View Full Version : Help in reshafting Titleist 907 D1

27th April 2009, 09:28 AM
Hi Everyone,

Just bought a new shaft to replace an old one in Titleist 907 D1. Took the club and the new shaft to a club fitter and he said that he could not do it and would have to send it to Titleist in Melbourne to do it for me. The reason given was that the 907 D1 is a bore-through type and it needs to be heated to melt the epoxy to pull the shaft out. Therefore the heat would be too strong and burst the gas seal on the club head. He also pointed that the gas seal is a little black on on the sole of the 907. I know that every driver needs to be heated to for the epoxy to melt to pull out the old shaft (you could drill out the old shaft if you don't want the old shaft any more)

Does anyone know if applying the heat to the club head would break the gas seal? Or the fitter is trying to over charge me by sending it to Titleist? I notice that most drivers have this gas seal and they all have to be heated to pull out the old shaft.

And do you guys have any recommendation on where I should get the 907 reshafted. I'm in Sydney.

Any thoughts?

Thanks guys!


27th April 2009, 09:34 AM
Pity you're not in cairns.

They are pretty easy to do if you know what you're doing. Have been doing a few bore throughs lately.

27th April 2009, 10:06 AM
Send a PM to virge666, he's in Sydney.

BTW, there's no "gas seal" the hole pointed out by your "club fitter" is used to put hot melt or rat glue into the head, the small black thingy is just a piece of plastic to cover the hole.

27th April 2009, 12:55 PM
Thanks guys! Will ask Virge666 about it.


27th April 2009, 02:19 PM
Virge is da man :-)

27th April 2009, 03:30 PM
Thanks lads - yeah - it is a piece of piss.

Got your PM - we can sort it out ASAP.