 2009, 05:12 PM
I like Milo.....fresh granules only, anything over 2 weeks and I'm vomiting brown.
Consequently I usually break into the Milo factory at night and hold my mouth open under the Milo tap Homer Simpson style then pour the hot milk in directly.


7th October 2009, 05:46 PM
I've got an American friend trying to tell me how crap the coffee is here in Melbourne and he is walking 6 blocks to get to one of the 2 remaining Starbucks in the city.

He passes no less than a dozen decent coffee places and 1 really good one.

7th October 2009, 05:52 PM
Americans and their vomit coffee. I have one of the Sunbeam Expresso twin jobbies. Love it. We get DiBella beans up here. They are ok if you get the correct blends, still prefer the UGs special you have to buy from Uggies in west end.

There is a little place at Raby Bay that roasts their own, bit expensive but nice coffee.

7th October 2009, 05:53 PM
Surprising how 1 post can revive a thread:o
I'm a long time coffee addict, started many moons ago with a percolator, then progressed to Turkish, plunger, stove top espresso pot, vac pot.
About 6 years ago bought a Rancilio Silvia espresso machine and a Rancilio Rocky grinder, both great machines and still going strong.
About 2 months ago started roasting my own beans, brilliant move, beans obviously fresher, a fraction of the price of roasted beans and the difference in taste has to be experienced to be believed.
I buy green beans 5 kilo's at a time from here http://www.coffeesnobs.com.au/ and roast about 500 grams per week.
My coffee day consists of 2 x long blacks in the AM, an espresso mid afternoon and cappuccino in the evening with the better half.:lol:

I know I should look at the link, but how hard is it to roast your own beans?

7th October 2009, 06:23 PM
Hey adlo, i forgot you were a coffeesnob! how do you rate 5senses in Perth. I find they are usually pretty good. I will have to do a trip up to Fiori though to see how there's goes.

adlo - are you better off brewing your coffee at a cooler temp than hotter. my machine asks for brew temp - low,med,high.

I am stuck up on another bloody mine site sipping on blend 43 that has been sitting on the fly infested kitchen bench for weeks. I miss my coffee machine, though i over did it on sunday with 4 espressos and 3 latte by lunch time. i felt a little sick in the arvo. Generally using Grinders as it is cheap but enjoy 5senses.

7th October 2009, 06:32 PM
... I miss my coffee machine, though i over did it on sunday with 4 espressos and 3 latte by lunch time. i felt a little sick in the arvo.

I did the same when we got our machine. I think I had about 8-9 coffees while we were mucking around with the grind settings and then drank bourbon all afternoon. Did not feel good at all with the warring stimulant/depressant thing happening :smt078

7th October 2009, 06:49 PM
Eldrick, the easiest options are Plunger or Percolator. And the results are great.

With plunger, DO NOT use water as soon as it comes off the boil. Anything over 92 degrees destroys the coffee. Either stop the water before it boils, or let it come off the boil for a few minutes before pouring it on the coffee. Use FILTERED water and buy some good quality, fresh beans and you will have a coffee 100 times better than the coffee cart for a fraction of the price.

we have a ZIP hot water system here that has cold filtered and hot water
that i'm pretty sure the hot water is filtered also

i have a coffee emporium in the local shopping centre i'll try a few of their beans and see what i like
but from what you mentioned it is best to get the roasted beans as fresh as you can?

A mug, a plastic filter, and a disposable paper that sits inside it. You put the coffee and the hot water in, gravity does the rest.

I have one that came in a Harris coffee promo pack years ago - makes great coffee every time, and you get the adjust the strength. Face it - for $7-8 you buy 250g of coffee that should last you a month - for the price of 3 coffee's from your nearest coffee shop.

It's well worth it. The last thing you want is some 15 year old mother of 3 ruining your morning because she can't make a decent coffee.

i'll pick up a cheap plunger and give it run for a while to see if its worth the hassle or if i need to upgrade
the worse thing about the coffee truck is that she doesn't get here until 10am
the good thing is that a few of the cute girls from upstairs get coffee from there also

thanks guys

7th October 2009, 07:10 PM
Not rocket science Petey, in fact pretty basic, if you are interested can go into more detail in a pm, don't want to bore the others sh*tless.
Green beans are about $10.00 per kilo so substantial saving.:smt038
I know I should look at the link, but how hard is it to roast your own beans?

7th October 2009, 07:16 PM
I used a single cup plunger at work for years Eldrick, not as good as espresso but way better than instant, of course the brew is only as good as the coffee you use, stale/cheap coffee = rubbish brew.
No one else used it, so you use it you clean it no problem.:lol:
I'll throw a general question out to all you coffee snobs

like golf I'm quite the caffeine newb and only started appreciating decent java in the last few years
what's the best and easiest way to make a decent coffee at work?

we have a mobile coffee truck come around to the building each morning while it is decent but not great.
I figure the money I invest into average coffee I could put to making something better in the office

we have a cheap espresso machine (sub $100) job but is a PTA to clean and pisses me off when other don't maintain it
but after other ideas as well
i.e. plunger etc

7th October 2009, 07:17 PM
I will never drink a coffee again - ever.

Oh crap :roll:

no wonder I have insomnia again.

7th October 2009, 07:17 PM
During a recent visit to Canberra, my son and his lovely wife introduced me to pod coffee made in a DeLonghi Nespresso Essenza unit (about $330). Made a note to myself to get one of these units....this thread has reminded me.
I've got a Nespresso, Raz. Well worth it for my family.

7th October 2009, 07:18 PM
I did the same when we got our machine. I think I had about 8-9 coffees while we were mucking around with the grind settings and then drank bourbon all afternoon. Did not feel good at all with the warring stimulant/depressant thing happening :smt078

yeah but i've had mine for nearly 3 years now.

7th October 2009, 09:25 PM
I know I should look at the link, but how hard is it to roast your own beans?
Only for the hardcore.

If you find a decent roaster, let them do the hard work for you.

we have a ZIP hot water system here that has cold filtered and hot water
that i'm pretty sure the hot water is filtered also

i have a coffee emporium in the local shopping centre i'll try a few of their beans and see what i like
but from what you mentioned it is best to get the roasted beans as fresh as you can?

Yep, freshness is the key. Local roaster is the best. Where are you located?

simmsy, 5senses are good, but not great. They used to be a lot better than they are these days, I won't bore you with the details. I can grab you some Fiori if you want mate.

If Fiori is a 5/5 star coffee roaster, 5senses would get 2/5.

7th October 2009, 09:35 PM
No hard work attached to it Adlo, if you can count to 5 you can roast coffee, have you tried it?:wink:
Only for the hardcore.

If you find a decent roaster, let them do the hard work for you.

Yep, freshness is the key. Local roaster is the best. Where are you located?

simmsy, 5senses are good, but not great. They used to be a lot better than they are these days, I won't bore you with the details. I can grab you some Fiori if you want mate.

If Fiori is a 5/5 star coffee roaster, 5senses would get 2/5.

7th October 2009, 09:51 PM
No hard work attached to it Adlo, if you can count to 5 you can roast coffee, have you tried it?:wink:

I know the roasting process is not that hard. But I do not want to buy the equipment or invest the time.

No I have not done it and I never will. My roaster gets the best beans from around the world. They build relationships with award winning coffee estates and get coffee that tastes better than anything I could ever roast for myself.

And I know what day they roast it, so effectively there is no need for me to ever roast.

7th October 2009, 10:01 PM
Its easier to buy coffee thats roasted already, like international roast, great stuff.
Cant stand what they sell in coffee shops, i think people just go there cos they are snobs andlike to play with the cream on top.

7th October 2009, 10:12 PM
The trailer park supervisor called Blakey, apparently you are out past curfew.

7th October 2009, 10:13 PM
A grogen consists of a male or female gargling a various liquid and then their partners testicles are dipped into the liquid. This will create a spa like environment for the testicles to rest in.
A painful grogen is when the giver of the grogen chokes on the liquid and closes their mouth quickly, potentially harming the receiver.
This works great with coffee.

7th October 2009, 10:14 PM
I know nothing about coffee but I can back up what Adlo had to save about Lavazza ect.

We store a lot of that coffee for a looooong time before it gets sold. Like years.

Maybe I'd actually like coffee if I drank some of this fresh stuff...

7th October 2009, 10:17 PM
A grogen consists of a male or female gargling a various liquid and then their partners testicles are dipped into the liquid. This will create a spa like environment for the testicles to rest in.
A painful grogen is when the giver of the grogen chokes on the liquid and closes their mouth quickly, potentially harming the receiver.
This works great with coffee.
Strangest. Post. Ever.

I know nothing about coffee but I can back up what Adlo had to save about Lavazza ect.

We store a lot of that coffee for a looooong time before it gets sold. Like years.

Maybe I'd actually like coffee if I drank some of this fresh stuff...
When we have the shop open come in and we'll sort you out. I guarantee you will like.

7th October 2009, 10:22 PM
Adlo,I'm located in Sydney.live in the west and work around sth/wst
But I'm a lazy guy if I can't find It close to work or home I won't bother
Closet coffee snob area near me I can think of would be around the five dock concord area

7th October 2009, 10:27 PM
Adlo,I'm located in Sydney.live in the west and work around sth/wst
But I'm a lazy guy if I can't find It close to work or home I won't bother
Closet coffee snob area near me I can think of would be around the five dock concord area

I'll ask my roaster, he used to live in Sydney. Might know something.

7th October 2009, 10:31 PM
A grogen consists of a male or female gargling a various liquid and then their partners testicles are dipped into the liquid. This will create a spa like environment for the testicles to rest in.
A painful grogen is when the giver of the grogen chokes on the liquid and closes their mouth quickly, potentially harming the receiver.
This works great with coffee.

I'll have to take your word for it.
The wife said no.(and called me a sicko)

7th October 2009, 11:46 PM
I love real coffee. Instant coffee tastes like petrol.

8th October 2009, 12:37 AM
simmsy, 5senses are good, but not great. They used to be a lot better than they are these days, I won't bore you with the details. I can grab you some Fiori if you want mate.

If Fiori is a 5/5 star coffee roaster, 5senses would get 2/5.

Hook me up bruvva!

would like something strong but works well with milk, if such an animal exists.

250gram, let me know the damage.

8th October 2009, 12:47 AM
$8. Bargain. There is such an animal.

Johnny Canuck
8th October 2009, 10:21 AM
Aldo, pick me up a bag of the Fiori the next time you are there. My plunger will be going back to work.

8th October 2009, 10:51 AM
Caffe Bianchi at Leichhardt Market Place is my roaster of choice. Yes, I'm a bit of a coffee snob and so is the wife. I avoid instant where possible. We've found their quality to be really consistent and their prices are reasonable... And heck, they're located in Leichhardt so they must know what they're doing!

Try their Etrusco - but buy it in beans, don't buy it pre-ground. Fresh is best!

You can get a good quality Sunbeam die-grinder for about $100-200 if you're keen on good coffee but aren't ready to shell out the cash for an espresso machine.

8th October 2009, 12:14 PM
Interesting and enlightening opinions expressed in this thread.:roll:

8th October 2009, 12:31 PM
Just days away from placing my order for a Rancilio Silvia. Can't wait. It will be partnered with a Sunbeam grinder until I can get funds approved for the Rocky.

One step at a time. Ulitmately I would love to pick up an HX machine.

8th October 2009, 12:44 PM
Silvia is an excellent choice Senecio, built to last, simple to operate, easy to maintain and best of all produces excellent espresso.
Bit of a learning curve involved but no big deal, I've had one for six years so have it pretty well worked out, if you run into any teething problems I may be able to help.
The main things to keep in mind is buy fresh good quality Arabica beans, get the grind and tamp right, use a 14 gram basket and aim to produce approx 30ml of espresso in approx 25 to 30 seconds.


Just days away from placing my order for a Rancilio Silvia. Can't wait. It will be partnered with a Sunbeam grinder until I can get funds approved for the Rocky.

One step at a time. Ulitmately I would love to pick up an HX machine.

8th October 2009, 12:50 PM
Aldo - Rightio, if you're dealer has the good gear grab me 250grm of what ever you consider the mickey mouse stuff and i'll send you the cash.

With or without milk doesn't faze me - prefer a mac if any milk is to be added.

Cheers mate

8th October 2009, 02:56 PM
Aldo, pick me up a bag of the Fiori the next time you are there. My plunger will be going back to work.
Can do. Do you drink coffee black as a moonless night or with milk?

Aldo - Rightio, if you're dealer has the good gear grab me 250grm of what ever you consider the mickey mouse stuff and i'll send you the cash.

With or without milk doesn't faze me - prefer a mac if any milk is to be added.

Cheers mate

PM sent Kpac

8th October 2009, 03:17 PM
Just went over to BBB Adlo, and scoped out some of their home beans (Seven Seeds to be exact). gonna get some and enjoy a brew or 2.

8th October 2009, 03:19 PM
Just went over to BBB Adlo, and scoped out some of their home beans (Seven Seeds to be exact). gonna get some and enjoy a brew or 2.

Cool. Did you have a coffee there?

Johnny Canuck
8th October 2009, 03:28 PM
As much as I like my coffee like Special Agent Dale Cooper, I normally have it with milk.

Our office coffee snob says that Fiori is good, but Illy and Epic are the best. Opinion?

8th October 2009, 03:43 PM
As much as I like my coffee like Special Agent Dale Cooper, I normally have it with milk.

Our office coffee snob says that Fiori is good, but Illy and Epic are the best. Opinion?
He is misguided. Poor fella.

Epic use Five senses coffee, which is locally roasted, but they are very hit and miss. They have tried to expand from a Perth only company into an Australia wide coffee supplier and as a result their standard has dropped in a BIG way.

Epic are coffee snobs of the highest order. I kinda know the owner, and I will tread lightly, because an ozgolfer by the name of Mayhem knows him well, but he is so far up his own arse it is not funny. They are very serious about their coffee, but it is often more attitude than substance. For example, when Epic did not make the STM Foods Top 5 coffees in Perth all hell broke loose! They were writing threatening and very rude things all over the web about it.

If your friend likes Five senses tell them to go to Spring Espresso in Subiaco. They are much more consistent, and much nicer guys. Much less attitude. However, my brother is pretty chummy with the guys at Spring, and they admit Five Senses have lost the plot. However, they are committed to use Five senses coffee as they have a $36000 Synesso machine as part of the contract! What they are doing instead is buying in "special" coffees from other roasters like Seven Seeds (Vic) and Fiori and offerring customers a choice between the two.

Illy is a classic Italian Roast, and a good one at that. Again, it is often stale by the time it reaches our shores. However, when I was in Italy I really enjoyed it. Tasted it when I got home and it paled in comparison. Like I mentioned on the previous page, Italian coffees are roasted to suit the Italian market, and some people love the taste. It is generally pretty bland and balanced to suit short black drinkers. A lot of people who like something like Illy will try Fiori coffee and say it is too flavoursome. Because they source and roast beans to display their characteristics.

It is like someone saying they love red wine, then drinking $10 Cab-merlot or $10 red blends and if you give them something much nicer, richer and bolder.... they don't like it or say it all tastes the same.

Those are my thoughts!

Bruce Dickinson
8th October 2009, 03:48 PM
can a coffee have hints of pencil shavings?

8th October 2009, 03:49 PM
can a coffee have hints of pencil shavings?


Anything is possible Bruce.

Johnny Canuck
8th October 2009, 03:50 PM
Have forwarded that on to him. He suits the general term snob, so I will be interested to hear what he has to say.

8th October 2009, 03:53 PM
Have forwarded that on to him. He suits the general term snob, so I will be interested to hear what he has to say.

Let me know, snobs don't like being told they are wrong.

8th October 2009, 04:30 PM
Silvia is an excellent choice Senecio, built to last, simple to operate, easy to maintain and best of all produces excellent espresso.
Bit of a learning curve involved but no big deal, I've had one for six years so have it pretty well worked out, if you run into any teething problems I may be able to help.
The main things to keep in mind is buy fresh good quality Arabica beans, get the grind and tamp right, use a 14 gram basket and aim to produce approx 30ml of espresso in approx 25 to 30 seconds.



Thanks Jon, I might just take you up on the offer of help.

Off to http://www.coffeeparts.com/ to place my order. Just received a text from the good wife. Old faithfull has sprung another leak and she is demanding it be replaced. Just the tick of approval I needed.

Ok, on the order list is

- 2008 Silvia - Can't justify $150 more the new model and don't want the 3 hole steam tip.
- Cleaning kit - Group head brush, Cafetto cleaning powder, Blind filter basket
- Decent Tamper.

Have I missed anything?

Johnny Canuck
8th October 2009, 04:54 PM

I have just been informed that our coffee snob is enjoying typing his response...

8th October 2009, 04:56 PM
Ha! Awesome.

Johnny Canuck
8th October 2009, 05:04 PM
From Zac:

Let me start by saying that someone quoting me the STM guide to coffee should not be treated as a coffee aficionado, lover or even fan!!! I have decided to erase that comment from my memory and then I can actually take the e-mail below seriously.

Firstly I was under the impression Fiori’s slogan was “hit and miss”!!! Let’s through some examples out there: 1) Coode Street Café- can be good but inconsistent, 2) Cantina (Mt Lawley) – In consistent, 3) Coffee Merchant (Mt Lawley when they used to use Fiori)- was actually good, 4) Imp Café- Rubbish, 5)Blue Duck- Occasionally decent, anyway I think my point has been made. I would be happy to make a special visit to a recommended Fiori outlet to give the coffee another chance.

Now lets talk about Epic, I do actually tend to agree with your acquaintance that Epic can be hit and miss but when they get it right it is quite a decent coffee especially for a 5 senses (for the record I am very anti 5 Senses) I do think they do get it right a lot more than they get it horribly wrong. I do also agree the owner is a definite wanker and there is an air of arrogance around the premises. Let’s get some background information, I am a true dedicated illy drinker (yes 7 days a week, usually twice a day) and have been for some time. Occasionally, maybe every second week I head over to epic for a slight change (don’t string me up for that).

Now let’s talk illy, without doubt it is the most consistent coffee going around. illy is a smooth and very distinctive blend and unlike most other coffee companies out there they only have the one blend (apart from decafe which we don’t need to talk about), the reason why they have the one blend is because they have perfected it. I have sampled illy coffee throughout the world and agree Italy is special but Australia is very comparable especially the east coast (my love of illy drew me to the illy factory in Trieste this year, quite an experience). I must say though that the east coast produces great illy cafes as does the 2 outlets (that I’m aware of) that sell it hear. (café café in Subiaco and café café in the city, The city is definitely the superior of the two, the barista is very good and is amazingly consistent.

I guess everyone will always have their own views on such important thing as coffee, wine etc. It is good to see another take such an interest in his coffee, I’m sure his palette is still developing though and in the coming years with a little luck he may graduate to the greatness of illy.

8th October 2009, 05:37 PM
I think your snobby friend stuggles to read.

Firstly, the STM quote was given to show how full of crap Epic are. I in no way agree with their list.

Secondly, we are talking about roasters, not individual cafes. I agree that the cafes listed are very hit and miss. The only cafe that did Fiori justice was Tiger, Tiger when Jackson was the full-time barista.

A barista can massacre even the best coffee.

Illy obviously suits your taste. Congratulations. All I am saying is that there is much better coffee on offer. Fresher and tastier. Illy's blend, as with most Italian roasters, is full of cheap Brazilian beans that come from massive plantations (rather than single estate growers) and will contain a good percentge of Robusta beans to maintain some crema even when the coffee is stale. Enjoy.....

8th October 2009, 05:37 PM
Price on Illy?

Bruce Dickinson
8th October 2009, 07:41 PM
Adlo's mate sounds like a bloke who know's his pencil shavings

9th October 2009, 01:36 AM
I think your snobby friend stuggles to read.

Firstly, the STM quote was given to show how full of crap Epic are. I in no way agree with their list.

Secondly, we are talking about roasters, not individual cafes. I agree that the cafes listed are very hit and miss. The only cafe that did Fiori justice was Tiger, Tiger when Jackson was the full-time barista.

A barista can massacre even the best coffee.

Illy obviously suits your taste. Congratulations. All I am saying is that there is much better coffee on offer. Fresher and tastier. Illy's blend, as with most Italian roasters, is full of cheap Brazilian beans that come from massive plantations (rather than single estate growers) and will contain a good percentge of Robusta beans to maintain some crema even when the coffee is stale. Enjoy.....

JC, pass this onto your mate for me:

9th October 2009, 01:47 AM
Not declaring enough knowledge to make me a snob, but I must say that the coffee at Café Café in Subi is one of my faves. Also don't mind a but of Boucle action up the top of Rockeby Rd.

9th October 2009, 01:49 AM
Not declaring enough knowledge to make me a snob, but I must say that the coffee at Café Café in Subi is one of my faves. Also don't mind a but of Boucle action up the top of Rockeby Rd.

Cafe Cafe is not bad. Boucla is OK. They use Fiori, but barista is pretty inconsistent.

Try Spring, corner of Rockeby and Bagot Rd if you are out that way.

9th October 2009, 02:03 AM
I work at West Perth, so if you don't mind, perhaps we can meet at Fiori some time and you can help me choose my next bean purchase. I have a semi auto espresso machine at home and love a strong flat white style every morning.

9th October 2009, 02:12 AM
No probs, need to head there tomorrow. PM your mobile number. If no good, will be there again next week sometime.

9th October 2009, 02:16 AM
Looking after the kids tomorrow and away next week...playing Brookwater.

Back Tuesday week.

Heading to Spring Saturday morning though! Looking forward to it.

9th October 2009, 02:22 AM
Cool mate, whenever suits, happy to help.

11th October 2009, 09:16 AM
I know the roasting process is not that hard. But I do not want to buy the equipment or invest the time.

No I have not done it and I never will. My roaster gets the best beans from around the world. They build relationships with award winning coffee estates and get coffee that tastes better than anything I could ever roast for myself.

And I know what day they roast it, so effectively there is no need for me to ever roast.
It's a good man who knows his limitations Adlo, My bean roasting efforts are equal to or surpass anything available from a commercial roaster, and of course I know to the minute when they were roasted.
Unless you've had an espresso pulled from beans roasted within the previous hour you're missing one of life's great coffee experiences.
And of course my supplier also source their green beans from around the world (where else would you get them) they are the originators of the Faircrack Initiative, don't know about award winning, but their pretty darned good.

11th October 2009, 11:23 AM
Wow my coffee snob o meter just went into overdrive.

11th October 2009, 12:03 PM
Wow my coffee snob o meter just went into overdrive.
Yeah I know, just can't help it, I am a member of Coffee Snobs.

11th October 2009, 12:27 PM
And of course my supplier also source their green beans from around the world (where else would you get them) they are the originators of the Faircrack Initiative, don't know about award winning, but their pretty darned good.

I love comments like this. Dude, you can't read.

I have tasted coffee just after it had been roasted. IMO it is too gassy. Tastes much better once it has settled down.

We could go on, but I will agree to disagree.

11th October 2009, 12:32 PM
adlo, PM me your bank details - i want some of this stuff.
I had segafredo this morning and really liked it, so if your stuff is better i can't wait!

11th October 2009, 12:35 PM
It leaves Segafredo for dead.

Funny story about Segafredo..... if you are in Italy you will notice it will taste different wherever you get it. Local cafes "sign up" with Segafredo to get a free coffee machine/signage/umbrella/cups etc but because the coffee is generally pretty crap they will buy 50% of their coffee from Segafredo (to keep their end of the contract) and the other 50% from a local roaster in their town and just blend them together to try and make the coffee taste better. True story.

11th October 2009, 12:43 PM
I plan on visiting this place in 2 weeks when we stay up at Tambourine for the weekend.


I'd like to try some of their locally grown and processed organic beans. They've had a pretty good write-up on the CS forum.

11th October 2009, 12:46 PM
Nice, would be keen to hear how it goes.

11th October 2009, 12:50 PM
I love comments like this. Dude, you can't read.

I have tasted coffee just after it had been roasted. IMO it is too gassy. Tastes much better once it has settled down.

We could go on, but I will agree to disagree.
Why not go on?
You think it's gassy! I think it's great, but that's ok, we're all different, I don't roast a new batch until the last has all but run out, I pull my first shot as soon as the beans have cooled down, and continue pulling a few shots a day until all used, still fine at the end of a week but my preference is certainly for the first couple of days after roasting, fresher the better for me.
What's your preference for type and origin?
Wont bother about correcting the typo's you know what I meant.:lol:

11th October 2009, 12:53 PM
Current faves at the moment are Sumatran, Ethiopian Dima/Harrar blend. Some new PNG coffee has landed and is tasting quite promising too. Also can't go past Kenyan.

Find Central and South American a bit better in a blend rather than on their own.

I prefer unwashed coffee FWIW.

11th October 2009, 12:54 PM
I plan on visiting this place in 2 weeks when we stay up at Tambourine for the weekend.


I'd like to try some of their locally grown and processed organic beans. They've had a pretty good write-up on the CS forum.
The write up is a lot better than the coffee Senecio, did the coffee tour up that way a couple of years back, sadly Aussie grown beans are still very ordinary.:cry:

11th October 2009, 01:10 PM
Current faves at the moment are Sumatran, Ethiopian Dima/Harrar blend. Some new PNG coffee has landed and is tasting quite promising too. Also can't go past Kenyan.

Find Central and South American a bit better in a blend rather than on their own.

I prefer unwashed coffee FWIW.
Ethiopian Yirgacheffe one of my favorites as is Nicaraguan Maragogype.
New Guinea Peaberry is pretty good, and recently had some Indian Tiger Mountain that was outstanding.
I'm a big fan of the South American single origins but find the Kenyan beans a little light on for my taste, suspect that's why I like South American.
Not big into blends, prefer single origin, though must admit have been playing with the idea of getting a some Robusta beans and blending a few to try as as a bit of a change.

11th October 2009, 01:16 PM

11th October 2009, 05:42 PM
Ethiopian Yirgacheffe one of my favorites as is Nicaraguan Maragogype.
New Guinea Peaberry is pretty good, and recently had some Indian Tiger Mountain that was outstanding.
I'm a big fan of the South American single origins but find the Kenyan beans a little light on for my taste, suspect that's why I like South American.
Not big into blends, prefer single origin, though must admit have been playing with the idea of getting a some Robusta beans and blending a few to try as as a bit of a change.

Not a Robusta fan.

You will find Sth American higher acid, suits espresso machine perfectly.

African is much more earthy, better for plunger. I agree re: blends, only drink single origin at home, but with plunger. Kenyan is far from light weight in plunger. Big dark cocoa and earthy flavours.

However, so dependant on what estate it comes from. Even with Yirgacheffe, which is regarded by many as the worlds finest, there is a huge difference in the quality/taste from estate to estate.

11th October 2009, 06:15 PM
Is Nescafe Blend 43 really killing me?

11th October 2009, 06:36 PM
Not a Robusta fan.

You will find Sth American higher acid, suits espresso machine perfectly.

African is much more earthy, better for plunger. I agree re: blends, only drink single origin at home, but with plunger. Kenyan is far from light weight in plunger. Big dark cocoa and earthy flavours.

However, so dependant on what estate it comes from. Even with Yirgacheffe, which is regarded by many as the worlds finest, there is a huge difference in the quality/taste from estate to estate.
Yep I agree, that's why I have a preference for South American.
Thought I would experiment with Robusta, the claim is it gives the crema a boost and adds an "Italian" character, the beans are pretty cheap @ $8 kilo so nothing to lose.
Fair enough with the Kenyan, I don't use a plunger so cant comment.
Re the Yirg, don't know about worlds finest but it is very good, it can certainly vary, like any commercial crop, not only different estates but variation in growing season has quite an influence as well.
Speaking of claims to being worlds finest, tried Hawaiian Kona while over there last year and Jamaican Blue mountain in the US, both enormously expensive and both left me completely under whelmed, way over rated.

11th October 2009, 06:40 PM
Is Nescafe Blend 43 really killing me?
Nope ya drink what you like.:lol:

11th October 2009, 06:44 PM
Didn't say anything about like.....but that's what's in the cupboard every morning when I open the door. :(

Hey do you coffee pros have milk with it or is it like adding coke to Johnnie Walker Blue....a big no no?

11th October 2009, 06:53 PM
Hey do you coffee pros have milk with it or is it like adding coke to Johnnie Walker Blue....a big no no?

Different schools of thought here.

I drink coffee black through plunger. Great for tasting the nuances of the single origin coffee.

If I am drinking espresso based coffee, a bit of sugar (very small amount) or some milk helps release the true nature of the coffee. My perfect coffee is a double ristretto with a dash of milk (a macchiato in some definitons).

11th October 2009, 07:00 PM
What about cream.....as per our Yankky friends?

11th October 2009, 07:07 PM
Not really mate. When in the US, I quite enjoyed an iced brewed coffee with half-half (milk-cream), but only a dash.

11th October 2009, 07:11 PM
I have full cream in my coffee every morning:oops:.....just a drop, that's pretty much all it needs. Kind of addicted to it actually :oops: ....the missus gets a right bollocking if she doesn't come home with a small carton of cream with the weekly shopping.

11th October 2009, 07:18 PM
Didn't say anything about like.....but that's what's in the cupboard every morning when I open the door. :(

Hey do you coffee pros have milk with it or is it like adding coke to Johnnie Walker Blue....a big no no?
Don't claim to be a pro Golfnut, just an enthusiastic amateur.
I have long black (shot of espresso in 250ml cup topped up with hot water) in the am, straight espresso in the afternoon (25/30 ml shot, and Cappuccino (steamed milk added) in the evening watching tv.
So the answer is, add milk if you like it, no harm done.
As a matter of interest this is a pic of my Espresso shrine.

11th October 2009, 07:21 PM
Didn't work Jon

11th October 2009, 07:37 PM
Didn't work Jon
Hmmmm, lets try again.
http://www.ozgolf.net/forums/%3Ca%20href=%22http://s307.photobucket.com/albums/nn297/santalum/?action=view&current=DSC_7285.jpg%22%20target=%22_blank%22%3E%3 Cimg%20src=%22http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn297/santalum/DSC_7285.jpg%22%20border=%220%22%20alt=%22Espresso %20shrine%22%3E%3C/a%3E

11th October 2009, 07:42 PM
Nope...not vorking sir....you are copying and pasting the img link from photobucket aren't you?

11th October 2009, 07:45 PM
Nope...not vorking sir....you are copying and pasting the img link from photobucket aren't you?
Yep, is that a problem?

11th October 2009, 07:46 PM
No...should work :?

11th October 2009, 07:50 PM
I'll ask my roaster, he used to live in Sydney. Might know something.

Does he also make pills?

11th October 2009, 07:53 PM
It's a good man who knows his limitations Adlo, My bean roasting efforts are equal to or surpass anything available from a commercial roaster, and of course I know to the minute when they were roasted.
Unless you've had an espresso pulled from beans roasted within the previous hour you're missing one of life's great coffee experiences.
And of course my supplier also source their green beans from around the world (where else would you get them) they are the originators of the Faircrack Initiative, don't know about award winning, but their pretty darned good.

Everyone to jon's for coffee!!!

11th October 2009, 07:56 PM
Wow my coffee snob o meter just went into overdrive.
I'm surprised it wasn't broken long before this.

I love comments like this. Dude, you can't read.

I have tasted coffee just after it had been roasted. IMO it is too gassy. Tastes much better once it has settled down.

We could go on, but I will agree to disagree.
You just lost your last skerrick of credibility.

11th October 2009, 07:56 PM
No...should work :?
Ok, worked that time, should have given the machine a bit of a clean before I took the pic, milk stains not a good look :oops: it does get used a lot.

Moe Norman
11th October 2009, 08:06 PM
I have 1 a day during the week, probably less.

I don't mind instant stuff, but usually drink Illy because they are in the lobby of our building and we have an account.

It took me a while to appreciate that it is actually tastier, but now I'm a believer. Far from a coffee snob though

11th October 2009, 08:15 PM
I have 1 a day during the week, probably less.

I don't mind instant stuff, but usually drink Illy because they are in the lobby of our building and we have an account.

It took me a while to appreciate that it is actually tastier, but now I'm a believer. Far from a coffee snob though
I ain't a snob, just enjoy good coffee and like to talk about it.:lol:

11th October 2009, 08:17 PM
I don't mind admitting that I am a snob, but I don't care.

1 more sleep until miss Silvia arrives..... I hope

11th October 2009, 08:20 PM
I don't mind admitting that I am a snob, but I don't care.

1 more sleep until miss Silvia arrives..... I hope
Great stuff, working tomorrow or taking the day off to welcome her?:lol:

11th October 2009, 08:22 PM
Great stuff, working tomorrow or taking the day off to welcome her?:lol:

Working, but I can feel a sore throat coming around midday tomorrow.

11th October 2009, 08:28 PM
Working, but I can feel a sore throat coming around midday tomorrow.
Bugger, lot of that going around now.

12th October 2009, 03:29 AM
You just lost your last skerrick of credibility.


12th October 2009, 09:24 AM
Fair shake of the sauce bottle, but you did use the term "Dude". My fingers are shuddering just from typing it.

12th October 2009, 12:20 PM
I think that, given the context, it was warranted.

12th October 2009, 01:29 PM
Current faves at the moment are Sumatran, Ethiopian Dima/Harrar blend. Some new PNG coffee has landed and is tasting quite promising too. Also can't go past Kenyan.

Find Central and South American a bit better in a blend rather than on their own.

I prefer unwashed coffee FWIW.
Unwashed eh, same as yer woman.:smt064

16th October 2009, 06:33 PM
OK, lets talk coffee.

Pieface- I will hace some coffee for you next weekend. I think you want whole beans... correct?

Johnny Canuck- do you want the coffee ground for a plunger at work?

Simmsy- whole beans or ground coffee?

Kpac- yet to hear since I PM'd you, let me know when you ready to try coffee.


16th October 2009, 06:53 PM
Whole beans please Adlo. I can grind as I go.


27th October 2009, 10:07 PM
OK, simmsy and Pieface have been hooked up.

Kpac- still interested?

JC- will get some coffee for you, will wait until I know I am due to catch up with you.

5th November 2009, 05:56 PM
3,604 cups of coffee in Sydney.:shock:

5th November 2009, 10:09 PM
Nice one Raz.

Reminds me of a cafe in Perth (inside the WA Art Gallery, so makes sense)


5th November 2009, 11:39 PM
That's brilliant Razz.....always amazed at people that have the time & patience to do this sort of stuff.

6th November 2009, 03:14 AM
Pieface & simmsy, how did you end up with the Fiori?

Johnny Canuck
6th November 2009, 04:08 AM
OK, lets talk coffee.

Pieface- I will hace some coffee for you next weekend. I think you want whole beans... correct?

Johnny Canuck- do you want the coffee ground for a plunger at work?

Simmsy- whole beans or ground coffee?

Kpac- yet to hear since I PM'd you, let me know when you ready to try coffee.



6th November 2009, 04:26 AM

I can give you some on the weekend if you want. It is not completely new & fresh, but I have too much for myself at the moment.

So, if you are happy with a "tester" bag (Central American mix- very smooth), I will bring it on Saturday.

6th November 2009, 05:50 AM
Time for a nice, refreshing cup of Nescafe instant

6th November 2009, 06:55 AM
Be a man Jarro! Go the international roast!

6th November 2009, 06:59 AM
Been there done that.

I prefer a more 'chewy' kind of heartstarter thankyou ;)

6th November 2009, 08:09 AM
Enjoying a Nespresso Arpeggio, hmmmm.8)

6th November 2009, 08:13 AM
I just had a cup of non-offensive, non-oppressive, non-Unilever, fair trade hippy coffee my missus makes me drink.

It tastes like happiness and prosperity.

6th November 2009, 09:08 AM
I didn't know that dirt was happiness and prosperity.

6th November 2009, 02:24 PM
Don't let the hippies hear you say that.

Johnny Canuck
6th November 2009, 02:38 PM
Do it, Do it!

6th November 2009, 02:49 PM
Has Amanti got a mention here? A local cafe has the best coffee I have come across and it is Amanti brand. A good Barista helps I am sure, but the flavour just seems so much richer than the normal fare you strike elsewhere.

6th November 2009, 02:51 PM
I just had a cup of non-offensive, non-oppressive, non-Unilever, fair trade hippy coffee my missus makes me drink.

It tastes like happiness and prosperity.
Did it smell like patchouli? Was it organic? Did it come from the arse of a civet? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kopi_Luwak)

6th November 2009, 03:02 PM
Hey adho, i think you should serve that stuff in your orange mocha frappacino bar.

7th November 2009, 10:12 AM
Americans and their vomit coffee. I have one of the Sunbeam Expresso twin jobbies. Love it. We get DiBella beans up here. They are ok if you get the correct blends, still prefer the UGs special you have to buy from Uggies in west end.

There is a little place at Raby Bay that roasts their own, bit expensive but nice coffee.

CCs Cafe?

7th November 2009, 10:25 AM
Pete's comments about American vomit coffee is spot on. The old man would make his percolated coffee on Monday adding water during the week as needed. I can remember having a taste (later in the week), yuk!

7th November 2009, 02:23 PM
Secret Coffee I think it is called DaveS. Near the Nepalese and the Teppanyaki. Used to do a great breakfast but last time i was a bit dissapointed.

7th November 2009, 02:32 PM
Secret Coffee I think it is called DaveS. Near the Nepalese and the Teppanyaki. Used to do a great breakfast but last time i was a bit dissapointed.

OK, know the place. Have not been there for a while.

8th November 2009, 06:13 PM
Really happy now, just got my Jura back from repairs, beats the hell out of grinding beans and using the stove top!

19th November 2009, 06:53 PM
A nice espresso extraction by yours truly.

Note the "tiger striping"


19th November 2009, 07:15 PM
A little less attention to your coffee and a bit more attention to focus wouldn't be a bad thing. ;-)

19th November 2009, 07:16 PM
Sorry, mobile phone cameras suck indoors.

19th November 2009, 07:16 PM
P.S. I have a coffee tree in the scrub that is my back yard. I have no idea how it got there, but one day just turned red with beans! :?

19th November 2009, 07:17 PM
Start chewing!!

19th November 2009, 07:19 PM
Just caught this thread again. Fiori went well, i enjoyed it.

The Mrs thought it was too fruity. She's big on Italian beans. I'll have to check her brand tonight.

19th November 2009, 07:21 PM
Man, Fiori is very low on fruit compared to "new school" roasters.... 5 Senses etc.

Want something more balanced?

19th November 2009, 07:22 PM
Man, Fiori is very low on fruit compared to "new school" roasters.... 5 Senses etc.

Want something more balanced?

Why not. Tuesday?

19th November 2009, 07:23 PM
Done, will grab some for the Canadian too. Might lure him up there if he is still struggling to make his mind up aboot it.

19th November 2009, 07:36 PM
When you coming up mate? I'll pop over with you.

19th November 2009, 07:38 PM
Um.... I think I need to go tomorrow for my own-coffee-good.

19th November 2009, 07:50 PM
Don't work Friday....Ahhh well.

Bruce Dickinson
19th November 2009, 07:57 PM
A nice espresso extraction by yours truly.

Note the "tiger striping"


did you varnish the table with it as well?

19th November 2009, 10:44 PM
Don't work Friday....Ahhh well.
Can do early next week then. Monday would be best.

did you varnish the table with it as well?

No, but I did add pencil shavings for effect.

Bruce Dickinson
19th November 2009, 11:12 PM
Can do early next week then. Monday would be best.

No, but I did add pencil shavings for effect.
good man, going for the hint of staedtler HB

19th November 2009, 11:14 PM
Monday should be good. Got Paul Smith dropping in in arvo.

19th November 2009, 11:22 PM
good man, going for the hint of staedtler HB
I like the strong shit, 6B pencil for me.

Monday should be good. Got Paul Smith dropping in in arvo.

No probs, PM me your mobile number.

24th November 2009, 11:19 AM
I don't drink a lot of coffee, but if these joints start opening around here I will have to change that ;) http://www.q13fox.com/news/kcpq-092209-morethancoffee,0,3127344.story

24th November 2009, 03:18 PM
I don't drink a lot of coffee, but if these joints start opening around here I will have to change that ;) http://www.q13fox.com/news/kcpq-092209-morethancoffee,0,3127344.story

Even that wouldn't get me to drink coffee :shock:

25th November 2009, 12:55 AM
Oh baby!!!

Met Adlo @ Fiori today to pick up some of the good shit.

Went straight back to work and vacuumed out the crap in the coffee machine and replaced it with what I now call "Love Beans".

Whipped me up a beauty and have discovered my new found love.

Thanks for helping me out mate. Pure gold!

25th November 2009, 02:25 AM
Ah, another convert.



Glad you liked it. There is no going back.....

6th January 2010, 10:39 PM
The new toy........

Mazzer Rober-E.

Electronic doserless grinder. The first in Perth. Bad boy. So awesome- ultra fast grind, no stuffing around with paddle and zero wastage.

I wish Jon was here so he could tell me how much he didn't like it.

6th January 2010, 11:07 PM
Lol. How much longer do I hbe to wait before you invite me to the grand opening?

6th January 2010, 11:08 PM
Too hard to tell atm, everything is picking up speed again as people return from holidays this week.

Feb sometime (hopefully)

7th January 2010, 12:06 AM
well, remember you fwends from ozgolf when you open up we want anything that's free.

7th January 2010, 12:08 AM
I'll tell you what's free. Conversation.

Call 92403400.

7th January 2010, 12:54 AM
well, remember you fwends from ozgolf when you open up we want anything that's free.

I'll say....I'm with you old man!!!

I'll tell you what's free. Conversation.

Call 92403400.

On second thoughts.....not such a fan of coffee all of a sudden :lol:

7th January 2010, 01:07 AM
The new toy........

Mazzer Rober-E.

Electronic doserless grinder. The first in Perth. Bad boy. So awesome- ultra fast grind, no stuffing around with paddle and zero wastage.

I wish Jon was here so he could tell me how much he didn't like it.

So does that mean it is going into Tour Fit for a new shaft or are you road testing it stock to start with?

7th January 2010, 09:50 AM
The new toy........

Mazzer Rober-E.

That is one sick puppy Adlo. My Rancllio/Rocky combo will pale in comparison (when I finally have the funds to purchase) but we all have to start somewhere.

7th January 2010, 01:33 PM
It is a beast Shavey. Built like a tank. Surprisingly quiet too.

7th January 2010, 01:35 PM
Does the Blend 43 come out the spout at the bottom?

7th January 2010, 01:38 PM
Freeze dried and everything!

7th January 2010, 02:31 PM
Ahh, 1996. Good times.

I don't need no booze or drugs
I just chug-a-lug-o my coffee mug
And I don't need your kiss and hug
I just chug-a-lug-o my coffee mug


Captain Nemo
7th January 2010, 03:25 PM
Just upgraded the old KRUPPS to this little beauty!
Outstanding quality.

7th January 2010, 03:29 PM
Think of all the Riva you could buy for the amount you spent on that! You would be a shoe in for the comp.

Captain Nemo
7th January 2010, 03:33 PM
Paid $2,250 fully calibrated and with a thermostat upgrade.
She's a real beauty!

7th January 2010, 03:35 PM
Just upgraded the old KRUPPS to this little beauty!
Outstanding quality.

Makes my cheap little $12 2 cup plunger that I bought a couple of weeks ago for the office at work look like the runt that it is. :lol:

7th January 2010, 06:10 PM
I'll tell you what's free. Conversation.

Call 92403400.

Hardly fair...a conversation with me ALWAYS comes at a cost.

A headache, for example...Brain implosion, information overload, perhaps.

Does that mean I WON'T get an invite to the Grand Opening??

7th January 2010, 06:15 PM
TF on a dozen cups of your strongest Adlo. You could rent him out to strip paint off walls!

8th January 2010, 05:10 AM
Hardly fair...a conversation with me ALWAYS comes at a cost.

A headache, for example...Brain implosion, information overload, perhaps.

Does that mean I WON'T get an invite to the Grand Opening??

I don't think I can invite the Ozgolf crew to the grand opening.

1) All the giant fweaks and round pygmys won't fit in the shop.
2) After 2 coffees every golfer will be walking down the street sorting out a better deal/group buy from another cafe (led by TourFit and MegaWatty no doubt. Simmsy will pretend not to be interested but at the same time order some coffee over the internet and have it shipped to JC's office).

TF on a dozen cups of your strongest Adlo. You could rent him out to strip paint off walls!


So true.....

8th January 2010, 10:57 AM
Hardly fair...a conversation with me ALWAYS comes at a cost.

A headache, for example...Brain implosion, information overload, perhaps.......

Don't I know it :mrgreen::mrgreen:....was worth the headache though TF.

8th January 2010, 01:18 PM
Don't I know it :mrgreen::mrgreen:....was worth the headache though TF.

That's because you have such a low tolerance for information :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

18th January 2010, 08:38 PM
Are any OzGolfers looking for 250g of Fiori beans?

Picked some up for Bergsey, but it appears he doesn't need them. Normal price, $8. Will post if someone else wants to try them.

Here is their new roaster in action. Fully manual, made in 1962. They are not into the modern, automated style of roasters. They are artisan roasters.


Johnny Canuck
18th January 2010, 11:23 PM

I don't think I can invite the Ozgolf crew to the grand opening.

1) All the giant fweaks and round pygmys won't fit in the shop.
2) After 2 coffees every golfer will be walking down the street sorting out a better deal/group buy from another cafe (led by TourFit and MegaWatty no doubt. Simmsy will pretend not to be interested but at the same time order some coffee over the internet and have it shipped to JC's office).


So true.....

I like!

23rd January 2010, 12:34 AM
Happy days!

My espresso machine is back from repair, and in less than a week! Loaded it up with the Fiori that Adlo dropped off a couple of weeks ago, so it should be primed and ready for some good coffee tomorrow morning.

I used to fire one up in a disposable cup every morning until it broke down.

Ads, I might. Have to buy some cups off you if that's cool?

BTW, a shout out to VCM for getting my machine repaired in 3 days. Well done!

23rd January 2010, 12:45 AM
We have some spare take away cups (I'd say 50 or so) we will never use. They are yours if you want them.

23rd January 2010, 12:48 AM
High five!!!! Fifty days of coffee in the car on the way to work. I still have sone, but they are the MEGA huge ones. Prefer the regular these days. I'm guessing my lids will fit. Fingers crossed.

23rd January 2010, 01:14 AM
Yeah, I'd say so.

Ever thought of a re-usable take away style cup (http://www.keepcup.com.au/)?

I should grab cups Monday.

23rd January 2010, 01:24 AM
They always taste like crap after going in the dishwasher. I'm not good at taking it in each day to wash it. It sits in my car with the dregs going off every day....blah blah blah blah blah. So the single use cup is for me.

23rd January 2010, 01:25 AM
No probs!

23rd January 2010, 08:22 AM
Yeah, I'd say so.

Ever thought of a re-usable take away style cup (http://www.keepcup.com.au/)?

I should grab cups Monday.

That's hillarious!!! cant believe these got a mention here - our office-resident greeny/tree-hugger has decked everyone in our office out with one of these :lol:
The boy in the coffee shop down stairs didn't know what was going on, but they've figured it out now.....

23rd January 2010, 10:28 AM
Paid $2,250 fully calibrated and with a thermostat upgrade.
She's a real beauty!
:shock: Faaark me, must really love your coffee.:smt107

24th October 2012, 02:03 PM
my evolution as a cawfee drinker is complete
now drinking short blacks most of the time at work

now i just need to find some good roasters near me so i can step up into the coffee snob elite

pity Adlo doesn't frequent anymore.wouldn't mind some of his special reverse posted over

24th October 2012, 09:27 PM
I still lurk Eldrick justv rarely post. Shoot me a PM. Always happy to assist.

24th October 2012, 10:27 PM
Congrats on the mention in QANTAS in flight mag.

24th October 2012, 10:31 PM
cheers Ad's i'll shoot something off tomorrow

24th October 2012, 10:43 PM
Cheers Just.No probs Eldrick.

24th October 2012, 11:16 PM
Adlo, are you still using Fiori out there or will you be switching to Pound? Looking forward to trying some of their offerings, not sure if their up and running yet though.

I've been trying some of the Karvan offerings from the Leaf Bean Machine mob down here in Bibra lake and have been very impressed with a couple of their blends. Their single estate Ipanema is also excellent. Great people to deal with too.

25th October 2012, 01:06 AM
Still use Fiori 'nut for many, many reasons. The Brazil Ipanema Bossa Nova is absolutely delicious. If you are doing it justice it should taste like roasted peanuts.Most of the smaller roasters do not roast to the right levels in my opinion. OK to play with, but not to do what we do every day.

25th October 2012, 01:20 AM
Can Fiore do a blend that tastes just like International Roast?

Captain Nemo
25th October 2012, 08:40 AM
:shock: Faaark me, must really love your coffee.:smt107

Coming up to 2 years on this beauty and hasnt missed a beat.