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  1. Quest to Break 80 - McLeod Cup

    Probably not the ideal place to try and break 80, but I need to do this where ever I am playing.

    Went to the range after work today. Concentrated on some of the Gerry Hogan stuff (God tell time) and my own 'soft arms' theory. Was hitting em better than when I played the Wynnum Cup. So I am looking forward to the weekend.

    Spent a fair amount of time hitting just the 7 iron, to different targets and from different lies. Seems to be working nicely.
  2. Quest to break 80 - Round 1

    March 26 - Redland Bay vs PAR. Fine breezy weather. 6:24 Tee off.

    Played ion a threesome, with 2 single markers I had never played with before. Both were great to play with and I had a really enjoyable round.

    Result - 0 points, '91' off the stick (a few holes not putted out).

    Remembering that GIR are important, to take dead Aim, make sure I have a solid base with legs torqued, and keep tension out of arms.

    10 - Drive solidly ...

    Updated 28th March 2011 at 11:36 AM by PeteyD

  3. Quest to break 80

    After posting the break 80 link and receiving some good advice, I am going to cronicle my quest to break 80. My best round to date has been 80 at Wynnum. I am overcoming some injuries, bone on bone in the right hip and various damaged joints.

    At this stage, I can not do the 3 hours a week thing. So I have to do it another way. Suggestions always welcome.

    Advice from Vegas - look to hit more GIR. If you have no putts for birdie it is hard to break 80. This seems ...
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